spore evolution

Chapter 7 Evolutionary Methods

Chapter 7 Evolutionary Methods
"Phew, it's cool. Brothers, kill all the seaweed and replenish your nutritional value." Chen Tianhao warmly greeted the eyes cells.

Without Chen Tianhao's call, the cells of the eyes have already dealt with the ball of seaweed very quickly.

Chen Tianhao didn't notice that there was a huge monster slowly approaching the cell group of the eyes outside his perception.

The behemoth saw that the food he had reserved was being quickly eaten by a dozen single-celled animals, and the seaweed clusters that were originally quite large were rapidly decreasing.It’s fine if you only eat a little bit, but you dare to kill them all.It's really uncle tolerable, aunt can't bear it.

The behemoth, which was still coming slowly, immediately lost its leisurely pace and swam towards the seaweed at full speed.

However, when the accelerated giant arrived at its destination, the group of seaweed finally couldn't resist, and the all-out destruction of the cells in the eyes had completely turned into nutrients and digested in the cell groups of the eyes.The behemoth looked at this group of cells angrily. Without seaweed as food, don't think about it.The gigantic creature stretched out two tentacles that were as long as one body, and the two tentacles were covered with spikes.

After the behemoth rushed to this side and reached Chen Tianhao's perception range, Chen Tianhao finally found this behemoth that was only ten times bigger than himself.

"Brothers, spread out." Chen Tianhao hastily issued instructions to other binocular cells.

Before the binocular cells could move too much, the behemoth had crossed the short distance and arrived in front of the binocular cells.

Chen Tianhao didn't have the time to perceive what kind of structure this animal was, but he could only perceive that the two tentacles were covered with spikes.

A binocular cell that was still eating its last bite had no time to dodge the tentacles full of spikes, and was directly scattered at the moment of contact.

That dead eye cell gave other cells a chance to escape.

"Spray the venom collectively, and then run back." Chen Tianhao knew that he was definitely not a match for this behemoth, and only hoped that the venom would have a paralyzing effect on the opponent, so that he could escape from his field of vision.

After the ten binocular cells collectively sprayed the venom once, they quickly fled back.Chen Tianhao, who was on the way to escape, used his senses to feel the behemoth, and found that the venom that was originally safe for single-celled animals did not have much effect on the opponent.

The behemoth rushed towards Chen Tianhao without reducing its speed, and the two huge tentacles waved again.Chen Tianhao narrowly escaped the fatal blow. Taking advantage of the gap between the attacks, Chen Tianhao commanded the nine binocular cells to fire another salvo of venom.

In Chen Tianhao's perception, the speed of that huge monster finally slowed down a little, reduced to only the same speed as the cells of the eyes.The movement speed of the two tentacles also slowed down, not very fast, but the cells in the eyes were enough to dodge on their own.

Broken eggs, do you want to be so violent?This product is definitely the existence of the multicellular animal level that the system said.The venom effect of the binocular cells no longer has much effect on it, and the effect time is much slower.According to the paralysis effect at this stage, the venom storage capacity of the cells in the eyes is not enough to kill it, so it is better to run away decisively.However, after finally encountering a real multicellular animal, perhaps we can learn from the overall effect of the other party to find our own evolutionary path.

Now the speed of the other party is still a bit fast, I just came here to run for my life, and I don't have time to observe the other party.Feel your own venom storage, and you can release another wave of venom attacks.It is estimated to launch another wave of venom attack and slow down the opponent's speed, then you can observe the opponent well.

"Turn around, Venom attacks."

The escaped eye cells turned around collectively, spraying venom backwards.

The venom spread in the direction of the behemoth, and after a while, the paralyzing effect of the venom kicked in.It can better restrain its speed. Although it is still persevering in chasing and killing, its speed is already slightly lower than the moving speed of the binocular cells.

Chen Tianhao swam ahead, making him feel that he had a chance to catch up.At the same time, he began to look at this behemoth carefully.

This behemoth has two tentacles that are as long as its body, and the tentacles are covered with spikes. On closer inspection, it turns out that a group of cells are connected together to form the two tentacles.The body is also composed of multiple cells covered with cilia for movement.

Sure enough, this tentacle monster is a multicellular animal, and Chen Tianhao directly named this behemoth monster a tentacle monster.

Chen Tianhao had a clear understanding of the situation of the tentacle monster, and probably understood the key to multicellularity.Although the speed of the tentacle monster is slow now, the attack of the tentacle has not weakened, and the cells in the eyes no longer have enough venom to attack again, so they have to give up killing the tentacle monster to obtain new DNA.

