spore evolution

Chapter 216

Chapter 216

The lumberyard built by the builders was not far away, near where the bulk of the logging had first begun.

When Chen Tianhao walked over, the construction workers were still doing finishing work.

The shape of the lumberyard is similar to other buildings, a simple wooden structure, surrounded by wooden boards on three sides, leaving one side vacant, with some thatch on top.

In addition to being larger, the lumberyard seems to be simpler than the wooden house. At least the wooden house needs to make doors and partitions inside.

But when Chen Tianhao walked into the lumber camp and saw all kinds of tools inside, he no longer had the idea that the lumber camp was a simple building.

There are all kinds of tools inside. It may be because the logging camp is only a first-level reason. The tools inside are basically made of wood.

These tools look very delicate. If they are considered as works of art, Chen Tianhao feels that they can definitely be called a batch of exquisitely crafted wooden works of art.

However, if it is used as a logging tool, Chen Tianhao is very skeptical, can this really improve logging efficiency?

You must know that the bone axes used in the tribe are made from the bones of bone lizards, and their hardness and strength are already extraordinary, comparable to ordinary stone tools and even bronze tools that have just been baked.

But when he picked up a wooden ax casually, he changed his mind, and the information of the ax appeared in front of his eyes instantly.

Name: wooden ax

Explanation: Made of tempered wood, its hardness is about three times that of ordinary iron, and it is extremely sharp.

Effect: Logging effect +10%.

The message is simple, but the information revealed is not.

It is actually several times harder than ordinary iron. In his previous life, Chen Tianhao knew that the hardest wood in the world is iron birch, which is twice as hard as iron. He did not expect this tempered wood to be much stronger than iron birch.

The raw material of this wooden ax is actually so strong. I don't know where the toughened wood is obtained. How is such hard wood processed?

However, the appearance of this wooden ax here shows that the construction workers have a way to deal with it. If this kind of wood is used to make various buildings, it may be much better.

"Where did this material come from?"

Chen Tianhao caught a staff member who was finishing the work. He knew this as one of the construction workers who used points to learn construction skills at that time.

The staff member who was stopped glanced at the wooden axe, pointed to the pile of wood that hadn't been cleaned up, and replied, "Patriarch, these are."

"I mean, where did this tree come from?"

The staff member pointed to the forest outside and said, "There are a lot of them outside, and they were carried over there."

He turned his head and glanced at the pointed location, but did not find much difference in the trees. Some lumberjacks were still cutting trees there.

Chen Tianhao has been in the tribe for some time, but he still doesn't know enough about the various resources around him.

Although various resource information can be marked on the holographic map, it is only a general resource.

For example, the entire forest will display wood on the map, and it will not be specific to each tree species, or even the various animals and plants in the forest.

And the mountain only shows copper mines or coal mines, information like this, most of this information will be displayed only through Chen Tianhao's own detection, if he did not detect these resources himself, it would not be displayed.

But even so, it helped him a lot.

In the later information age, these materials are difficult to obtain data, let alone this primitive age.

Put down the wooden ax and look at other tools again, and found that most of the tools are made of tempered wood, and each tool has various bonus effects.

Chen Tianhao also took a look at the tools that the construction workers obtained through point learning. They were obviously some common tools, but in their hands they turned into sharp weapons that cut iron like mud.

The tempered wood, which is harder than iron, is like an ordinary piece of wood, which is continuously shaped in their hands and becomes the shape they need.

Leaving the lumberyard built by the construction workers, Chen Tianhao came to the lumberyard he had exchanged for points.

From the outside, the lumberyard exchanged for the points is not much different from the ordinary lumberyard, both of which have a very simple structure.

Like ordinary lumberyards, the lumberyard where points are redeemed is also filled with all kinds of logging tools.

I checked the tools in the lumberyard. The materials between the two are made of tempered wood, but the difference is that the bonus effect of the tools exchanged for points is much better than ordinary tools.

Ordinary wooden axes, the bonus effect is 10%, but the integral tool has reached 20%, which is twice that of ordinary wooden axes.

Not only that, the lumberyard converted from the points has the same effect as many buildings, warm in winter and cool in summer, not only that, but if the workers work next to the lumberyard, the logging efficiency will be improved again, and the effect of warm in winter and cool in summer will also be passed on to People with scoring tools.

The lumberyard exchanged for points is like owning a building with a halo.

Chen Tianhao himself also has a passive skill with a halo effect that increases the strength of his clansmen at a certain distance.

The same is true for this logging camp, but it is a bit special, and it will only be effective for those who have logging tools.

After testing it, the halo distance of the lumberyard has actually reached a position of one kilometer around. As long as it is in this position, the logging efficiency of the lumberjack will be greatly improved.

Although Chen Tianhao had subconsciously placed the logging camps separately when he exchanged them for the logging camps, it was far from reaching the limit, which was a bit of a waste of halo effect.

However, there is an advantage to the buildings exchanged by points. Chen Tianhao only needs to spend a small amount of points to place the buildings in other locations, which saves him a lot of worry.

Otherwise, the buildings like the research center and the tribal center are now tightly attached to each other. Although they all have their own space function, it is absolutely impossible to have such a small place in the future. If there is no such function, they can only be cruel. tear it down.

After watching the logging camp, Chen Tianhao went to look at the livestock farm.

Livestock farms are basically similar to logging farms, and both have bonus effects. The effect of ordinary livestock farms is worse, and the effect of point-based livestock farms is better.

Lumberjack works on loggers, while Livestock Farm works on animals raised in captivity.

Various tools and feeds allow captive animals to grow faster, and the chances of getting sick are much smaller.

The livestock farm also has a halo effect. Before Chen Tianhao put three livestock farms together, it was very wasteful.

It took 200 points to place the livestock farm in another location, so that the halo of the livestock farm can be used to the maximum.

(End of this chapter)

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