spore evolution

Chapter 45 Energy Core

Chapter 45 Energy Core
"Congratulations on achieving a race achievement - the first time you use a tool, bonus points: 500 points, total points: 830 points."

Chen Tianhao was overjoyed, he inadvertently made preparations for killing the leader giant crocodile, but got those key points in exchange, but it took no effort to get them.

With these 500 points, you can exchange energy cores for your own race. With energy cores, the electric scales can have long-range strike capabilities.

This greatly increases the chances of completing the task.

But to Chen Tianhao's surprise, the race achievements this time seemed to give a bit too many points.

After thinking about it, I probably understood why there were so many higher points than the previous achievements.

Being able to use tools, this condition is the task condition that needs to be completed to reach the tribe stage, so obviously, being able to use tools should only appear in the middle and late stages, so the achievement will be much higher.

In the later stage, these 500 points may not be enough.

However, when this achievement was achieved this week when most creatures had just landed on land, it gave Chen Tianhao a great help.

Already 830 points, no matter how hard you work, you can redeem another useful system.

According to the past, the exchange of DNA components or other components was carried out in the editing space.

However, there is a rule in the system that when the appearance of the creature has not changed significantly, Chen Tianhao will return to the body of the creature, and it will still be the original creature, unless the original creature has died.

Since it is still returning to the original biological body, is it possible to exchange those rewards directly in the real world without changing its appearance?
Chen Tianhao began to call for the exchange system in the real world.

With a flash in front of his eyes, the exchange interface that originally appeared in the editing space appeared at the corner of Chen Tianhao's eyes.

Chen Tianhao found that the interface was very light. If Chen Tianhao hadn't been looking at it all the time, it would be really hard to detect it. If he didn't pay special attention, he would basically not be able to see it.

When he focused his main vision on the exchange interface, the interface slowly unfolded. Just like the interface seen in the editing space, the items with purchase permission were highlighted, and only a few items were illuminated. , and more of those items that are not lit.

The icon of the energy core (primary) is a small transparent stone. Chen Tianhao doesn't quite understand that such a transparent stone is actually the main energy source for those magic attacks.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as it works.

With excitement, Chen Tianhao clicked on Exchange Energy Core (Elementary).

"Do you choose to exchange energy core (primary)?"

The system thoughtfully reminded Chen Tianhao, fearing that it would prevent Chen Tianhao from accidentally making a mistake and give him a chance to confirm again.

Decisively choose "Yes", isn't Chen Tianhao's hard work for so many days just to exchange for this energy core.

all of a sudden.

Chen Tianhao felt as if there was something more in his brain, and then, the electric energy of his whole body began to drill into his head.

Chen Tianhao was frightened when he felt that the electric energy of his body was transmitted to his brain by himself.

The brain is the most rigorous part of the electric scale man. He doesn't know if other creatures are equally important, but he knows that the electric scale man's brain is very precious. All the electric energy in the whole body goes to that place, so he must not become an idiot ?

In fact, most of the current creatures are no different from idiots. Most of the creatures have not developed their brains and only rely on their own instincts to survive.

Chen Tianhao hurriedly controlled the electric energy on his body to prevent it from flowing to his brain. Chen Tianhao's reaction speed was considered fast, but the electric energy on his body flowed faster.

After Chen Tianhao controlled the energy in his body, part of the energy had already been sent deep into his brain.


At the moment when the energy reached the depths of his brain, Chen Tianhao didn't feel any pain, but instead felt a sense of relief.

Finding that electric energy will not cause harm, he simply no longer controls the energy on his body, allowing the energy to flow freely to the brain.

Now Chen Tianhao is like a person with a cold, his nose is suddenly cleared, so comfortable.

Although Chen Tianhao felt very comfortable, he was worried that the electric energy in his body would be absorbed by his brain.Although the electric energy is not very powerful, it has given Chen Tianhao a lot of help in his evolutionary career.

The loss of electric energy will greatly affect his ability to survive. Most importantly, he is worried that not only him, but other electric scale people will also lose electric energy, and the survival of electric scale people will become precarious.

