Han Fei

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Xi called greedy?Those who used to know Boyao knew his name.Lead Zhao, Han, and Wei to attack Fan and Zhongxing, destroy them, and return to rest for several years. Because people ask for land in Han, Han Kangzi will not want to give it.Duan Gui remonstrated, saying: "You have to be with me."The husband knows that the uncle is a human being, and he is frightened by the profit. If he comes to ask for land and refuses to give it, he will move his troops to Han.You and it.On the other hand, Xuan, Xuan, Xi Ye, who won the land in Han, will be eager to ask for it.He will also invite other countries, and if other countries do not listen, if he does not listen, he will surely add soldiers.If so, Han can avoid suffering and wait for the change of his affairs.Kang Zi said: promise.Because he ordered the envoy to Yu Zhibo, one of the counties of thousands of families.Zhi Bo said that he was also invited to Wei, and Xuanzi wanted not to do so.Zhao Jia remonstrated, saying: "He asked for land from Han, and Han gave it to him, and now he asks for land in Wei, and Wei Fuyu, it is Wei's internal self-improvement, and his external anger knows him."If this is the case, it will be better to give it to him than to send troops to Wei.Xuan Zinuo, because it made people in the county of ten thousand families, Yu Zhibo.The Zhibo also sent people to Zhao, and asked for the land of Cai and Gaolang, and the name of the city.Zhao Xiangzi Fu and.Zhibo made an appointment with Han and Wei to attack Zhao.Xiangzi summoned Zhang Meng to talk and told him: "My husband knows that Bo is a human being. His intestines are regulated and his Yin is sparse. He made Han and Wei three times and the widow did not agree with him. He made Yin three times to make an appointment. He knew that he had different ambitions."It will be necessary to deploy troops to the widow, but can I live in peace now?Zhang Mengtan said: Husband Dong Yanyu, Jian Zhu's talented minister, he ruled Jinyang, and Yin Duo followed him, Yin Duo, An Yu belonged to the doctor.The rest of the teachings still exist, and you just settled in Jinyang.Jun said: promise.He called Yan Lingsheng and ordered the general to ride to Jinyang first, and the king followed him.When the king arrives, he walks through the city walls and the five sense organs. The city walls are not in order, there is no millet in the storehouse, there is no money in the government, there are no armored soldiers in the treasury, and there are no guards in the city.Xiangzi was afraid, so he called Zhang Meng to talk and said: "I don't have the walls and the five senses. How can I deal with the enemy?"Zhang Mengtan said: "I have heard of the rule of the sages. They are hidden in the ministers and not in the treasury. If you practice their teachings, you will not be able to rule the city."The king issued an order to order the people to leave food for three years, those who have surplus millet to enter the warehouse, leave it for three years, and those who have surplus money to enter the house.There are strange people who make the repair of the city.Qi, Yu Ye, is also called idler.sound restraint.Junxi issued an order, tomorrow, there will be no room for millet in the warehouse, no accumulated money in the government, and no armored soldiers in the treasury. After staying for five days, the city has been ruled and the defense has been completed.The king called Zhang Meng to talk and asked: "My city is already ruled, the defense is complete, the money and millet are sufficient, and there are more armored soldiers. Why do I have no arrows?"Zhang Mengtan said: I heard that Dong Zi ruled Jinyang. The walls of the palaces were all made of wormwood and the walls of Chu.So I sent it out and tried it, but its firmness is beyond the strength of the fungus.The king said: "My arrows are enough, but what if there is no gold?"Zhang Mengtan said: I heard that Dong Zi ruled Jinyang, and all the halls of the palaces and palaces used copper chains as pillars, and the emperor sent them to use them.So send it out and use it, there is more money left.The order has been set, the defense has been prepared, the soldiers of the Three Kingdoms have arrived, and when they arrive, they will take advantage of the city of Jinyang, and then fight, and they will not be able to pull out in March.Surrounded by the army of Shu, Jinyang was determined to be irrigated with water. After besieging Jinyang for three years, he lived in a cave in the city, cooking with a cauldron hanging, his wealth and food were almost exhausted, and the scholar-bureaucrats became ill.Xiangzi called Zhang Mengtan and said: "Food is scarce, financial resources are exhausted, and scholars and bureaucrats are sick. I am afraid I will not be able to defend them. If I want to take down the city, what country can I go down?"Zhang Mengtan said: "I have heard that if the dead can survive, and the endangered can be safe, then there is no value for your wisdom. You will lose this plan."Please try sneaking out to see the kings of Han and Wei.Zhang Mengtan saw Han and Wei Zhijun and said: "I heard that my lips are dying and my teeth are cold."Now Zhibo leads the two kings to attack Zhao, and Zhao will perish.When Zhao died, the second monarch was next.The second gentleman said: I know why.Although Zhibo is a rough man and has few relatives, if I plan to realize it, then the disaster will surely come, what can I do?Zhang Mengtan said: "People don't know it if they try to get out of the mouth of the two monarchs and enter the ears of the ministers."Because the two kings talked with Zhang Meng about the rebellion of the three armies, they set a date with him.Meng Tan was sent to Jinyang at night to report that the three armies had turned against Xiangzi. Xiangzi welcomed Meng Tan and worshiped him again, fearful and happy.The two monarchs left Zhang Mengtan with an appointment, and came out because of the court Zhibo. When they met Zhijue outside the gate, the wisdom was too strange.The king said: "How so?"His behavior is reserved and his intention is high, which is not the season of other times, and the king is not as good as the first one.The king said: "I have made an agreement with the two lords. I will break Zhao and divide its land into three parts. If the widows are close to each other, they will not invade and bully them."Bingzhi was written in Jinyang for three years, and now and in the evening he will pull it out and benefit him, so why would he have other intentions?Otherwise, don't worry about Zi Shi, don't say it out of your mouth.At the dawn of the Ming Dynasty, the two lords came out again, and saw that Zhiguo went to the gate again, and Zhiguo entered the view and said: "Does the king tell the two lords with the words of his ministers?"The king said: How do you know it?Said: "Today the two masters came out of the court, and when they saw the ministers, their expressions changed, and they regarded the ministers as bound to change. It is better to kill them."The king said: "Don't say anything again when you set it up."Zhi Guo said: "No, it must be killed."If you can't kill him, then kiss him.The king said: "What can I do with my relatives?"Zhi Guo said: Wei Xuanzi's counselor is called Zhao Jia, and Han Kangzi's counselor is called Duan Gui. Both of these can change the plan of the king. The king and his two kings made an agreement to break Zhao Guo. Then the hearts of the two masters can remain unchanged.Zhi Bo said: If you break Zhao and divide it into three parts, and enfeoff the two sons with one county of ten thousand families, then I will get little, which is impossible.Zhiguo saw that he didn't listen to what he said, so he came out, because his family was changed to the Fu clan.On the night of the day, the Zhao family killed the officials guarding the embankment and decided to pour water into the Zhibo army. The Zhibo army rescued the water and caused chaos. Han and Wei Yi attacked them. The army is known to Bo Qin.Zhibo died and the army was broken, and the country was divided into three, laughing for the world.Therefore, it is said: Greedy and greedy for profit is the root of destroying the country and killing oneself.

