spore evolution

Chapter 81 Killing 3 Demon Kings

Chapter 81 Killing the Three-Headed Demon King


The three-headed demon king was awakened by the explosion, and he was instantly furious. He never thought that someone would attack him when he was in a coma. The huge pain in his chest made him utter a roar.

However, what awaited him was not only Chen Tianhao's electric ball attack, other attacks followed, and other electric ball attacks accurately hit his head.


A sound sounded in his head. These electric balls didn't break through his defense, but they caused him pain.

The warrior's electrified attack did not cause any damage to the head of the three-headed demon king, and even the energy attack of the electric ball could not break through the opponent's defense, let alone the electric punch, which was weaker than the electric ball.

However, it wasn't over yet. The three-headed demon king didn't make any more moves. He opened his eyes and found that his eyes were blue.


The three-headed demon king screamed, the cyan wind blade actually broke through his defense, and hit his face fiercely. The wound was not deep, only two or three centimeters, but it did break through his defense .

Under the attack of the blue wind blade, the head of the three-headed demon king instantly became bloody and bloody.

The pain caused the three-headed demon king to go into a runaway mode, and the six arms beat around vigorously. There were no injured heads on both sides, and he finally saw clearly who caused him to be like this.

I saw that the head on the left sprayed a flame towards the Gale Beast in the sky, but unfortunately the distance of the flame was limited, and it didn't hit the Gale Beast.

At the same time, the head on the right also sprayed a white water arrow towards the Gale Beast in the sky. The speed of the water arrow was very fast, much faster than the blue wind blade of the Gale Beast, and hit a Gale Beast. Body, the water arrow passed through him.

The injured Gale Beast was unable to balance for a while, as if it was about to fall, the Gale Beast at the side quickly grabbed him to prevent him from falling, and flew to the nearby tree.

The Gale Beast in the sky was able to avoid the attack of the three-headed Demon King, but the Electric Scale Man on the ground was not so lucky.

The six arms of the three-headed demon king were strong and powerful, and they swayed wildly on the ground. The electric scale man touched by his arm was like being hit by a truck. out.

Chen Tianhao, who was knocked to the ground by the explosion, also failed to escape the catastrophe. He just stood up when he was swept to the ground by the arm of the three-headed demon king.

"Get out."

Seeing that his attack did not cause any damage to the three-headed demon king, he quickly asked the others to retreat.

Careless, Chen Tianhao overestimated the damage of his electric ball.

Although the three-headed demon king was not in the best condition at this time, and fell into a coma because of falling from a height before, this did not mean that the three-headed demon king was easy to deal with.

Chen Tianhao, who was out of the range of the three-headed demon king's attack, opened up his consciousness and energy to observe the battle ahead.

Nearly half of the people were attacked by the three-headed devil just now, but under Chen Tianhao's retreat order, some have escaped from the combat range, but some people are still within the attack range of the three-headed devil. See how fast the three-headed devil is. He waved his arms and attacked the surroundings. Those people might not survive.

Chen Tianhao was very strange, the three-headed demon king seemed unable to move, as long as he was out of the attack range, he would be unable to attack, and it was not impossible, his two heads could still release energy to attack.

It's just that since he woke up, he just released an energy attack and hit a Gale Beast, but the sonic attack that the leader of the Gale Beast originally said did not appear. It is estimated that the injured head in the middle is the sonic attack that the leader of the Gale Beast said. .

"What's the situation? Could it be that the three-headed demon king is really injured and unable to move?" Chen Tianhao secretly analyzed.

The three-headed demon king was indeed injured and unable to move as Chen Tianhao analyzed.

Originally, when climbing rocks, the three-headed demon king kept climbing until he couldn't move, and then under the light of meteorite fragments, his injuries could recover quickly.

The bad thing is that this time, Chen Tianhao was there, which disrupted his plan, not only when he was climbing rocks, he was attacked with stones, causing him to suffer more serious injuries than before, and fell into a coma.

