spore evolution

Chapter 3 Unicorn Cells

Chapter 3 Unicorn Cells
"Consume 5 points of nutritional value to divide and reproduce."

Unicorn cells began to divide and multiply.

Chen Tianhao's consciousness was attached to one of the split and multiplied unicorn cells, starting a new round of evolution.

Chen Tianhao quietly felt his new body, apart from the addition of spikes and vegetative cell grooves, it seemed that his body had grown a bit.Slightly swaying the lower cilia, feeling the speed of movement, it seems that there is no increase compared with the unicorneal cells, but compared with the primitive cells that just started, it seems that there has been a slight increase.It should be the speed increase brought about by the strengthening of the body.

Chen Tianhao sensed the surrounding situation with his consciousness, hey, apart from a cell that looks the same as himself, there seems to be another type of cell.

According to the components on his body, that guy is obviously stronger than himself.There are actually two spikes and a cilium.

That guy didn't seem to notice the other cells around him, and was still slowly absorbing the surrounding organic debris.It is estimated that the guy's perception range is limited, he simply absorbs the food in front of him and has no desire to attack other cells.

Hey, DNA components seem to be obtained from other cells, so killing this cell should be able to obtain DNA components.With only one cilium, theoretically speaking, my own speed can keep up with that guy.Although there are two spikes, my brother came from a human, so as long as we bypass the two spikes and attack from behind, there should be no problem.

According to the direction he felt just now, Chen Tianhao swung the tiny cilia and slowly swam to the back of the single cell, in order to avoid the two spikes.

After swimming for a while, he finally made a detour behind that guy. Chen Tianhao adjusted his spikes, and immediately sped up to stab the cells. I don't know if that guy was too busy eating the organic debris around him and didn't bother to care about Chen Tianhao, or because His perception range was too low to feel Chen Tianhao's movements.

Chen Tianhao didn't care what the reason was for the opponent not noticing his actions, as long as he killed the opponent, it meant that there were DNA components and food.


When Chen Tianhao's spike pierced the "chrysanthemum" of that cell, that cell immediately gave up the organic fragments it was eating, and swung its cilia and swam frantically forward.In the case of "Chrysanthemum" being exploded, enduring the pain of "**", that cell burst out at a speed it had never had before.

How could Chen Tianhao just let go of the cooked duck and just fly like this, decisively, he also rushed to catch up.

People can go, DNA components stay.Oh no, the cells can go, and the DNA components stay.

"Consume a little nutritional value."

Chen Tianhao, who was chasing him, didn't seem to notice the prompt, but followed the fleeing cells in front, and quickly swung his cilia to continue chasing his prey ferociously.Although the swimming speed of that cell was very fast, after all, the two cells moved at the speed of only one cilium, so they didn't escape very far, and it was still within Chen Tianhao's perception range.

Under Chen Tianhao's perception, that cell was a tragedy. It thought it would be fine if it escaped like before, but who knew that it was immediately pierced by Chen Tianhao's spikes as soon as it stopped, and it had to continue to flee for its life.

"Consume a little nutritional value, and the remaining nutritional value is 0. Please absorb nutrients in time, otherwise the life value will be deducted."

This time Chen Tianhao heard the prompt, but that cell was about to die, it was impossible to just let that cell go.

"Consume 1 point of life, and the remaining life is 3 points. When the life value is 0, it is when the cell dies."

"Consume 1 point of life."

With the decline of health, Chen Tianhao felt that his moving speed was getting slower and slower, but fortunately, the cells that were hunted in front probably didn't have much nutritional value, and with Chen Tianhao's several collisions, the speed was also getting slower and slower.


The cell was poked by the spike, and finally it couldn't move forward to escape.

"Destroy one of the spiked cells."

Damn, it's a good thing he killed it, otherwise it would be a big loss.Chen Tianhao felt the state of his body, there was only 3 points of blood in total, it had been a while since the last reminder, if the spiky cells were not dead, he probably had to give up.

