spore evolution

Chapter 9 Electric Bugs

Chapter 9 Electric Bugs
"Evolution of editing space? I'm looking forward to it. I don't know what kind of changes will happen? Could it be better to help me evolve, or will Brother Tianhua show his real body?" Chen Tianhao was excited when he heard the system's prompt. fantasy.

It will take a while to know what happened in the editing space, and I don't know how long it will take, so I really want to know the result soon.

Forget it, the system will notify you.It's useless to guess here. The system doesn't notify me, so it probably won't work. Why don't you try your new body quickly and evolve quickly.

Chen Tianhao still didn't give up and wanted to know the result of the evolution quickly, so he called for the editing space in his mind.Immediately prompts "The editing space is evolving, please be patient and wait for the notification."

Sure enough, Chen Tianhao gave up.

Hey, I'm alone again.Now that he is a multicellular animal, if he wants to evolve into a human, he does not necessarily need to evolve into a human, but Chen Tianhao feels that it is better for him to turn back into a human.Other creatures are not impossible, but in Chen Tianhao's subconscious mind, he still thinks that human beings are the best.

To evolve into a human being, one needs to evolve toward land, so the current evolution direction should be toward shallow waters, and then toward land.

How should we proceed towards the shallow sea?Chen Tianhao's eyes were not working well, and the water in front of him was still pitch black.

Chen Tianhao carefully thought about how to identify the direction of the shallow sea, and suddenly remembered that the sea water will flow, so the flowing sea water should be able to reach the shallow sea area, and then find the opportunity to evolve towards the land.

Chen Tianhao stopped swimming and continued to swim, fearing that his swimming would affect his judgment of the direction of the sea water flow. If the direction was wrong, he might still be able to find land, but it would have been an unknown amount of time.

Carefully feeling the fluctuations of the sea water, trying to find a way forward.After Chen Tianhao stopped swinging, he felt the seawater flow for a period of time. Fortunately, the current poisonous insects already have a rudimentary neural network, which can respond well to external stimuli.

The direction of sea water flow is not static, and the swimming of other animals will also cause Chen Tianhao to make mistakes in judgment.After many judgments, Chen Tianhao finally confirmed the direction of the sea water, so the future is ahead.

Chen Tianhao swung the fake fish tail without bone support, and happily swam towards the direction he determined.

Chen Tianhao easily dealt with a single-celled animal blocking the direction of his advance, opened his mouth directly, and swallowed it into his stomach.

On the way forward, Chen Tianhao devoured more than a dozen single-celled animals.Strange, don't those single-celled animals die yet?Why didn't the system prompt that a little nutritional value has been obtained?No, I clearly feel that my body has absorbed nutrients, is it because the editing space is being upgraded without prompting?
Since he couldn't figure it out, Chen Tianhao didn't care too much, and continued to move forward according to his own direction.Crush them, Chen Tianhao, the poisonous insect, has been crushing those single-celled animals.In fact, as long as some single-celled animals are fast and react in a timely manner, they can still escape Chen Tianhao's bloody jaws in the first place.

Some single-celled animals that escaped didn't care about Chen Tianhao who had become a multi-cellular animal at all. As long as he didn't feel hungry, Chen Tianhao didn't deliberately chase them either.Not to mention that Chen Tianhao didn't gain nutritional value after eating so many single-celled animals, even if he wanted to reach the shallow sea area earlier and set off for the land, Chen Tianhao didn't want to spend extra time chasing them.

Ah, damn it, when will I be able to swim to shallow waters at this speed.Chen Tianhao felt that he had been swimming in this direction for a long time.Because of the darkness of the deep sea and Chen Tianhao who has no sense of time at all, he can't judge how long he has been swimming, but he just remembers swimming in this direction, and he has killed many single-celled animals.

If it wasn't for him being able to feel the direction of the sea water flow, Chen Tianhao almost thought he was looking in the wrong direction.In fact, according to this direction, it is not necessarily the direction closest to the shallow waters, it may flow in another direction, but at least there is a direction.

Chen Tianhao, who was swimming fast, suddenly felt his eyes light up, and a light flashed away from his eyes.

Light?Chen Tianhao, who is used to relying on his senses to sense the surrounding environment in the dark waters, was excited for a while.Chen Tianhao couldn't remember how long he hadn't seen the light, could it be his fantasy?
Just when Chen Tianhao thought it was his fantasy, another light flashed before Chen Tianhao's eyes.Chen Tianhao can be sure that he is not imagining, the light really exists.But there was no light in the waters of the deep sea, but now there is light, will there be any danger?

Chen Tianhao hesitated whether he should go to the place where the light flashed, the waters of the deep sea were full of mystery.Damn it, go, die is dead, anyway, I can re-possess on other people of the same race.Or is there something good in this place of fleeting light.

After strengthening his belief, Chen Tianhao swam in the direction where he saw the light before, and in the process of advancing, that place flashed again.

The place where the light shines has changed, but the direction has not changed much.Then that flash point, or it is moving, or there are several.

Based on his feeling, Chen Tianhao felt that he was getting closer and closer. The luminous object seemed to disappear without a trace. In Chen Tianhao's perception, he did not perceive the existence of any animals or other things.

Is it already gone?Just when Chen Tianhao was about to give up and continue exploring, and was about to return to the direction of shallow water, that luminous point flashed in Chen Tianhao's eyes again.

so close?Anyway, it's not bad for a while, let's look for it again.However, I swam in that direction for a while, but still couldn't find it.When Chen Tianhao was about to give up, that light flashed again.

Grass, this is Brother Hang, if you don't dodge, or you don't leave, I won't believe I can't find you if you wait.Chen Tianhao, who originally planned to give up the search, finally ran away amidst the flickering molestation, and competed with that shiny thing.

Chasing all the way, the flashing point seemed to be playing a joke with Chen Tianhao. Whenever Chen Tianhao was about to give up, it flashed again, and the position of each flash changed, and the direction of change was generally within the range of that direction. Inside.

In the waters of the deep sea, Chen Tianhao was on his way quickly. When he passed by and encountered other single-celled animals, he didn't care about them anymore. Now Chen Tianhao only wanted to find the shining point to tease him.

In the dark deep sea waters, an electric worm is holding up its two tentacles, stimulating electric energy to paralyze its prey. The sea water makes the electricity conduct well, and the prey of the electric worm have not yet come to escape. , was already paralyzed in place, and the electric worms got food quite easily.

After a long journey, Chen Tianhao finally found the culprit, which was the electric bug that was preying on it.

Chen Tianhao looked angrily at this electric bug that was eating, grandma's, it's this one who has been molesting brother.Although Chen Tianhao really wanted to kill this molested bug immediately, but this is obviously a multicellular animal.After becoming a multicellular animal, I haven't encountered other multicellular animals, so it's better to be careful.

The electric worm didn't know that the light from its normal catching prey had attracted an opponent to it. After killing its prey, the electric worm was about to eat its own food. When it found Chen Tianhao, another multicellular animal, it stopped eating. Actions.

I have encountered many multicellular animals in the life of electric worms, and they were killed very smoothly with the help of electric energy, so the electric worms did not feel that they were a big threat to Chen Tianhao, but they still stopped eating and prepared to kill them. Just the new guy, and then have a good meal.

(End of this chapter)

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