Originally, falling into a coma is not a big deal, as long as there is the light of meteorite fragments, even if the injury is serious, he can recover quickly.

But Chen Tianhao took away the meteorite fragments, without the healing effect of the meteorite fragments' light, the three-headed demon king's injuries suddenly became difficult to recover.

From when he was injured to when the meteorite fragments were taken away by Chen Tianhao, he had only been treated for a short period of time. If it weren't for the light of the meteorite fragments, even if Chen Tianhao blasted him with ten electric balls, he would not be able to wake up.

Now the three-headed demon king is in a very embarrassing state. He is awake, but his body cannot move.

Chen Tianhao used the energy of his consciousness to save a few electric scale men who were on the verge of attacking, and then tried a few more times, finally confirming the fact that the three-headed demon king could not move.


Chen Tianhao was very happy immediately.

He shouted to the leader of the Gale Beast who was trembling in the nearby tree: "Leader, come here."

Because he found that apart from his electric ball attack causing a little damage to the three-headed demon king, the cyan wind blade of the Gale Beast caused great damage to the head of the three-headed demon king. You can tell by the roar.

Now the hope of killing the three-headed demon king rests on the Gale Beast.

However, the leader of the Gale Beast seemed to be frightened by what happened just now, and dared not come here.

Chen Tianhao had no choice but to run under his tree, and then he flew down slowly.

The leader of the Gale Beast trembled involuntarily. Just now, the Gale Beast was injured all the time, but the injury of the Electric Scale Man reminded him of the situation a few days ago, and he said tremblingly: "Leader, let's retreat, hurry up He hasn't gotten up yet, let's go now."

Chen Tianhao yelled loudly: "Boss, this is an opportunity, now he can't move, only you can hit him from a distance."

"But..." The leader of the Gale Beast was very hesitant, apparently he was too frightened.

"Don't worry, I will support you by the side. After his water arrow attacks, you can use your blue wind blade to attack the head of the three-headed demon king, just like you just attacked his head."

The leader of the Gale Beast left behind the newly injured Gale Beast, and the others flew into the sky. They flew very high, and at that distance, even if the three-headed demon king wanted to attack them with water arrows, it would not be far enough.

Chen Tianhao came to the right side of the three-headed demon king. This is the head that just released the water arrow. His current function is to attract the three-headed demon king's water arrow attack.

He stood outside the attack range of the three-headed demon king's arm and shouted at the three-headed demon king: "Hey, buddy, your target is here."

Hearing the sound, the three-headed demon king turned his head and found Chen Tianhao standing in front of him. He was immediately angry. He realized that it was this guy who made himself so embarrassed.

His right hand grabbed Chen Tianhao, wanting to catch and eat Chen Tianhao, but his arm was limited, Chen Tianhao had already calculated the distance of his arm, and it was outside his attack range at this time.

Chen Tianhao was grimacing desperately outside the attack range, trying to attract the water arrow attack of the three-headed demon king. Only when the water arrow attack was used up, the blue wind blade of the Gale Beast would be useful.

However, I don't know whether the three-headed demon king lacks energy or the three-headed demon king wants to save energy. He has been just grabbing Chen Tianhao with his hands. The huge eyes on the right side of his head are just staring at Chen Tianhao. The anger in those eyes seems to be burning. Chen Tianhao.

Chen Tianhao kept paying attention to the mouth of the three-headed demon king, from which the water arrows were issued, and finally, he saw the mouth of the three-headed demon king move.

The three-headed demon king opened his mouth wide, and a stream of energy gathered in the middle of the mouth. The speed of gathering was very fast. After a while, a 1-meter-long water arrow took shape.

Chen Tianhao who was standing next to him could feel the surging energy of the water arrow. If he was hit by this water arrow, he might not die or be seriously injured.

The water arrow took shape and shot towards Chen Tianhao.

(End of this chapter)

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