Xi said that he was addicted to female music?In the past, the envoy of the king of Rong was sent to Qin by Yu. Duke Mu asked him, "I have heard the Tao but have not seen it with my own eyes. I wish to hear how the ancient Ming masters often win the country and lose the country."Yu Yu said to him: "I have tasted and heard about it. I have tasted it with thrift and lost it with extravagance."Mu Gong said: "The widow asked Yu Zi without humiliating him. What did Zi use frugality to do to the widow?"Yu Yu said to him: I heard that in the past, Yao ruled the world. He ate on the earthen gui and drank on the earthen scorpion. His land stretched from Jiaozhi in the south, Youdu in the north, and the sun and the moon from east to west.Yao Zen the world, Yu Shun received it, used it as a food vessel, cut mountains and trees to make money, and cut saws and polished the marks of his axe.The trace, the flow, the cloth also.Paint and ink on it, transport it to the palace as food utensils, the princes think it is extravagant, and the country's dissatisfaction is thirteen.Shun practiced Zen in the world and passed it on to Yu. Yu used it as a sacrificial vessel, dyed the outside with ink, and painted the inside with vermilion and silk.It is a coincidence that the cups and wines are rich, and the goblets are decorated. This is extravagant, but the country is not satisfied with it33.After the Xiahou family died, the people of Yin accepted it, and built it as a big house, with carved food vessels, carved cups and cups, chalked walls, and carved inscriptions on the carpet mats.All gentlemen know the articles, but those who want to obey them are rare, so the ministers say that they are frugal.From the rest, the public called Liao, the internal historian, and told him, saying: "I heard that there are saints in the neighboring country, and the enemy's country is also worried."Now Yuyu, the saint is also, the widow suffers from it, what can I do?Internal history Liao said: I heard that the residence of King Rong is remote and remote, and I have never heard the voice of China. Monarchs and ministers have space and then they can make plans.Jun said: promise.It was Shi Liao who left the King of Rong with female music on the 53th, because the rest asked for a period, and the King of Rong promised.Seeing his daughter's music and talking about it, set up wine and drink, listen to music every day, never move throughout the year, and the cattle and horses are half dead.From Yu Gui, because he remonstrated with King Rong, King Rong listened.From Yu Sui to Qin, Duke Mu of Qin greeted and worshiped Shangqing, and asked about the strength of his army and its terrain. Once he obtained it, he raised his troops and attacked it.Therefore, it is said: Indulging in women's music, disregarding state affairs, and the disaster of national subjugation.

