Chapter 221
Ye Ruoqian glanced at the absurdly loose wedding dress, his eyes flickered, there was a hint of sarcasm, and there was also a kind of cruelty, he exchanged a tacit look with the third wife, Mrs. Zhang, and rode on with her lips pursed. The big red horse left.

In Mrs. Mo's yard, Jin Hao squinted her eyes slightly, listening to the joy go away, her eyes were illuminated by the sun, and there was a hazy and mocking smile on the corner of her mouth, cold as thin ice.

Only when a person falls from the highest point is the most painful, bitter, and desperate... just like her once.

"Miss, elder sister Yaoqin said that the matter has been settled." Yunyan whispered in Jinhao's ear, taking advantage of Tianchai's effort.

"Very good!" A thin smile faded from the corners of his lips, like sunlight shining on the ice surface, tightly stroking the pattern of gold-painted branches on the teacup, the whole person was shrouded in light, how much Seeing flowers in a fog, a blurred feeling.

Yunyan glanced at the surrounding situation, saw that no one was paying attention to the situation of their master and servant, and continued softly: "She asked her servant to kowtow to the master for her. .”

Jin Hao nodded, but said nothing, Yun Yan brought the words to her, and said no more, after all, this is not Yao's house, and they are not the only two masters and servants here.

Seeing that Mo Jinran's bridal sedan chair was finally taken away, Mrs. Mo finally let go of her heart that she had been holding on to. She felt tired all of a sudden, and she didn't bother to hold Jinhao any longer, letting her go back to her yard to rest.

Jin Hao naturally didn't want to face Mrs. Mo's old face, and was very happy.

But when and where people can't have everything go their way, even if all the good tricks are exhausted, they don't know that there are people watching from behind.

As soon as she got on the couch, she saw the xylophone next to Mo Jinran coming over, and she smiled naively: "Fifth Miss, the old lady asked the servants to come over and send some cakes to the ladies in each room. The old lady said, today is Xia He , Qiu Ju and the two elder sisters are too busy, so let us idle little girls help run errands."

Because Mo Jinran's substitutionary marriage was the biggest secret of the Mo family, all the girls who served her stayed behind, and today, they kept showing up to win the trust of the Ye family.

When Jinhao saw the xylophone coming over, she thought it was another routine to comfort people, so she casually praised: "That's because the old lady values ​​you."

"Miss Fifth, I'm honored." Xylophone put down the pastry in her hand and left, and she and Yunyan were heard talking outside again.

Jin Hao didn't doubt that there was him, but he didn't use any cakes. Instead, he closed his eyes and meditated, his ears pricked up to listen to the movement outside, but suddenly he heard Yun Yan's voice stop abruptly, followed by a muffled groan, as if someone Covering his mouth, his voice became muffled.

Jinhao was shocked and got up quickly, but saw a person suddenly appeared under her couch. Before she could see the appearance of the person clearly, a handkerchief covered her mouth. It was estimated that there was some drug on the handkerchief. Well, she struggled a few times in horror, and her whole body fell into darkness.

When she woke up, there was a large carved pear wood bed under her body, a bed curtain embroidered with dragons and phoenixes embroidered with scarlet satin, and her body was covered with a red quilt, and her slender skin was still intact. I can feel that there is something strange under the red sheet under my body, and when I reach out and touch it, it turns out to be mascots such as peanuts and longan.

Jinhao was startled, this...couldn't be a wedding room, could it?

She raised her head slightly in surprise, and what she saw was a hanging screen with gold lacquer and painted gold auspicious pictures.

Through the hanging screen, you can see that many red happy characters are clearly pasted on the wall, bed, and door, and two huge red candles are lit on the incense table beside it.

Beside the red candle, there is a smoker with triangular twined branches of peony and green leaves emitting thin smoke. In the smog, I can only feel the red light in the room, a scene full of joy.

After seeing the decorations in the room, Jin Hao couldn't believe it, but she was sure that it was a wedding room.

How is this going?

How could she appear in the wedding room out of nowhere?

Whose wedding room is this?

Mo Jinran should be the one who enters the wedding room today, how could...

Wedding room, Mo Jinran?

Could it be that this is Ye's other courtyard?This is the bridal chamber where Second Young Master Ye married his flat wife?

Jin Hao was a little confused. Could it be that Mo Jinran saw through his plan and followed his plan?

No, no matter how cautious her plan is, the chance of being seen through is very small. With Mo Jinran's temperament, even if she sees through her plan, she will be reluctant to part with the big tree of the Ye family. She will only make mistakes and make mistakes. Do people take themselves into a coma and take them captive?

If Mo Jinran didn't do it, who would it be?

Jinhao suddenly remembered Zhang's plan to make her a slave and marry her into the Ye Mansion as Mo Jinyu's dowry.

In fact, the Mo mansion has been covering it up all the time, and everyone in the Ye mansion knows that the fourth lady who came in today is the fourth lady of the Mo mansion, and as long as she appears in the wedding room, no matter who is brought in by that sedan chair today, and Who is Ye Ergongzi going to marry? In the end, it can only be her... Mo Jinhao.

Then Second Young Master Ye had no choice but to abide by the previous agreement and marry Mo Jinyu, the fourth miss of the Mo family, into the house as the main wife.

Jin Hao smiled coldly: She did not expect the third wife, Mrs. Zhang, to be such a capable person.

I just don't know if she planned this plan alone, or the Ye family conspired with it?

It should be an accomplice!

After all, it is not something Zhang can do to bring a living person into the wedding room.

Afterwards, this matter will not count towards Zhang's side, after all, xylophone is the big house, the capable big girl next to the second lady.

When something like this happens, the first suspicious person that anyone thinks of will be Da Fang, right?There will never be any doubts about Mrs. Zhang, she is still a kind, gentle and generous aunt.

Jin Hao thinks God is like a naughty child, when you suddenly feel that there is another village in front of you, but it makes you suddenly feel that you are at the end of the mountain... This is Jin Hao's mood now.

She stood up and pulled the door, which was locked, pushed the window, and the window was closed, there was no way to escape.

Hiding, looking at Xifang, there is also nowhere to hide.

Could it be that she has to repeat the tragedy of self-immolation in her previous life?

Jin Hao was caught in a dilemma for a while... She didn't want to die, but she also didn't want to marry Ye Ruoqian as an ordinary wife.

For the current plan, I can only do one thing. Jinhao took a lot of effort to move the carved chair to the window, and he had to be careful not to make too much noise for fear of shocking the people outside. People, although you can't see the guards, but who can guarantee that there is no one outside?

He carefully brought the red candle, and carefully set it on fire against the wood of the wooden window. Although he knew that it would be extremely difficult to be effective, but at this time he was at the end of his rope, and only a dead horse could be used as a living horse doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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