spore evolution

Chapter 278 Brothers

Chapter 278 Brothers

What the hell?

Where is there any dryad here?
The elf below looked confused, looking left and right, trying to find out what the dryad was talking about.

And the mages following Chen Tianhao also looked confused, didn't we follow to conquer each other, why did we suddenly become looking for someone?

Facing the thousands of elves below, the magicians have never been afraid at all. Their position is like a target, and they will kill as many as they come.

The others were confused, but the second brother was not confused at all, the tree demon Chen Tianhao was talking about was himself.

Apart from his third brother Shanlei Beast, only his eldest brother Chen Tianhao knew the name of the Dryad. After Chen Tianhao opened his mouth, the Dryad immediately locked onto Chen Tianhao's body.

The Thunder Beast was full of excitement, and held the tree demon's hand: "Second Brother, it's really Big Brother, I've already tasted a familiar smell from him."

"Well, it's really big brother, I smelled it too." The tree demon nodded firmly.

"Is that above Brother Tianhao?" The tree demon stood up and shouted into the sky.

"I found the dryad and the lightning beast."

A system notification sounded, and Chen Tianhao's system interface also updated with new data, showing the information that the three younger brothers had been subdued, but he hadn't had time to look at it yet.

Because of the system update, the figure of the other party could not be detected at first, but now it is clearly visible, and Chen Tianhao locked the figure of the tree demon and the lightning beast at a glance.

"Haha, it's really you, second brother and third brother." Chen Tianhao was overjoyed and flew down from the sky.

The Lightning Beast still exists, which surprised him. He thought that the Lightning Beast had disappeared from this world.

As soon as Chen Tianhao moved, the mages behind him thought that he was going to attack the other party, and immediately followed, and magic began to condense in their hands, and red and blue energy flickered in the air.

Like a close-up sun, there are streaks of lightning mixed in the sun, and the aura is very frightening.

The elves below were restless for a while, picking up the bows and arrows in their hands one by one, pointing at Chen Tianhao and others in the sky, the arrows of some bows and arrows also emitted various lights, and they were ready to release the arrows in their hands with a big order. bow and arrow.

For a while, the atmosphere was tense.


The voices of the Dryad and Chen Tianhao sounded at the same time.

"The ones below are allies."

"The ones above are allies."

Fortunately, the tree demon and Chen Tianhao both have high prestige in their respective teams. After the two stopped drinking, both sides put down their guard and put down their weapons, but the people on both sides were very puzzled. Enemy?
When did you become an ally?

Chen Tianhao, Dryad, and Thunder Beast didn't care about them, Chen Tianhao flew down, and the three embraced and laughed.

"Second brother, third brother." Chen Tianhao squeezed his arms tightly, and was very happy to see the tree demon and the lightning beast again.

"Big brother."

The Dryad and the Lightning Beast shouted in unison.

The appearance of the three of them is already indistinguishable from before, but the recognition from the heart and the depths of the soul of the three is indelible.

Chen Tianhao pulled the Titan Python who followed from the side, and introduced to the two tree demons: "Second Brother, Third Brother, this is my new younger brother, called Big Python, and its body is a Titan Python."

"This is the Dryad, ranked second, you can call it the second brother, the body is..." Chen Tianhao introduced the Dryad to Titan Python.

The dryad immediately connected: "The main body is the world tree, Nuo, the tree behind us is my main body."

"Wow, second brother, your body is too big." The titan python stared at the tree demon dumbfounded.

Titan Python now confirmed that the creature that threatened him was the tree demon in front of him, that is, his second brother. Fortunately, when the two sides recognized each other, that feeling disappeared.

Chen Tianhao also looked at the World Tree behind him in surprise. Only after flying down could he feel the size of the World Tree: "How tall is your body?"

"Now it is 1356 meters, and the tree diameter is 200 meters."

"Tall, really tall." Chen Tianhao admired, "This is Thunder Beast, ranked third, your name is Third Brother, and the body is Thunder Beast."

"Hello, third brother."

"Hello, fourth brother."

The four brothers have made a preliminary acquaintance, the main thing is that the Titan Python got to know the Dryad and the Thunder Beast.

"Brother, long time no see, please come inside, let's get together." The tree demon led the way.

What was originally thought to be a big war dissipated like this.

The four of them came under the tree and surrounded a table made of tree stumps, on which were prepared various fruits.

"Brother, it's been a long time. I thought I'd never see you again. How long has it been?" The tree demon said with emotion.

"Second brother, it has been 6 years since eldest brother left." Flash Thunder Beast also sighed aside.

In 6 years, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the vicissitudes of life, this world has already changed countless masters.

Compared with the Dryad and the Thunder Beast, 6 years have passed, but in Chen Tianhao's world, it has only been three or four years.

Therefore, Chen Tianhao is quite familiar with the Dryad and the Lightning Beast, and the brothers he hasn't seen for three or four years made him sigh: "Third brother, how did you survive?"

Chen Tianhao still understands that the dryad can live for so long. It is unbelievable that the Thunder Beast can live for such a long time. According to the normal Thunder Beast, the lifespan is only three to forty years.

"I picked up a luminous stone, and with the help of that stone, I can live until now."

Speaking of this, the Lightning Beast is also full of embarrassment.

"Third Brother, I also picked up a glowing stone." The Titan Python took a bite of a red fruit, then put it down silently. The meat is still more delicious. Hearing the Lightning Beast talking about the glowing stone, he thought of himself He also picked up a stone once, and it was because of that stone that he became stronger.

After Chen Tianhao heard this, he naturally knew that this glowing stone was the first meteorite fragment.

There are various rewards contained in the meteorite fragments, and the Lightning Beast can survive until now because of the power of the meteorite fragments.

For other creatures, the meteorite fragments can only affect one person. This is also the lightning beast and the titan python. After obtaining the meteorite fragments, they can only survive alone, not a race.

If it was Chen Tianhao who got the meteorite fragments, that would be great. Rewards are basically beneficial to the entire race, starting from a single cell, and now it has evolved to the tribal age, and he only encountered it twice.

In fact, every time he came back here, he would pay special attention to the luminous stones. It was just luck, and the luminous stones he encountered occasionally were not fragments of meteorites.

The four brothers, under the World Tree, drank water, ate fruits, and talked about various interesting things.

Most of the time, it was Chen Tianhao who listened to the talk from the Dryad and the Thunder Beast, and told about their 6-year life.

(End of this chapter)

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