spore evolution

Chapter 51 Killing the Giant Crocodile Leader

Chapter 51 Killing the Giant Crocodile Leader

The electric ball in Chen Tianhao's hand was also quickly thrown out. His football-sized electric ball was particularly conspicuous among the many apple-sized electric balls.

When he released the electric ball, he was a little slow for half a beat, but he came after the first. From among the many electric balls, he came to the leader Giant Crocodile one step ahead.

The leader giant crocodile heard the call of his subordinates, gave up the prey that was almost in his hands, and hurried over.

It thought it was just a small wave of enemies coming. After all, in this area, the place it occupied for a long time has become a forbidden area, and only occasional creatures will break into this forbidden area.

Before leaving, nearly one-third of the subordinates were left guarding the territory, and it only took a while for the subordinates to cry for help until it rushed over.

So when it was halfway back, it didn't hear the calls of its subordinates, thinking that they had subdued the incoming enemies, so it slowed down its pace of going home a little.Waiting for the reception of the subordinates.

However, what it didn't expect was that it wasn't its cute subordinates who greeted it, but the electric ball that would kill it.

The first thing it saw when it came back was the electric ball flying towards it. Out of the corner of its eye, it also saw the corpses of giant crocodiles all over the ground. It seemed to feel the energy contained in the electric ball, especially the unique one. The electric ball brought it a huge threat.

But its size is too big, it can't dodge many electric ball attacks at all, not to mention there are many subordinates around it who came back with it.

It turned its head to one side, avoided the fatal injury, and used its body to resist those electric balls. As for its subordinates, it was helpless, and it could only let them ask for their own blessings.

The electric ball sent by Chen Tianhao was the first to make contact with the giant crocodile, and the energy wrapped in the electric ball was released instantly. The moment the energy was released, the air around the electric ball was heated to an extremely high level, and then there was a loud noise, Energy exploded on the giant crocodile.

The energy generated by the explosion toppled the hard scales of the giant crocodile, exposing the blood-red flesh.

Immediately afterwards, more than fifty electric balls issued by the mages followed closely behind.

The power of the electric balls sent by the mages is much smaller. If it is normal, even if these electric balls hit the leader giant crocodile, it is unlikely to cause too much damage. The scales on the leader giant crocodile can withstand the electric shock. Most of the damage from the ball.

The electric ball Chen Tianhao sent out was not an ordinary electric ball, but an enhanced version of the electric ball. The scale armor of the leader giant crocodile might be able to defend against the ordinary electric ball attack, but it obviously couldn't defend against the enhanced version of the electric ball attack.

With Chen Tianhao's electric ball overturning the scale armor of the leader giant crocodile, it is equivalent to breaking the leader giant crocodile's defense.

Not all the electric balls of the mages were able to hit the opponent again at the same position after Chen Tianhao's electric ball hit the opponent.

Probably only two or three electric balls hit the position that has lost its defense, but even if only two or three electric balls hit the opponent's body, it is already uncomfortable for him, and he is in an undefended state at that position.

The rest of the electric balls either hit other positions of the leader giant crocodile, or hit other giant crocodiles.

The other giant crocodiles do not have the powerful defense of the leader giant crocodile. Even an electric ball the size of an apple is enough to kill most of the giant crocodiles.


The explosion of the electric ball was uneven, accompanied by the screams of the giant crocodile.

At the moment of the explosion, Chen Tianhao, who was still a hundred meters away, had his face hurt by the wind from the explosion.

In the center of the explosion, the ordinary giant crocodile was directly blown into pieces. Only the elite giant crocodile and above could survive, but even the surviving giant crocodile was seriously injured, and its strength was greatly compromised. .

After the explosion, the sky began to rain.

This is not ordinary rain, this is rain formed from various fragments and blood of giant crocodiles.

Chen Tianhao looked at what happened in front of him in astonishment. He never thought that his electric ball would be so powerful. Although in the previous experiment, he blew up a hole in the river, but it was a river after all, so it was not so intuitive.

It was only during this joint attack that they discovered that the power of the electric ball is so powerful.

The explosion took only a few seconds, and the blood mist slowly dispersed.

A super huge crocodile is there, life and death, as if soaked in bright red blood, on the left side of its body, there is a large piece of scale armor that looks like someone has torn it directly with violence, the skin is ripped apart, one meter in diameter Left and right blood holes appeared there.

If someone can watch closely, through this pit, they can also see the blackened organs in the body.

There were no similar blood holes in other parts of the giant crocodile, only some foam stuck to its body, and it was unknown whether it was its own or other giant crocodiles stuck to it after being blown away.

"Come on, kill them." Chen Tianhao touched his vision blurred by the blood rain.

The soldiers who had been waiting for a long time couldn't bear it any longer. After hearing Chen Tianhao's command to charge, they quickly moved towards the leader, the giant crocodile.

The Electric Scale warrior condensed the strength in his body to cover his fist while charging.

Although warriors are not as capable of condensing their own energy into balls and turning them into long-range shells to attack the enemy like mages, they can also use the energy in their bodies to attack, which also has a great effect.

As for the mages, after releasing the electric ball, they also followed the soldiers and rushed up. Most of their energy was spent on the electric ball just released.

Occasionally, some people still have energy left, which is not enough to release another electric ball.

Although the mages lost the energy in their bodies, they still had strong fighting power, but they rushed forward at a slightly slower speed than the warriors.

Chen Tianhao, who was rushing halfway, saw that the leader, the giant crocodile, was still there motionless, as if he had died, and it had no effect on the electric scale man's charge at all.

On the contrary, the elite giant crocodiles behind it, after being blown over, rolled there in pain. The leader giant crocodile withstood most of the explosion damage, and only then was the elite giant crocodile behind it able to survive. Ordinary giant crocodiles, even the aftermath of the explosion, are not something they can resist, and they have already died in the explosion.

"No, the elite giant crocodile did not die in the explosion. It is impossible that the leader giant crocodile who was much stronger than the elite giant crocodile died, and the system did not indicate that the leader giant crocodile had been killed." Chen Tianhao suddenly had an ominous feeling in his heart. premonition.

But facing the motionless leader giant crocodile, he couldn't find out where the ominous premonition came from.

"Could it be that the leader giant crocodile is feigning death? Its injuries are not as serious as it looks?" This thought flashed through Chen Tianhao's mind.

From the edge of the forest to the river beach, the distance is very short, and the speed of the soldiers is very fast. For them, it is not even a warm-up.

The soldiers quickly approached the leader, the giant crocodile, and the enemy was close at hand.

The giant crocodile, the leader who was lying motionless, suddenly turned his head to the soldiers.

"Not good, flash." When Chen Tianhao saw that he turned his head, he finally discovered where the ominous premonition came from.

(End of this chapter)

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