spore evolution

Chapter 91 Complete the mission

Chapter 91 Complete the mission
In fact, Chen Tianhao also knew that the root digging beast below was dead beyond the point of reading the system's news.

The bodies of the four root-digging beasts were directly blown away. He did not believe that the root-digging beasts could survive after being blown up like this.

It's not that no creature can survive when its body is blown away, but the root digger is obviously not such a creature.

The violent explosion shattered more than half of the root-digger's body, and the surrounding trees were stained with flying blood. Fortunately, Chen Tianhao and the others were standing high enough, so no blood flew here.

Chen Tianhao flew down from the tree, looked at the root-digger on the ground, he was already used to facing the mutilated root-digger, but secretly regretted: "It's a pity that these root-digger are missing more than half of their meat."

He didn't expect that his electric ball would cause such a great power, and it directly blown up half of the huge root digging beast, and his consciousness was still there.

Although the electric ball has not evolved, nor has the energy core evolved, but other parts of the Wingman have evolved, especially the evolution of the nerves has reduced the loss of energy during transmission, and the control of the electric ball has also deepened a lot, so it caused In case of excessive force.

And the memory of the leader of the Winged Man also had a certain influence on him, thinking that the creatures around him were really as powerful as he remembered.

Apparently Chen Tianhao regards the cunning of the creature as the strength of the creature itself. After all, the leader of the winged man only has a third-level brain. , but it must be far beyond the third-level brain.

With Chen Tianhao's help, Yiren's hunting for food has become much easier.

Chen Tianhao's hunting operation on the first day was a success. He first pulled the broken root digger back to his territory.

Compared to some stronger creatures, Wingmen are not very powerful, but it is still no problem for a few people to move these dead diggers.

When Chen Tianhao returned to the territory, there was another burst of cheers. It had been a long time since the Yi people had hunted food so quickly. After discovering that the leader had changed, even hunting became much easier.

Only Chen Tianhao's team came back, the other team probably didn't hunt any food, and they were still outside and didn't come back.

Chen Tianhao raised his head and looked at the sky, the sun had just reached his head, from hunting the root digger to pulling the root digger back, it only took half a day.

He sat where the leader usually sat, looked at the tasks, and decided to rest for a while before hunting some root diggers, and finish the easy tasks first.

After resting for a while, I ate a few pieces of freshly baked barbecue. Not long after I finished eating in the morning, my stomach is not very hungry. I just tasted something new and tasted it.

Chen Tianhao led Chen Yi and ten of them to set off again, and searched for it by the river.

According to experience, there should be some root digging beasts.

Because it is summer now, the leaves of the root of the flame fruit tree that the root digger loves to eat are still green. If it is autumn, the leaves of the flame fruit tree will turn red, and it will become quite easy to find the root digger. Where there are fruit trees, there must be root digging beasts nearby.

But it's not particularly difficult to find now, Chen Tianhao has returned to the river, and his current way of moving forward is all on the trees.

Walking on the tree, the field of vision is better than that on the ground. With the eagle eyes of Yiren, the range of observation is much larger. Even if there are a lot of leaves blocking it, Chen Tianhao still has the energy of consciousness to explore the way.

In the process of searching, Chen Tianhao tested his consciousness energy detection range by the way.

The detection range of consciousness energy has been greatly improved because of the super nerve and the third-level brain.The normal detection range has reached a radius of one kilometer, while the limit detection range has reached two kilometers, which is a fourfold increase from the previous distance of 250 meters.

If the current distance is used to detect the three-headed demon king at that time, there is no need to go to the middle of the mountain to observe, and the situation at the bottom of the mountain can be observed directly from the top of the mountain.

Not only has the detection distance increased, but the duration has also increased a lot. He estimated that if he kept the energy of his consciousness within a radius of 100 meters, he could basically use it continuously for a day and maintain a range of one kilometer. It took more than two hours, but if you keep the limit distance, you can only use it for more than ten minutes.

The limit distance consumes too much consciousness energy, if it is not necessary, Chen Tianhao will not deliberately open the limit distance observation.

The distance of 100 meters is only a very short distance for the wingman with eagle eyes on the tree. In order to save his own consciousness energy, Chen Tianhao directly stopped the use of consciousness energy.

It may be because of the violent explosion that Chen Tianhao attacked the root-digger just now. When Chen Tianhao came here again, he did not find any other creatures, even after searching around, he did not find any other creatures. Find.

He had to search farther, along the river, and after advancing one kilometer, he finally found another group of diggers.

Chen Tianhao looked at the root diggers below in surprise, counted them carefully, and there were actually 6 root diggers.

"Great, after killing these root-digging beasts, the mission can just be completed."

These 6 root-digging beasts are a bit different from the ones they encountered before. Among the group of root-digging beasts, there is one who is obviously bigger and should be their leader.

Generally speaking, social creatures have a leader to lead their race to survive in this land. From the time Chen Tianhao landed on land, all the creatures he encountered basically had a leader, the leader of giant crocodile, the leader of porcupine, the leader of blast beast, Every race has their leader.

As for why the four root-digger beasts that Chen Tianhao met before had no leader, it might be because they got separated from the race. Perhaps the leader of the root-digger beasts was their leader, just like Chen Tianhao, who scattered the other winged people.

At this time, the leader of the root-digging beast is leading other root-digging beasts and is working hard to dig a hole.

The two claws in front of the root-digger are like sharp shovels at this time. The root-digger swung its claws quickly, and the soil under the flame fruit tree was quickly dug up, revealing dense roots .

With a wave of its paw, the root of the tree was quickly cut off. The root-digger picked up the root, wiped off the dirt on the root, and gnawed it.

The number of flame fruits is very small. The main reason is that root diggers are digging their roots. How can flame fruit trees survive without their roots? Most of the flame fruit trees died under the hands of root diggers.

Only some of the flame fruit trees escaped the digging of the root-digging beasts, successfully grew up, and then bear fruit. Although the flame fruit is delicious, only a few creatures have enjoyed this taste.

Chen Tianhao followed the same pattern as before, using electric balls on the tree to attack the root digger.

This time the number of root diggers was more than before, but Chen Tianhao also had experience, every two people were responsible for dealing with one root digger, and Chen Tianhao himself was responsible for dealing with one root digger.


The electric ball hit the root-digger, causing a violent explosion and taking the life of the root-digger.

"Congratulations on killing the root digger leader."


"Congratulations on completing the side mission: Hunting the Digger."

"Congratulations, you have scored 20 points, total points: 000 points."

"Congratulations on your racial achievement..."

"..., total points: 50 points."

Killing this group of root-digging beasts not only allowed Chen Tianhao to complete a side mission and get 20 points, there were also some achievements that raised his points to 000 points.

(End of this chapter)

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