Chapter 85


In a cave deep in the forest.

Outside the cave is a large fire. The fire shines through the cave entrance and shines into the cave, but the fire light is limited and cannot fully illuminate the cave, only a little bit of the cave entrance.

At the entrance of the cave, a small creature can be found lying on the ground. It seems that he is a little cold, and the wings on the back are wrapped around from the back to the front, hugging each other tightly.

On his back was a larger creature of the same kind, which seemed to be his mother, and the mother also hugged him tightly with her wings, trying to make him warmer.

Several of the same creatures were communicating by the fire outside.

This kind of creature has a pair of dark green fleshy wings behind it, and the rest is the image of a human being. This is Chen Tianhao's newly evolved race of "winged people".

One of the stronger wingmen held a branch in his hand, with unknown pieces of meat strung on the branch, and grilled it on the fire, but the piece of meat was not particularly large, and it only took one or two bites after it was roasted.

He kept flipping the branch in his hand, and worriedly said to the strongest wingman next to him: "Boss, this is not an option, we must find a way to get more meat."

The winged man known as the leader sighed: "Chen Yi, I also want to get more meat back, but look at the creatures around, each one is more cunning, even if we try our best during the day, we can only get meat." The few meats came back."

The winged man named Chen Yi was silent. It was indeed as the leader said, not that they were unwilling to hunt for food. There were not a few creatures around that could be used as food, but most of them had become extremely cunning.

As in the past, there were very few single creatures. Most of the creatures began to live in groups, and the creatures became fierce.

Wingman has also hunted creatures in groups. It can be said that in a one-on-one situation, Wingman is no match for any creature around him, but survival is not that simple, and there are not many creatures that are still popular. One-on-one mode.

In the mode of collective attack, one battle will cause the Yiren to lose a lot of people, but the food obtained is not enough for the Yiren as a large group to eat.

Yiren has also considered eating the fruits of plants, but it takes time for the fruits to mature, and they cannot eat those fruits all the time. Occasionally, they pick the fruits and save them so that they can be eaten when there is no food in the future, but Yiren does not Knowing how to preserve food, most of the fruit rots shortly after being picked.

Yiren has always retained the living habit of relying on caves, which is a tradition left over from the past. Even after Yiren had wings, he was able to fly for a short time, and he did not consider living in trees.

The same is true for the fire pile. Among the winged people, the slightly larger ones basically know how to get the fire source. This allows the winged people to avoid fighting with other creatures at night, which greatly improves the survival rate of the winged people. improvement.

Other creatures were not so lucky. As soon as the night came, creatures that acted at night began to move in large groups. Some creatures might be taken to their nests by those creatures that acted at night when they were sleeping at night.

Those creatures that come and go at night are extremely afraid of flames. The Wingmen will make a fire at the entrance of the cave every night, and move the fire to the entrance of the cave when it rains. They dare not move the fire into the cave.

Because they know that as long as the fire is moved to the cave, they cannot live in the cave. Only a small fire can be tolerated at the entrance of the cave, but as long as it is not raining, they will take the fire outside .

Wingmen have always maintained the habit of foraging during the day and resting at night.

It's just that the food for hunting has dropped a lot recently. When hunting other creatures, it is inevitable that some people will be sacrificed and injured. In this era of injuries, no one can heal the wounds. In most cases, they rely on their own resistance to carry them through. After carrying it over, it was another winged man who was alive and kicking, but if he couldn't resist, his life ended.

Chen Yi looked at the fire in front of him silently, for a moment he forgot to roll the branch in his hand, suddenly wanted to make some resolution, and said firmly, "Boss, why don't we go hunting at night too."

The eyes of the wingmen next to him lit up, and then dimmed. It was difficult to hunt food during the day, and it was even more difficult at night.

The leader struggled for a while, then looked back at the cave. At this time, he was in a position where he could see the Yiren mother and child who were resting beside the cave. He stood up abruptly and said firmly, "Okay, yes."

It won’t work if you don’t do it, the Yiren haven’t got a lot of food for almost three days, and now the Yiren maintain the appearance of 100 people. It’s not that the leader of the Yiren doesn’t want to expand his race, but in the process of survival, there are always personnel It is already very good to keep 100 people.

Among the 100 people, only 50 people are able to participate in hunting outside. The remaining 50 people are basically old, weak, sick and disabled. Basically, they can only find some fruits occasionally as food supplements in their own living areas.

A large number of people need a large amount of food supply.

The others felt the leader's mood and stood up excitedly.

Although it has been decided to hunt food at night, but there is no real direction for how to hunt. The leader looked around: "Brothers, do you have any good suggestions?"

Chen Yi responded first: "We can go find the root digger not far away." When he proposed to hunt for food at night, he already had a rough idea in mind.

"The root-digger? It's indeed a good choice." The leader said in a deep voice.

The root digger, they all know what kind of creature it is, and it is indeed the best choice at present.

Digger, a vegetarian creature, a less aggressive creature, length: 2-4.5 meters, weight: 150-400 kg, dark green all over, with six strong and powerful thighs, likes to eat "flame fruit trees" The roots generally live together in groups of three or four.

Low aggressiveness does not mean that the attack power is not high. In this era of evolution of large creatures, creatures that are too kind have long since disappeared into history.

On the other side of Chen Yi is the wingman Chen Er, who also said excitedly: "Generally, there are only 3-5 root diggers, and they are just like us, they are creatures that forage during the day and rest at night, and their weight is also very small." That’s right, as long as we hunt a group of diggers, it will be enough to feed us for a day or two.”

The others were also excited, feeling that the meat of the root-digger had already roasted a delicious meaty smell.

The leader woke up the sleeping Yimen, and he prepared a total of 30 people to hunt the digger, but he dared not take all the hunters out, leaving 20 fighters to guard the cave.

The leader led 29 Wingmen, groping and setting off to the place where the digger lived in his impression. Today's moon is very bright, illuminating the entire forest. By the moonlight, they set off.

(End of this chapter)

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