spore evolution

Chapter 36 Mission Start

Chapter 36 Mission Start

Chen Tianhao felt his eyes light up, and immediately looked at the surrounding environment vigilantly. He was already frightened by the sudden crisis last time.

This time Chen Tianhao was not so unlucky, but was reborn normally on a river beach.Chen Tianhao carefully looked at the electric scales around him, and found that some electric scales were obviously bigger than others.

Taking a closer look, these electric scale men who are obviously a lot bigger are obviously wearing a piece of equipment.

Chen Tianhao looked at the familiar look, wasn't that the scale armor that he equipped his teammates when he entered the editing space?Why do they have it too?Could it be that it hasn't been long since I came back this time?Still in the original place?

After carefully checking the surrounding environment, Chen Tianhao can confirm that the place where he was reborn this time is the original place, or in other words, he has returned to the original place at all.

Chen Tianhao knew that when he entered the editing space before, there were only a small number of electric scale people left. Now the number of electric scale people has increased significantly. It seems that it is not that time has passed, at least the number of electric scale people A lot has been added.

Chen Tianhao felt very strange that the system didn't respond at all when he returned to reality.Check the system log.

"Congratulations on your racial achievement—evolved brain (Level 50), 50 points, total points: [-]."

"Congratulations on getting the racial achievement - get a passive skill (venom resistance), get 50 points, total points: 100."

"Congratulations on your personal achievement - assembling a piece of equipment, earning 10 points, total points: 110."

Chen Tianhao couldn't help but slap himself. In Ocean Age, he once turned off the system's notification sound, so only the system log can be viewed.

After reading the system log, Chen Tianhao finally realized that the achievements are divided into racial achievements and personal achievements, but the points given are a bit small.

But Chen Tianhao just complained, a brain (Level 1) only needs 000 points, and now he has already got 110 points just after he came out, and he suddenly feels full of confidence in getting the points.

Chen Tianhao, who was full of confidence and looking forward to the future, suddenly found a voice "boss" appeared in his mind.

Chen Tianhao thought he had heard it wrong, there were no other creatures nearby except the Electric Scale Man, and at this stage, he did not believe that other creatures had this ability.

Just when he thought he heard it wrong, several voices shouted "Boss" in his mind one after another.

The successive voices proved that it wasn't that Chen Tianhao misheard the voice, but that a voice really appeared in his mind.Suddenly Chen Tianhao remembered something, looked around in surprise, and was startled, he was surrounded by electric scale people densely.

It turned out that when Chen Tianhao was carefully looking at the system log, the electric scale people around felt a sense of intimacy for Chen Tianhao who suddenly appeared. The aura from Chen Tianhao told those electric scale people that this was the leader of his own race, and they all surrounded him.

Chen Tianhao happily looked at the electric scale people around him, could it be that they called me in my mind?He tried to use his mental power to respond to those voices: "Are you guys calling me?"

After speaking, Chen Tianhao looked at those electric scale people expectantly. You must know that although those electric scale people could understand part of his meaning, they never fed back any information to him.

The electric scale people around surrounded Chen Tianhao happily.

"Yes, chief."

"The leader is me."

A messy voice appeared in Chen Tianhao's mind, but Chen Tianhao still heard some information from the messy voice.He was finally convinced that the voice he heard in his mind was the voice of the electric scales. Although Chen Tianhao didn't know how these electric scales did it, it was obvious that he had exchanged a brain (level one) for such a thing to happen. ) after what happens.

So it can be seen that this must be the effect brought by the brain.

This brain (level one) is worth it. I don’t know if this ability is one of the task requirements in the biological stage, but for the electric scales, it is a big profit.With this ability, are you afraid that you won't get enough points?

Chen Tianhao discovered that during the period when he entered the editing space, although the general environment had not changed much, judging from the increasing number of various creatures around him, a large number of creatures had already entered the biological stage.Just now, Chen Tianhao spotted a big bird flying over the surface of the river to a high altitude in the distance.

The distance is too far away, and it can only be confirmed from a distance that the other party is a bird.

Chen Tianhao communicated with the electric scale men, and led those electric scale men in scale armor into the depths of the forest to hunt.

The electric scale men in scale armor are all old subordinates who followed Chen Tianhao before. There are now ten people in this group of old subordinates. In order to distinguish these subordinates, Chen Tianhao gave these ten people corresponding names.

However, for the sake of simplicity, Chen Tianhao directly gave the other party his surname, and then used the numbers one to ten as names for the other party, so that the names of the ten old subordinates were Chen Yi, Chen Er, Chen San... Chen Shi.By the way, let them change their title, let them call themselves the boss.

"Brothers, we went into the mountains to hunt." Chen Tianhao pointed to the depths of the forest, and said to Chen Yi and the others.

"Of order, boss." Chen Yi and the ten of them followed Chen Tianhao into the depths of the forest with high spirits.

Near the lair of giant crocodiles.

A group of Electric Scales is slowly approaching, Chen Tianhao immediately came to check his old opponent - the giant crocodile's lair, wanting to see if the opponent has made any major developments over the years, his intuition told him that if he wants to get Points, the lair of giant crocodiles is an essential part.

After many years of development, the path that the Electric Scale people had walked had been covered by various plants. Chen Tianhao didn't know if he could remember the original path.

Instead, let Chen Yi lead the team. For Chen Tianhao, it only took a while to enter the editing space and return to reality, but for Chen Yi and the others, a long time had passed.They are already very familiar with the place where they live.

Chen Tianhao felt very unfamiliar with the road led by Chen Yi, but as time passed, Chen Tianhao and his group finally arrived at the giant crocodile's lair again.

Chen Tianhao had just arrived next to the giant crocodile's lair, and found a reminder sound in his mind. It turned out that Chen Tianhao was afraid that he would miss some important information, so he turned on the voice reminder again.

Side tasks:

The mortal enemy of the Electric Scale Man - the Electric Scale Man had a hostile relationship with the giant crocodile when it landed. As the first batch of creatures to land on land, the giant crocodile has an incomparable advantage.During the evolutionary journey, the electric scale man and the giant crocodile often had conflicts, and in most cases, the giant crocodile won.Found a lair of giant crocodiles, please exterminate these giant crocodiles, and make an outstanding contribution to the race plan of the electric scale people.



Points: 1 points

There is a chance to get bones (advanced), muscles (advanced).

Coming to the lair of the giant crocodile, there is indeed a way to gain points, but when Chen Tianhao saw the conditions for completing the task, he had to curse the system again for cheating.

1 points may seem like a lot, but it depends on the tasks that need to be completed. Not to mention the number of common-level giant crocodiles, this can still be completed with a little effort, the main thing is the elite level behind it The giant crocodile, the giant crocodile of the elite level had already cost more than half of the electric scale man, not to mention the giant crocodile of the leader level behind.

Elite-level giant crocodiles are already so powerful, Chen Tianhao can't imagine what kind of leader-level giant crocodile exists.

On my own side, including myself, there are only eleven electric scales. It is really not an easy task to complete this task. It can only be outsmarted and cannot be attacked by force.

The group had already reached the edge of the giant crocodile's lair. Chen Tianhao chose a relatively small tree and climbed up.

Pushing aside the leaves, he looked towards the location of the giant crocodile's lair he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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