Chapter 96
Chen Tianhao did not startle the snake, and continued to observe the situation below.

This is a group of thorn rabbits infesting, Chen Tianhao carefully counted the number of thorn rabbits, there are almost 20 of them.

"Hey, this is a big meal." Chen Tianhao looked at the Thorny Rabbit that kept approaching, drooling.

He missed the long-lost taste of barbecue, especially the barbecue with special paint last time, which made him miss it very much. After coming here for four days, all he ate was cold and air-dried meat.

There are 20 thorn rabbits, big and small. It should be a group of thorn rabbits coming out to look for food. 20 thorn rabbits are definitely a rare feast in this cold winter.

Chen Tianhao flew down from the top of the tree and found a branch that was relatively close to the ground. He didn't get too close to the Thorny Rabbit for fear of disturbing the Thorny Rabbit. At the same time, he also called out to the other Yimen to find a place and not to act rashly.

"Discover side quests: hunting thorn rabbits."

"Completion conditions: kill 20 thorn rabbits, the current completion status is 0/20."

"Mission reward: 20 points."

The task appeared, it was just an ordinary task, and only points were rewarded.

Now Chen Tianhao has roughly understood the triggering conditions of the mission. Basically, as long as he touches a new creature, a side mission will be triggered. The mission rewards can be good or bad. This should be the help given by the system.

Although the rewards are small, they add up to more, which is one step closer to the million goal.

The leader of the Thorny Rabbit is leading his clansmen to the depths of the forest to find food. The main food of the Thorny Rabbit is fungi, and fungi usually grow in dark and humid places.

The heavy snow for several days not only hindered the Wingman from finding food, but also hindered most of the creatures that move in winter. The heavy snow had exhausted the food reserves of the Thorn Rabbit, so as soon as the heavy snow stopped, the leader of the Thorn Rabbit took his family members outside Look for fungi covered in snow.

The Thorn Rabbit came out of the lair, and slowly went to the depths of the forest, where there were abundant fungi, but the Thorn Rabbit also knew that the journey from the den to the destination was also a journey full of dangers.

Not only do they come out to forage, but other creatures also come out to forage.

The leader of the thorn rabbit stopped and stopped along the way, his long ears were constantly changing directions, and he looked around vigilantly.

The direction that the leader of the Thorny Rabbit is heading is exactly the direction where Chen Tianhao stayed. To go to his destination, he needs to pass through the location of Chen Tianhao. He still followed his previous habits and went to places where a lot of fungi grew.

As the Thorn Rabbit continued to advance, Chen Tianhao also secretly prepared the electric ball. Now he is more and more proficient in electric balls, and soon he has assembled a basketball-sized electric ball in his hand. This is the most stable in Chen Tianhao's hands. Electric ball size.

The electric ball consumed 100 of his energy points, and his current energy can release six electric balls.

The Thorny Rabbit had already arrived under the tree where Chen Tianhao was standing, but he just looked around, he didn't look up, and he didn't find Chen Tianhao above his head.

Seeing that the 20 thorn rabbits had all arrived under the tree, Chen Tianhao decisively released the electric ball in his hand, aimed at the leader of the thorn rabbits under the tree, and slammed it down.

"Brothers, do it."

As soon as Chen Tianhao finished speaking, the electric ball had already arrived among the thorn rabbits.

The electric ball carried huge blue energy, and the moment it touched the thorn rabbit, it exploded. Several thorn rabbits near the explosion of the electric ball were directly blown away, and they seemed to be unable to survive.

The other thorn rabbits were not much better. The thorn rabbits were too close to each other. After the electric ball exploded, the flickering electric sparks kept jumping in the thorn rabbit group, paralyzing the thorn rabbit's movements, and it was too late for the thorn rabbit to escape.

At this time, Chen Tianhao took the lead to fly down the branch, and flew in the direction of Thorny Rabbit.

The rest of the Thorn Rabbits were paralyzed by the electricity and couldn't move. Seeing the Winged Man galloping towards them, they opened their mouths wide. A stream of fire energy slowly condensed in the Thorn Rabbit's mouth, and then spewed out a sea of ​​flames.

Chen Tianhao knew that the Thorny Rabbit could spray a sea of ​​flames lasting two to three seconds once a day, so he had long been vigilant about the other party's situation, he didn't get too close, he just besieged and didn't attack.

Sure enough, the thorn rabbit spewed out a sea of ​​flames. The flames spewed out by more than a dozen thorn rabbits together formed a fire circle with a diameter of 1 meter around the thorn rabbit. The temperature of the sea of ​​fire was extremely high. At this time, Chen Tianhao was away from the thorn rabbit. There are still three or four meters away, and the flames are hot.

The scorching flames made Chen Tianhao feel that he wanted to stay at this temperature for a while longer, because it was really too warm.

The duration of the sea of ​​fire was very short, it disappeared in just two seconds, and the high temperature in two seconds melted a lot of the snow around the thorn rabbit.

As soon as the sea of ​​fire disappeared, the thorn rabbit immediately curled up on the ground, and the white spikes became extremely hard.

Usually, the thorn rabbit relies on these two methods to avoid the pursuit of other creatures. One is the sea of ​​fire to attack, and the other is to defend with spikes. .

These two methods are the skills that Thorny Rabbit relies on to survive, but they met Chen Tianhao this time and were stunned by Chen Tianhao's electric ball attack.

The electric ball attack made them lose the power to escape, and the sea of ​​fire attack did not hit Chen Tianhao, so they could only hope that the spikes would make Chen Tianhao retreat.

Chen Tianhao fell from the sky, first stabbed the unconscious thorn rabbits a few times, and after confirming the death, he looked at the thorn rabbits curled up on the ground in embarrassment.

The spikes of the Spiny Rabbit were five centimeters long, and the claws of the Winged Man were also five centimeters long, unable to reach the Spiny Rabbit's body. The sharp claws on the wings were ten centimeters long, but it was not very convenient.

"There you go, guys, turn 'em over."

Although thorn rabbits are covered with spikes all over their bodies, there is one place that does not have spikes, and that is their abdomen, which is their weak point.

After hearing this, the Wingmen immediately ran over and turned the thorn rabbit to the ground. The thorn rabbit that fell to the ground immediately exposed its abdomen.

Seeing that his abdomen was exposed in the enemy's line of sight, he quickly hugged his chest tightly with his four limbs.

It's just that the Thorn Rabbit, who wasn't too powerful originally, and was paralyzed by the electric ball just now, doesn't have the strength to fight against the Winged Man at this time.


The sharp claws entered the stomach, and the Wingman stabbed the rabbit's abdomen with sharp claws, and then pulled it out. In an instant, the life of the rabbit was gone.

The other thorn rabbits did the same, and none of the 20 thorn rabbits escaped and became the food of the winged people.

"Congratulations on completing the sub-quests, you have gained 20 points, and the total points: 000 points."

"Congratulations on your racial achievement..."

"..., total points: 60 points."

Killing 20 thorn rabbits not only brought Chen Tianhao food, but also a lot of points.

In this way, Chen Tianhao couldn't help sighing, as expected, the points came faster from hunting new creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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