Seeing what good things that guy gave, Chen Tianhao cleaned his booty.

"Get a little nutritional value."

"Get a DNA component."


Chen Tianhao counted the loot, and got a total of 3 DNA components, with a nutritional value of 5 points.

Fortunately, it's not a loss, it really almost let him run away.Now I feel that speed is really important, it is not only good for escaping, but also good for hunting down prey.There is also nutritional value, and a certain amount of nutritional value must be maintained.Otherwise, the enemy didn't kill him, but ran away and killed himself, it would be a tragedy.

Having harvested the spoils of the spiked cells, Chen Tianhao started to go to other places, continuing to embark on his own evolutionary path.

After some chasing just now, Chen Tianhao discovered that the body of the current unicorn cell can bear more consciousness. If he only puts the outside of the consciousness in a small range, he can keep his eyesight all the time. That is equivalent to having a 360-degree eyes.

Using this method, Chen Tianhao is now able to effectively maintain his nutritional value and has greatly improved it.

In the dark deep sea water, each cell is desperately surviving and evolving. When two cells collide, it will be a life-and-death fight. The winning cell has successfully taken another small step on the road of evolution. step.

In the depths of the dark ocean, there are organic debris floating everywhere, cell debris that died after the competition of cells, and some green organic matter.

Because of the vegetarian cell mouth, basically all the food that can be encountered can be ingested, and there is no waste at all.

Adhering to "wasting is shameful", Chen Tianhao crazily restrained the food within the range of his perception.Feeling that because he has two kinds of cell grooves, he has reaped the nutritional value wantonly, Chen Tianhao smiled smugly.

When Chen Tianhao was frantically storing nutritional value, a behemoth appeared within Chen Tianhao's perception range, of course the behemoth refers to Chen Tianhao's body now.

As soon as he felt the huge monster, Chen Tianhao immediately turned around and left.

Chen Tianhao's actions didn't arouse the huge monster's attention, but just absorbed the cells, cell fragments and everything that could be absorbed according to its advancing direction.

Fortunately, Chen Tianhao has always kept his perception around him. If he had just started to evolve, he should have been wiped out immediately.But then again, at the beginning of evolution, it is estimated that there is no possibility of behemoths, and the cells have not been seen at that time, and it is estimated that they have just evolved.

Grass, almost scared to death.It's a good thing that guy didn't come after him, or else how many of us wouldn't be enough for him to get stuck between his teeth.Damn, are there cells in the ocean that have evolved into multicellular organisms?Looking at the big guy just now, it definitely doesn't look like a single cell. At least for a moment when he sensed the contact, he seemed to feel a few cells.

Damn, we must quickly find the path of evolution, or we really don't know how to die in the future.

But in other words, how can we evolve into multicellular animals?A multicellular animal has only one cell, so it is impossible to become a multicellular animal.Forget it, next time I go back to the editing space, I will ask Chen Tianhua to see if there is any way to evolve into a multicellular animal.

Chen Tianhao avoided those large cells, and specially attacked those weaker cells.However, it is not always so lucky to be able to hunt the prey. Although some cells only have one cilium, the speed of escape is indeed quite fast.After consuming a certain amount of nutritional value, it seemed a bit of a loss to continue chasing, so I didn't continue chasing.

However, the overall harvest is relatively good. During this period, Chen Tianhao has encountered large-scale cell populations more than once, but fortunately, because the current cells do not have vision, they were all escaped by Chen Tianhao in advance. up.

Hey, is this unicellular or multicellular?Why is it so huge?With six spikes and three cilia, how did it evolve so fast?

When Chen Tianhao was still lamenting how powerful this cell was, this huge cell seemed to sense the existence of Chen Tianhao, the one-cornered cell, and immediately swung its cilia frantically towards Chen Tianhao.

Chen Tianhao was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, I'm stupid, what's going on?The multicellular animals I have encountered before have not yet had such a strong perception ability. How can this huge cell have such a strong perception ability.