Xi said that he traveled far away from home?In the past, Tian Chengzi took pleasure in swimming in the sea, and ordered all the great officials to say: "Whoever says it will die."Yan Zhuoju said: "The king enjoys traveling in the sea, but what kind of people have plans for the country?"Although you are happy, will you be safe?Tian Chengzi said: "The widow issued an order saying that the one who returns will die. Today, my son violated the widow's order."Aid Ge will hit it.Yan Zhuoju said: In the past Jie killed Guan Longfeng, and Zhou killed prince Bigan, but now the king kills his ministers with the three things.The minister speaks for the country, not for the body.Stretching his neck forward, he said: "The king has hit it."Jun Nai Shi Gequ drove back, and in three days, he heard that the people of the country were planning to make a son out of Neitian.The reason why Tian Chengzi has the state of Qi is that Yan Zhuo gathered the power.Therefore, it is said: Traveling far away from the interior is the way to endanger yourself.

Do you call it too much and not listen to loyal ministers?In the past, Duke Huan of Qi united nine feudal lords, governing the world together, and was the head of the fifth uncle, Guan Zhongzuo.Mr. Guan Zhong couldn't use his affairs, so he stayed at home. Duke Huan asked him, "Zhong's father is sick at home. If he is unlucky, he can't get sick. How can the government be moved?"Guan Zhong said: "Your minister is old, so don't ask questions."Although, the minister heard it, knowing the minister is better than the king, and knowing the son is better than the father, the king should try to decide it with his heart.The king said: "How about Bao Shuya?"Guan Zhong said: "Impossible."Husband Bao Shuya is a man, and he is stubborn and upright.If you are rigid, you will offend the people with violence, if you are arrogant, you will lose the hearts of the people, and if you defend, you will be useless.The duke said: But how about being upright?Guan Zhong said: "Impossible."The love of a wife is all about loving her body. She is fair and fond of her insides, and she is arrogant and self-defeating.Thinking that if you govern the interior, if you don't love yourself, how can you love the king?The duke said, "how about Mr. Wei prescribing the prescription?"Guan Zhong said: "Impossible."The trip between Qi and Wei is only ten days, and the prescribing prescription is for the emperor, because he wants to be suitable for the emperor, and he does not return to see his parents for 15 years, this is not human.If his parents are not close, how can they be close to the king?The duke said: But what about Yiya?Guan Zhong said: "Impossible."Husband Yi Ya is the taste of a monarch, the only food you eat is human ears, Yi Ya steams his head and enters it, you know it.There is no one who does not love his son, and now he steams his son as a meal for the king. If his son loves him, how can he love the king?The duke said, "but what can I do?"Guan Zhong said: "Xi Peng can."He is also a man, firm in the middle but honest in appearance, less desire but more trustworthy.If the husband is strong, he can be a model, if he is honest, he can take great responsibility, if he has less desire, he can be close to others, and if he is more trustworthy, he can be close to his neighbors.Jun said: promise.After staying for more than a year, Guan Zhong died, and the king did not use Xi Peng to be stubborn.Three years after Diao Lai's affairs, Duke Huan traveled south to Tangfu, and he led Yi Ya, Prince Wei Kaifang and ministers to cause chaos. Duke Huan died of thirst and died in the south gate. Yu Hu.Therefore, Duke Huan's soldiers ran rampant in the world. He was the elder of the fifth uncle, and when he saw his death, he killed his ministers and destroyed his high reputation. Why would he be laughed at by the world?Don't worry about Guan Zhongzhi's fault.Therefore, it is said: If you pass without listening to loyal ministers, and follow your own will, you will destroy your high reputation, and it will be the beginning of people's laughter.