At this stage, it is still the first step to evolve multicellular animals.Chen Tianhao led the rest of the binocular cells to escape from the sensing range of the tentacle monster.

The tentacle monster originally wanted to continue killing these guys who robbed him of food, but under the unknown attack of the other party, his movement speed became slower and slower, and he watched them leave his perception range, so he had to give up hunting .

Chen Tianhao led the eyes cells far away from the tentacle monster and came to a relatively safe place.

Now that the nutritional value is also sufficient, it's time to experiment with ways to get into the editing space.

Chen Tianhao called the editing space in his consciousness, and sure enough, the mechanical voice of the system space sounded again.

"Do you want to enter the editing space?"


After choosing "Yes", Chen Tianhao's consciousness returned to the editing space.

"Haha, it's really like this. Thank you, Brother Tianhua." Chen Tianhao said happily.

Before Chen Tianhua could respond, Chen Tianhao chose "Leave the editing space."

Chen Tianhao did not make any morphological changes to the binocular cells in the editing space, so when he came out of the editing space, he did not change a new cell as before, but reattached himself to the cell he came in.

Chen Tianhao once again mastered the method of entering the editing space, and did not stop until he was relatively proficient in using it.

When Chen Tianhua saw Chen Tianhao coming into the editing space again, he was about to say hello, but seeing the busy Chen Tianhao, he couldn't bear to disturb him, so he just watched Chen Tianhao silently.

Chen Tianhao carefully recalled the body structure of that multicellular animal, looking for a way to evolve into multicellular.

Judging from the structure of multicellular animals seen and Chen Tianhao's little biological knowledge left in his previous life.

Multicellular animals should be the division of labor and cooperation of single-celled animals, each performing its own duties, sacrificing the ego, and completing the realm of the ego.The digestive cells digest, the eating cells eat, the defending cells defend, and the offensive cells attack.

Form an organized and orderly system of division of labor and cooperation.Cells that specialize in absorbing nutrients gradually distribute them to other cells after absorbing nutrients.

Just do it when you think about it, seeing that there are only nine binocular cells around you, if you want to implement the plan according to the division of labor and cooperation system, it is obviously not enough.

Since the quantity is not enough, now it is necessary to take in enough nutrients to divide enough cells to realize this possibility.

Chen Tianhao led the nine binocular cells to start the journey of collecting nutritional value.With enough nutritional value, enough cells can be divided.

The omnivorous cell mouth groove makes them not let go of all the food they encounter on the road that can be absorbed, and the eye cells are cool.The ones who suffered were other single-celled animals. When they encountered this group of binocular cells, under the control of their venom, no single-cell could escape, and all of them became rations.

In the process of collecting nutritional values, I did not encounter multicellular animals again. It seems that multicellular animals are just the beginning.After a long period of accumulation, Chen Tianhao led the binocular cells to eliminate many single-celled animals. After division and reproduction, the number of binocular cells has reached 200 now.

Looking at the binocular cells around him, the number is enough now.With the current number of cells in both eyes, if we continue to prey, the number of cells will increase, and it will take more time to divide and reproduce.It was already a little behind the schedule, and it was not cost-effective to split.

So brothers, let's start to form our own multicellular life now.

Let's make up the mouth first.

What should the mouth look like?

Chen Tianhao constructed the shape of his mouth in his own consciousness, the mouth should be the first gate of the digestive system.

The mouth swallows the food directly, and then uses the venom and spikes to attack in the mouth, forming an effect of closing the door and beating the dog.

According to the appearance in the mind, direct the cells of the eyes to arrange.The arrangement was made, but the spikes between the cells prevented them from getting closer.

Looking at the gap between the cells of the eyes, the size of the gap is enough to allow some single cells to escape.And multicellular is definitely not what it looks like.In this way, Chen Tianhao's multicellular animal building project just started, and encountered the first problem.

Shit, there is a problem just at the beginning, you can't give up, this should be the right path.Chen Tianhao tried his best to recall the reminder Chen Tianhua gave himself in the editing space. By the way, Brother Tianhua seems to have said that the components of cells can be selectively degenerated.So if the unnecessary components are degenerated, can they be next to each other?

However, a new problem has arisen again. If you choose to change the form, it seems that the form is changed collectively.Is it really not possible?Go back to the editing space and ask Brother Tianhua if there is a solution, maybe he can solve it.

(End of this chapter)

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