Under the acceleration of the three cilia and the powerful attack of the six spikes, Chen Tianhao, a unicorn, was stabbed to death by the opponent's spikes before he could swim far.

"The host cell dies."

"Look for other cells with the same mental imprint."

The dead Chen Tianhao was possessed by another unicorn cell.

Hey, didn't I just die on the spikes of that giant cell?Why did it go back to the unicorn again?

Oh, who cares, as long as he didn't really die, it was really scary just now, and he thought that his evolutionary journey would come to an end after such a long distance.

This time Chen Tianhao was not alone, it turned out that there were two unicorns around this unicorn.

Three unicorns?Could this be the evolutionary path of multicellularity?Multicellular animals are more than unicellular animals, is it reflected in more numbers?

It's just that single-cell aggregates in pure quantity don't seem to be multi-cellular animals, right?

Just as Chen Tianhao continued to think about how to evolve into multi-cells, the other two one-cornered cells reacted to escape and immediately dispersed to the surroundings.

Damn, is there another dangerous cell?

A cell no bigger than a unicorn came from another place, and immediately after touching a single cell, it spewed out a green liquid from its mouth.

The cell has a nozzle-like mouth from which the green liquid shoots out.The two cilia on the tail give it relatively fast movement.

After the cell was stained with the green liquid, it couldn't move very far.It was quickly overtaken by the cells and stabbed to death with the two spikes on its head.

"Seeing" this scene, Chen Tianhao's first reaction was poisonous?He also hurriedly ran away from the path of releasing the green liquid cells.

Fortunately, this cell does not have such a strong sense of perception as the previous cell, and it can only correspondingly paralyze the cell in the forward direction to hunt and kill.

This cell must have a new DNA component, and it seems impossible to hunt it down.However, the opponent's perception is relatively weak, and his own perception range is strong, which is an advantage.If you make good use of your perception and gather a few cells to attack together, perhaps this is not an impossible task, at least it has a better chance than the huge cell you encountered before.

How to find a few cells to kill it?Perhaps the unicorn cell that was together just now could help, Chen Tianhao tried to use his consciousness to call the unicorn cell that had not escaped far.

Under Chen Tianhao's call, the two cells that had already escaped readjusted their direction and gathered towards Chen Tianhao.

Chen Tianhao was pleasantly surprised to see the one-cornered cell that had already left and returned to his side. It seems that consciousness is really useful. Although other one-cornered cells don't have much consciousness, they can still come here according to their call, that is, I don't know if other commands will be executed.

Chen Tianhao continued to try to give the two unicorn cells one left and one right to surround the cell that can only release green liquid.

In Chen Tianhao's "watching", the two one-cornered cells really swam to the two sides of the green fluid cell.And Chen Tianhao swam to the back of the green liquid cell, ready to explode its "chrysanthemum" again.

After adjusting his position, Chen Tianhao revealed his intention to attack.

The unicorn cell on the left immediately went forward and stabbed it with a spike, and the green liquid cell under attack swam to the right inertially.However, the one-cornered cell on the right has long been waiting with sharp spikes, and the green liquid cell sprays out green liquid forward.Chen Tianhao behind him and the one-cornered cells on both sides were not affected, and continued to attack with sharp spikes.

Chen Tianhao, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately stabbed him fiercely from behind with a spike.The green liquid cells may not have a high health value. Under the attack of the two unicorn cells in front, more than half of their lives have been lost. After being attacked by Chen Tianhao from the rear, there is no chance to escape forward.

The green liquid cell struggled a few times. It lost most of its HP, and its speed also dropped rapidly. It didn't run very far, and it left its evolutionary path under the attack of three unicorn cells.

Get rid of a new cell, and decisively start to clean up the spoils on the battlefield.

"Kill a green liquid cell."

"Acquire new DNA components."

"Can carry out cell division and reproduction, whether to enter the editing space?"

Choose: Yes.

(End of this chapter)

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