Chen Tianhao didn't worry for long. After the electrical energy in his body was absorbed by the brain, a larger and more pure energy surged out from the depths of the brain.

With the burst of energy, his worry became unnecessary, because he felt the muscles through which the energy passed became stronger and more powerful.

Afterwards, the energy flowing through the whole body began to flow deep into the brain again. This time, Chen Tianhao didn't control those energies anymore, and let the energies flow freely.

The energy flowing into the mind, one in and one out, formed a cycle. As the cycle time increased, the speed of energy flow in the body began to slow down. Finally, Chen Tianhao felt like there was an extra heart in his mind.

It's just that this "heart" is a bit special, what it provides to Chen Tianhao is not the whole body's blood, what it provides is another thing in Chen Tianhao's body - electrical energy.

Chen Tianhao touched his chest, the frequency of this "heart" gradually became consistent with the real heart.

Make a fist and wave it freely in the air.

"Clap clap clap."

The pressure brought by the fist formed a burst of sound in the air, feeling the power of the fist.

At this time, Chen Tianhao already understood that the "heart" in his mind was the energy core he had just exchanged, but what he didn't expect was that this energy core brought him not only the ability to release electric balls, but also Make his body stronger.

This energy core is only in its primary state, and it already has such effects. Chen Tianhao is even more looking forward to what kind of effect it will have after upgrading the energy core.

With the energy core, he can release the electric ball. He has not released the electric ball before, and he plans to try it.

Originally, he planned to try his electric ball attack here, which reminded him of the water polo attack of the giant crocodile he encountered when he possessed the electric scale man for the first time, and the powerful attack of the water polo caused damage.

Obviously, the electric ball is not suitable for testing in this place.

Chen Tianhao came back to his senses, and couldn't wait to find an empty place alone to test his new skills.

It was found that the electric scale people around were lying on the ground, motionless.

Chen Tianhao was shocked, what happened?Just now he was busy feeling his own body and didn't notice the surroundings. Did they all die?

Who caused it?
He hurriedly ran to the nearest Electric Scale Man, touched the Electric Scale Man's nose with his hand, and a burst of gas spewed out of it at regular intervals.

Gas, not dead, just fainted.

I looked at the other Electric Scales, none of them died, they just fainted.

I don't understand why all these electric scale people are unconscious. These electric scale people are his roots. He was very nervous and probed next to the electric scale people's nose. He was worried that he felt wrong.

Still able to feel the breath coming out of his nose, he temporarily suppressed the urge to test the electric ball.

Seeing the coma of all the electric scales, he searched around deliberately, but found no signs of other creatures.

Then the cause of all the electric scale people's coma should be the reason for the energy core he exchanged, but what he didn't understand was that.

If it was because of the energy core, why did he have nothing to do while the other electric scales passed out?

While Chen Tianhao was waiting anxiously, Chen Yi was the first to wake up from his coma.

He quickly ran to Chen Yi and asked, "What's going on? Why did you faint?"

Chen Yi patted his head, and replied in his mind: "I don't know what's going on, I just feel that there is something extra here, and then I fell asleep." He pointed to his head, "But now It’s much better, and I can’t stop using my whole body.” After speaking, he made a few gestures in the air with his fist.

Hearing Chen Yi's return, Chen Tianhao already understood that these electric scale people were really comatose due to the energy core.

A large amount of energy rushed to the depths of the brain, and the first-level brain of the electric scale man couldn't resist this impact at all, so he voluntarily chose to go into a coma to protect his brain.

And he didn't go into a coma, he guessed it might be because he controlled those energies for the first time, or it might be because his soul power was stronger than them, so he didn't cause a coma.

However, no matter what, this coma can be regarded as a good thing.

Not long after Chen Yi woke up, Chen Er, who was in the same group as him, also woke up one after another, followed by Chen Shiyi and the others, and the last ones were the newly born electric scales. It took a long time before they woke up again. come over.

Seeing that everyone was awake, Chen Tianhao was relieved, remembering that he still had to test the newly acquired magic attack.

"You guys continue to cut those giant crocodile skins, and I'll go to the side to test my new skills." Chen Tianhao ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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