Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 188 Picking up customers

Chapter 188 Picking up customers (4)
Although Mrs. Mo had been reprimanded by Mrs. Mo, he still didn't give up and went to Yao's house again. He thought that Yao family had always loved him so much, and now that he came to invite him personally, he would be grateful to come back with him After all, a couple of one day has a hundred days of kindness, and a hundred days of couples is like the depth of the sea. They have been married for many years, and the kindness is deeper than the sea.

He even thought about how to coax Yao Shi back. His wife is such a pure and kind woman, so I believe he won't be too sad.

But no matter how much he wants to be eloquent, he can't even enter the door of the Yao family. No matter whether he threatens or lures him, the servants of the Yao family will not let him in. He opened his throat and asked for an official.

He is the second master of the Mo family, so he can only leave in a despondent exhaustion, no matter how much he can afford to lose his face.

There is a kind of person who just can't be ignored, let alone give him any face, otherwise he will kick his nose in the face.

Therefore, when Mo Jinhao heard the news that the servants told Master Mo Er to leave, he just snorted coldly, and ordered: "Tell the servants by my mother, and no one is allowed to pass this news to my mother."

It's not because he is afraid that Yao Shi will change his mind, but because Yao Shi is so angry that he vomits blood... He hates himself for being so blind.

Master Mo Er left, but instead of going back to Mo's house, he went to the wine shop, ignoring one cup after another, as if he would not let himself get drunk, and would not give up.

Until the end, when he was lying on the table like a dead pig, two slender figures walked out of the private room beside him.

"Dear cousin, tell me, what kind of person is the Fifth Miss of the Mo family?" Shaking the fan in his hand, his expression became more and more confused. That little girl will be covered by a layer of mist again, giving him surprises again and again.


Yes, surprise.

Those step-by-step, those interlocking, made him and Ye Ruoming not only dumbfounded, but also deeply admired, and there was no room for meddling.

She thought that there was no way to retreat, but it turned into a living chess in her few words.

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears and seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that a ten-year-old girl could see people's hearts and greed so thoroughly, and so flawlessly.

What's more, she acted so decisively, like the so-called relatives, in her eyes, they didn't matter at all...including her father, and the only person she could care about was Yao Shi, who seemed cowardly, but was actually A woman as stubborn as her.

He admitted that he was confused, and became more and more curious about her true face after the fog was lifted.

Is it sentient, or truly ruthless?
People couldn't take their eyes off this girl more and more. He was his cousin.

"What kind of person? It's just a girl who is forced to have no way out!" Ye Ruoming's expression was indifferent, still as cold as the evening snow on a thousand mountains.

But the face that was obviously afraid but still forced to be calm emerged in my mind. Is it because I know that I have nothing to rely on, so I am so thorough; Is it because I know that I have no way out, so I am so brave. forward?

For some reason, that kind of unfamiliar sympathy surged into his heart again. For that stubborn girl, a feeling rose in his heart again, a feeling he had forgotten for a long time... Distressed, and wanting to hug her, Give her the urge to rely on and shelter her from the wind and rain.

The night is slowly flowing, but there is a trace of warmth in the silence, and at this moment, Jin Hao is nestled in Yao's arms. Those disputes, calculations, and schemes during the day seem to be far away from her at this moment. All the distractions she had about her didn't seem to matter...including her father, or her husband.

At this moment, among the heavens and the earth, there are only two mothers and daughters who are connected by blood and hearts.

It wasn't until the moon was rising that the rays of broken jade shone through through the jasper screen, Jin Hao slowly retreated from Yao's embrace.

She showed a sweet smile towards Yao Shi, like the glutinous rice dumplings that are abundant in the rice flower fragrance in the south of the Yangtze River, the sweetness that people can't refuse: "Mother, how about we have some wine today?"

"Nonsense, how can there be any reason for the lady to drink alcohol?" Yao's heart felt warm, knowing that this caring daughter wanted her to drink some alcohol, so that she could forget about those complicated things.

"So let's write in secret, secretly...without letting others know...secretly..." She arched her head in Yao Shi's arms a few times until Yao Shi's heart became weak, and she couldn't help it. Abandoning armor and throwing arms: "Okay, let's drink some fruit wine, don't get drunk."

"Okay!" Jin Hao replied crisply, and gave Yunyan a wink, and after a while, Yunyan served the food and wine.

The dishes were fresh and tender, and the aroma of the wine was pleasant. Although the mother and daughter felt a little bit bitter in their hearts, they still smiled in front of each other. Jin Hao persuaded Yao shi one after another, and Yao shi did not refuse. After a while, I got drunk, I don't know if it was because I drank too much, or because I had too much sorrow in my heart.

However, Jin Hao took out the He Li book from his sleeve and coaxed Yao Shi to sign it.

The drunken Yao family naturally wouldn't be on guard against his daughter, no matter what Jin Hao asked her to sign and pledge, naturally let Jin Hao succeed without any effort.

"Mother, I'm sorry!" She looked at Yao Shi whose face was full of tears, and murmured, she never thought of deceiving Yao Shi, but now that's all there is to it.

However, she didn't regret it at all.

If she does it again, she will still make the same choice, even if her mother blames her in the future... In this world, mothers' sacrifices are not always used to fulfill the happiness of their children. This time, she regained her mother more than anyone else. Even if she loses everything, she still wants her mother to live happily.

As for the Mo family, the old lady, Master Mo Er, Tong Xiangyu, Mo Jinjun, and even Dong Xue, those who owed their mother, she would help her get it back bit by bit.

"Take good care of your wife!"

After she ordered Chunhua, she stepped out firmly, and the uncle of the Yao family, who had been waiting for her news, received the Heli book, and said very gently: "That girl Dongxue, uncle will follow your words. ,arranged."

His expression was indifferent and cruel.

Jinhao laughed when he heard this, his eyebrows and eyes were crooked, and his eyes were cold: "Thank you uncle, we have set up the stage for this stage, let sister Dongxue play to the fullest tomorrow!"

The debt collection has already started, and the first one is the loyal new master Dong Xue, who makes her the weakest and she is not strong.

Although Shangu Town is a town, it is extremely prosperous, and various industries are well developed, including...brothel.

(End of this chapter)

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