Do you mean that you do not know what you can do?In the past, when Qin attacked Yiyang, the Han family was in a hurry. Gong Zhongpeng called Han Jun and said: "You can't rely on the country. How can it be like Zhang Yi's harmony with Qin?"Because of the name of the capital, he went south and attacked Chu, which is to solve the problem in Qin and harm it in Chu.Qin harmed and handed over to Chu Ye.Jun said: good.It is the policeman, and it is decorated with rings.During Gongzhong's trip, Jiangxi and Qin.When the king of Chu heard about it, he was afraid, so he called Chen Zhen and told him, "Han Peng is going to the west and Qin, what will he do now?"Chen Zhen said: "Qin won the capital of Han and drove him to practice armor. Qin and Han are united and south of Chu. The reason why the king of Qin seeks temples and shrines is that he must be harmful to Chu."Wang Qiqu sent trustworthy ministers, many of his chariots, and his coins, to honor Han, saying: "Although the country of Bugu is small, the death has already been learned, and I hope that the great country will have the confidence of Qin."Letter, Shen also.Because it is hoped that the great country will order the envoys to enter the country to see the rise and fall of Chu.The envoy of Han came to Chu, and the king of Chu rode his chariot on the road under Chen. He called the envoy of Han and said: "The soldiers who reported to the king of Han that they are evil are about to enter the country now."The messenger also reported to Han Jun, Han Jun said, stop Gong Zhong, Gong Zhong said: "No."Qin Ye, who told me the truth, and Chu Ye, who saved me in name, listened to Chu's false words and lightly slandered the real disaster of strengthening Qin, which would endanger the foundation of the country.When Han Junfu heard this, Gong Zhong returned angrily and stayed away for ten days.Yiyang was in a hurry, Han Jun ordered the envoy to die in Chu, and the crown and cover looked at each other but the death did not come, Yiyang's fruit was pulled out, and the princes laughed.Therefore, it is said: Those who do not measure their strength internally and rely on princes externally will suffer from the destruction of the country.

Xi said that the country is rude?In the past, Chonger, son of the Jin Dynasty, was far more exiled than Cao Cao, and Cao Jun watched it openly.Li Li and Shu Zhan serve in front.Shu Zhan said to Cao Jun: "Your view is that the son of Jin is very human. He is rude when you meet him. If he sometimes rebels against the country and revolts, he will be hurt by Cao."You might as well kill it.Cao Junfu listened.Li was unhappy when he returned home, and his wife asked him, "Why does the public look unhappy when he comes from outside?"The burden said: "I heard it, good luck is not as good as it is, and misfortune comes to me."Your blessing may not necessarily reach you, but the misfortune is even for me.Today, my lord summoned Mr. Jin, and he was rude to him, and I was in front of him, so I was not happy.His wife said: I see that the son of Jin is the master of ten thousand chariots, and his left and right followers are also the prime minister of ten thousand chariots.Today's poor and exile is more than Cao, and Cao Yuzhi is rude. If he is against the country, he will be punished for being rude, and Cao will be the leader.Didn't Zixi commit suicide first?The bearer said: promise.Put gold in a pot, fill it with food, and put a biscuit on it, and the night will make you lose your son.When the son saw the envoy, he worshiped and accepted his meal again, and resigned from his bi.The son entered Chu from Cao, and entered Qin from Chu.In the third year of entering Qin Dynasty, Duke Mu of Qin called a group of ministers to conspire and said: In the past, Duke Xian of Jin made friends with widows, and the princes never heard about it.Unfortunately, Xian Gong was away from the group of ministers, and he had been in and out for ten years.His heir is not good, I am afraid that this will prevent his ancestral temple from being wiped out and the country will not be fed with blood.If it is Fuding, it is not the way to communicate with others.I want to assist Chong Er to enter the Jin Dynasty, how about it?All the officials are good.Because of the death of the public, there are five hundred leather chariots, two thousand horses, and so on, and the horses are all exquisite.With 5 infantry, he assisted Chong'er to enter the Jin Dynasty and established him as the King of Jin.Three years after Chong'er ascended the throne, he raised his troops to attack Cao Cao.Because someone told Cao Jun: "Uncle Xuan looked out, and I killed it and thought it was a big slaughter."He also made people tell Lizhe, saying: "The army is in Bocheng, and I know that my son will not violate it, and I know that I dare not violate the king, and what I say is not my heart."The widow will take his cousin's house as an order to order the army not to dare to commit crimes.When the people of Cao heard of it, there were more than seven hundred families who led their relatives to protect the lords who were in charge of Li.This gift is also used.Therefore, Cao Xiaoguo was also forced between Jin and Chu, and his king was in danger, and he visited him with impoliteness, which is why he is peerless.Therefore, it is said: If a country is small and rude, if you don't need to remonstrate with your ministers, it will be peerless.


#1 The word "gong" is removed here, and it is corrected by Chen Qiyou.

#2 The word "Ming" has no meaning, and it was changed according to "hui" in the pedantic commentary and Ling Hao's first editions.

#3 The word "say" has no meaning, so it was changed to "ha" according to Chen Qiyou.

#4 Yuanpingben, Ling Yingchuben's "Qi" as "period", according to the revision.

#5 The original work "ancestor" should be "bare", which was changed according to Chen Qiyou's suggestion.

(End of this chapter)

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