Chapter 218
The salivation in everyone's mouths was more vigorous than usual, and the corners of Ye Ruoqian's mouth curved into a happy arc when no one saw it.

Yao Lijuan's cooking is as good as Jinhao's. It is delicious in color and fragrance. Everyone who eats it has round stomachs, but she is the most polite. Xie Mingtan, Ye Ruoming, and Zhu Sanye are all accompanied by Qiu Ruhu from the family... ...Yao Lijuan once again felt Jin Hao's meticulousness. If there is no Qiu Ruhu in the family today, I'm afraid the backs of their mothers will be pierced.

The more Zhu Sanye ate, the longer his neck stretched out, but when he finally left, he couldn't see Yao Lijuan, but he sighed again in his heart: good reconciliation!That wimpy Mo family, how could he be worthy of such a beautiful woman.

Time flies, and Jin Hao's family has attracted a lot of attention when they moved into the city. Jin Hao thought that after buying such a house for 3000 taels, and paying back 2000 taels, it shouldn't attract so much attention. They are newcomers, and the neighbors don't know you, so it shouldn't attract much attention.

In the end, she found that she was wrong, and it was a big mistake. Any place is extremely interested in foreigners. As long as there is any new news, people will come immediately.

No, on the third day after moving in, Yao Lijuan felt a lot more relaxed and became more excited. After the family had dinner, she went to Qinlai and played a piece of "Good Night Introduction". Someone came to the door.

It was said that Mrs. Li from next door was visiting, but Yao Lijuan had no choice but to go to the living room to receive the uninvited Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li came in all the way, and she was a little surprised when she saw that there were mostly servants in the house. When she saw that the owner of the house was actually an extremely beautiful pregnant lady, she was even more surprised. Yao Lijuan prevaricated one by one.

After sending Mrs. Li away, I ordered in my heart to keep the door tight. There are many women and children in my family, so I can't take care of them.

It's not that she judges the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. At first, she thought that Mrs. Li was just because a new neighbor moved in next door. She came here to say hello, and she knew who lived next door, so she could feel at ease. .

However, Mrs. Li's tone of voice just now, her rolling eyes, and her overly enthusiastic attitude made Yao Lijuan realize that this neighbor seems to have some bad intentions, and the main task is to find out her identity, touch her background.

Because there is such a curious neighbor living next door, Yao Lijuan reprimanded the servants at home, telling them to communicate, abide by the rules, and not gossip. The nobleness of the master's identity.

Because of Mrs. Li's big mouth, everyone on this street knew that a rich new neighbor had moved in. He had no husband, and only had three children, with one more in his womb.

Although Mrs. Li's villainous heart, she said everywhere that Yao Lijuan might be tolerated by her husband's family, but everyone looked at the servants in the mansion with a strict attitude, a well-deserved advance and retreat, and a style of a wealthy family, which is unusual for the master. Respect, without the slightest disrespect, I don't take Mrs. Li's guess seriously.

Everyone's guess is more inclined to a new guess: it's not that she was not tolerated by her husband's family, but that her husband died suddenly and couldn't bear to stay in the house, so she left the old house with a few children... After all, she did something wrong and couldn't tolerate people from her in-law's family. , How can I have the right to take away the child.

There are even people who are interested in asking around to see if there is any wealthy family in the city that has a daughter-in-law who ran away from home. After finding nothing, the neighbors defined Yao Lijuan's identity as: a pretty widow from outside, a dead husband, with a stunning appearance, The family is rich, and it seems that the bustling commercial street in the city has their family's property.

pretty widow?Rich family?

How touching!
Yao's residence became the biggest highlight for a while, attracting many people's attention.

However, Yao Lijuan and the others came here, so they are safe. People are always a little curious about new things, and after the novelty passes, they will naturally cool down.

As a result, the Yao family formed three directions. Yao Lijuan often went to the neighbors with a big belly to socialize enthusiastically, and satisfies the curiosity of others by the way. Yingying didn't answer.

And Jinhao was busy with the preparations for the embroidery workshop. Behind the commercial street, she bought a small house for Mrs. Dai, and settled her family in it.

Jinhao often used to study double-sided embroidery with her, because Jinhao's talent is so amazing, and in the end, Mrs. Dai simply accepted Jinhao as her apprentice... Who made her children really have no talent for this embroidery? It was also broken, and in order not to let the master's unique skills be lost, she received it happily.

Because the preparations for the commercial street are almost ready, the goods in the capital are almost on the shelves, and only Linglong Embroidery Workshop has not officially recruited embroiderers, and the self-produced embroidery will take a while to be on the shelves, so at the beginning , she also sold some fresh designs from the capital.

Moreover, Jinhao was thinking that even if she had her own embroidery in the future, she would still need to buy some silk and satin to enrich the storefront.

Evidently, Jinhao had a good idea. Fresh embroidery from the capital is very popular, and it will be restocked within a few days after it has been put on the shelves.

While replenishing the stock, Jin Hao and Mrs. Dai's embroidered garments are finally ready, but Jin Hao is only one color, the style is very special, but the price is ridiculously high... At least Mrs. Dai is listening to that When it came time to price, my mouth opened wide and I couldn't close it for a long time.

In fact, the four ready-to-wear garments are not much different from the usual robes, except that the waists are tucked a little, and each of the corners of the garments is a group of four gentlemen in flowers. It looks green, but it doesn't give people a fancy feeling, but more It's a bit of a refined feeling.

After Jinhao was finished, because he didn't know how the effect would be, he took one of the bamboo garments made according to Qiu Ruhu's size, and asked Qiu Ruhu to change it into it.

When Yunyan and Xuelan unfolded the robe, Qiu Ruhu's eyes lit up immediately, and without waiting for Jin Hao to urge him, he hurried back to change it by himself.

Taking advantage of Qiu Ruhu's time changing clothes, Jin Hao came up with a few more tricks. In addition to the four gentlemen, the high-ranking officials and nobles in the celestial dynasty also like some pine, cedar, and cypress, etc. After thinking about it, she came up with a few more.

Qiu Ruyi at the side even yelled to make some patterns of little birds and little fishes, which inspired Jin Hao to think that these cute little animals could be embroidered on children's clothes.

Just when he was full of thoughts, Qiu Ruhu came back, but there were three people behind him... Xie Mingtan, Ye Ruoming, and Third Master Zhu.

After Qiu Ruhu changed his clothes, he immediately became a bit more refined, but it didn't hurt the man's strength at all. Jin Hao's eyes lit up immediately, and he realized that the hard work he and Mrs. Dai had put in these days was not in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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