spore evolution

Chapter 29 Ending Ocean Life

Chapter 29 Ending Ocean Life

Chen Tianhao, who returned to the editing space, was panting heavily.

Fortunately, the other electric men successfully attracted the attention of those adult crocodiles, otherwise, according to the fighting power of those crocodiles, even if the group on their side was wiped out, they would not be able to kill those juvenile crocodiles.

When Chen Tianhao smashed the crocodile eggs, Chen Tianhao knew that the other electric men would be in danger under the crocodile's attack.All sacrifices are worthwhile on the road of evolution, Chen Tianhao mourned for a while in his heart for the few companions who sacrificed for the evolution of the race.

So let's see what you get by killing crocodile eggs?I don't know if it has the same effect as killing those crocodiles.

"Kill the crocodile eggs."

"A primary skin has been obtained."

"Acquired Primary Respiratory System (Lu)."

Primary skin: It can initially resist sunlight, and it will be seriously damaged if it is exposed to sunlight for a long time.

Primary respiratory system (land): The respiratory system of the first terrestrial organisms has low breathing efficiency and cannot perform strenuous exercise for a long time.

Seeing the spoils he got, Chen Tianhao finally took another deep breath.

Yes, these two systems are exactly what is most needed at the moment.The effect is not very good, but it can help one's own race to take a crucial step in the evolution of the land.

"Brother Tianhua, why didn't you get other DNA components?" Chen Tianhao remembered the water polo he met when he was hunted down by an adult crocodile, and wondered why he didn't get such information after killing the crocodile eggs.

"That's because what you killed were only crocodile eggs that were still being cultivated, so you only had the two most basic systems of crocodiles." Perhaps it was because such answers were not within the constraints of the system, Chen Tianhua didn't let Chen Tianhao search for them by himself, but It was a quick answer.

"So that's the case, so if you need to completely obtain the opponent's system, then you can only kill mature creatures?"

Chen Tianhua carefully explained: "It is indeed the case. Only by killing mature creatures can you have a chance to obtain systems or components that you don't have, and this is still a matter of probability, and it is not guaranteed to be obtained. In addition, if the creatures have not yet grown , the probability of obtaining related components is even lower. Speaking of this, I have to say that your luck this time is very good. The crocodile egg you killed this time is just about to be born, so you can get these two systems. If it's a freshly laid egg, there's no chance of delivering a complete system."

Chen Tianhao said in surprise: "No, then I really have to thank the system god for allowing me to obtain these two systems this time. If I don't get these two systems this time, then I have to continue to find ways to log in. Then I don’t know how long the evolutionary journey of my own race has been delayed.”

Thinking of the reasons for my failed landing this time, a large part of it is that I evolved limbs too early. My limbs that have not yet left the sea are not as fast as other creatures, which has slowed down the evolution of my race by a large part. .This time, I should consult Brother Tianhua carefully to see if there are any good suggestions. Don't mess around by yourself. If it is delayed, I don't know if I can continue to evolve.

"Brother Tianhua, now that I have installed these two systems, is it considered that I have successfully landed on land? Do you have any good suggestions?" Chen Tianhua is still some distance away from Chen Tianhao, and Chen Tianhao can only act coquettishly from a distance.

"Even if you have successfully logged in after assembly, as for any suggestions, I actually don't have any good suggestions. The evolution of all this still needs to be done by yourself." Perhaps because of the existence of the system, Chen Tianhua didn't give Chen Tianhao anything. Opinion.

Since he didn't get Chen Tianhua's suggestion, he could only do it himself.

Chen Tianhao opened the interface and started his own evolutionary path.

Although it is a primary skin system and primary respiratory system (Lu), the price is really expensive.But now Chen Tianhao is a local tyrant, although he didn't capture a lot of useful prey outside, long-term accumulation allowed Chen Tianhao to have enough evolutionary value.

Chen Tianhao first assembled the two systems on Electron's body. After assembly, it could be seen that Electron's smooth skin was covered by a thick layer of scales.

Seeing the electric man after assembling the primary skin, Chen Tianhao's first impression was that he was handsome!
I didn't expect that the appearance of the electric man is still possible!

Seeing that Chen Tianhao didn't move after assembling the primary skin system, he shouted: "Tianhao, what's the matter? Is there any problem? If you have any questions, tell them. As long as they don't violate the system rules, I can still answer them for you. "

"It's okay, I thought about how I should go in the future." Chen Tianhao waved his hand.

"If you have something to do, you must speak up. Now it's just the two of us who can communicate." Maybe it's been a long time since we communicated. Seeing that Chen Tianhao had nothing to do, Chen Tianhua babbled instead.

Without the help of others, what Chen Tianhao needs to consider is what kind of form he should have in order to have enough advantages in the subsequent evolution.

Now that Electroman has a breathing system for land use, the breathing system used in water will continue to be used. In this way, Electroman can breathe in the water and in the air. The dual-purpose is definitely better than only breathing in the air. , In the future, predation or something can be done even in the water.

Solved the breathing problem, then the next is the body problem.

Do you want to continue your original human form, or learn from other creatures and evolve into the appearance of walking on all fours?Which body shape is better?
The posture of all fours on the ground can have a larger body. In this case, it should have more powerful power when attacking.Like the human form, relatively speaking, the strength may be a little lower, but the agility will be better.

After struggling for a while, Chen Tianhao still chose the human form as the image of his race.

Then Chen Tianhao enlarged the electric man according to the proportion, hoping to strengthen the electric man's physical strength through this.

Before Chen Tianhao zoomed in too much, the system gave a warning.

"The current skeletal system cannot support a larger body size, please pay attention!"

"The race has changed a lot, please name the new race."

"Electric Scale Man."

Congratulations, you have finally set foot on the final ground. Your evolution time in the ocean has consumed a total of [-] million years.The evolution time of most animals is one billion years, your grades are not good, your grades this time are: good.

The main systems it owns are: advanced neural network system and intermediate muscle system.Having an advanced neural network system will give you greater help on your future evolutionary path, and an intermediate muscular system combined with a better skeletal system will give you more powerful strength.

Don't be too proud. There are already a large number of creatures at the forefront of evolution. In order not to fall behind the tide of evolution, you need to work harder.

Your evolutionary career has finally taken a solid step, and you are getting closer to your goal.Go, boy, life on the ground welcomes you.

After completing the first evolution of the biological stage, the editing space will be upgraded.

Please leave the editing space as soon as possible and wait for the system notification.

(End of this chapter)

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