Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 247 Intentions

Chapter 247 Intentions (6)
He had no choice but to look embarrassed, and muttered: "But when I was chatting, I overheard it, and I didn't pay attention to who it was."

But I hated it so much in my heart that Jin was like a slippery fish, and he couldn't catch it at all.

When Jinhao and Jinyu were fighting wits, Yunyan was not idle, and first sent Hua'er back to her room. Seeing that she was crying like something, her heart softened for a moment, so she said, "Sister Hua'er, don't cry now, It's not that the wound can't heal. A few days ago, I heard that Mammy Gu's granddaughter, Sister Zijuan, hurt her hand. Nanny Gu asked Dr. An to get some good plaster. Now there is no scar left. Why don't you wait a minute I beg Nanny Gu to send you some."

When Hua'er heard that the wound was expected to recover, she naturally seemed to grasp a life-saving straw, and immediately pestered Yunyan and her to beg Madam Gu immediately.

Nanny Gu was not happy for a while, but she looked at Hua'er who was crying to death, and Yunyan said good things beside her. After a while, she nodded and said: "The ointment is still there, but because it is a rarity I wanted to keep those things, but Huaer, you are also a smart child, so I will reluctantly give up, Mammy."

After finishing speaking, he reluctantly asked the little girl to take the plaster and gave it to Hua'er. He was so happy that Hua'er immediately applied some on his face, and immediately felt cool and comfortable. As soon as he wiped it, he knew it was a good thing. Thank you so much Thank you for leaving.

Yunyan looked at her back, exchanged glances with Nanny Gu, and immediately left with chasing her.

After sending Hua'er back to her room, she naturally met Qi'er who heard about the news and came to visit Hua'er. Her pretty face was frosty: "What are your intentions?"

Yunyan smiled very cutely, looked at Qi'er with a cold face and said: "Sister Qi'er thinks I have some bad intentions? But just looking at the scar on sister Hua'er's face is dazzling, Hua'er My sister is in a good time like a flower and a jade. If I miss my future because of this scar, I feel a little bit sad. I just know that sister Zijuan, the granddaughter of Gu Mama, injured her hand a few days ago and asked Dr. An for help. After taking a good plaster, I will remind you."

She said generously: "If Sister Qi'er thinks I have any bad intentions, you can tell Sister Hua'er not to use that plaster."

As the saying goes, if you stretch out your hand and don't hit someone with a smiling face, even though you know that the third lady hates the fifth lady so much at the moment, it's hard to drive Yunyan out who offered to show her kindness.

Besides, Yunyan explained her actions clearly and without ambiguity, so she was even more difficult to get angry, and Huaer, who just got Yunyan's advice and asked for a good medicine, came out to smooth things over: "Chess Sister Er, Sister Yunyan just saw me crying pitifully, so she made a point."

Qi'er and Hua'er belong to the same Zhuangzi. Although Hua'er is always jealous of Qi'er's intelligence and face in front of the third wife, she is still close to Qi'er in her heart, and Qi'er does not take Hua'er because of her own intelligence. Take the innocuous provocations to heart, and usually take care of Hua'er.

That's why I came here in a hurry, now that the people involved are all coming out to talk, it's hard to put on a cold face anymore, so I can only say in a dazed way: "It seems that I blamed sister Yunyan by mistake." Then he went to a glass of water in person: "Sister drinks tea."

Yunyan took the tea, took a sip with a smile, looked at Qi'er, and said: "I have heard that Qi'er sister is not only beautiful in appearance, but also good in heart, today I can be regarded as a personal experience." She took a sip again. He took a sip, and said to Hua'er in a slightly envious tone: "Sister Hua'er, you can be regarded as a blessed one. Although the third wife is a bit past, but sister Qi'er is really good."

After finishing speaking, she seemed to have made a slip of the tongue, and her face was a little unnatural: "The third lady is a good person, she is a good person, and she is the most kind and kind." She looked like there was no silver 300 taels here.

Hua'er heard what Yunyan said, and when she thought of her face being destroyed in the hands of the third lady, she showed her resentment: "Sister Yunyan, don't be afraid, you don't know what you say .”

Qi'er was thoughtful, and immediately scolded Hua'er, "What nonsense are you talking about? Don't all slaves look like this. Didn't I also get kicked a few days ago?"

Yunyan seemed extremely surprised: "Will Sister Qi'er be beaten too?"

Qi'er's face was indifferent: "The servant girl can't be her job well, so naturally she will be punished."

But Yunyan shook her head, disapproving: "If I am such a stupid girl, it is reasonable to be punished by the master, but in this mansion, who doesn't know that sister Qi'er is beautiful and intelligent, but she is the most intelligent, if you can't be a good job , who can be a good job. I really don't understand, how can a talent like my sister..."

Qi'er felt a little uncomfortable for a moment, and his eyes flickered a few times: "They are all girls, who is not talented..."

Yunyan was silent for a while, then smiled and said: "Is my sister hiding it from me deliberately? There are rumors in the house that my sister will be very rich in the future."

She blinked her eyes and dragged her voice: "It is said that the third lady relies on her sister the most, and she intends to promise her a bright future."

Facing Hua'er, she tried her best to pout her mouth: "Sister Hua'er, do you think you have heard of this rumor?"

In fact, this is the reason why Hua'er has been trying so hard to show herself in front of the third wife: to be a concubine in a wealthy family, for girls like them, it is considered a great wealth.

Hua'er nodded reluctantly: "I've heard that it is sister Qi'er who will be an aunt in the future."

Qi'er was overjoyed when he heard this, but thinking of the third lady who was jealous, how could she be allowed to have such thoughts, the xylophone just had a relationship with the third master, and ended up in a tragic end, how could she be allowed to stay By the side of the third master.

She really admires the third master, although it is because of the status of the third master's master, but she likes the third master's gentle temperament from the bottom of her heart, unlike those men in their village, who have loud voices and are extremely vulgar.

Qi'er felt bitter, forced a smile and said: "It's just that servants are idle and bored, chewing their tongues indiscriminately."

"How could it be chewing the root of the tongue?" Yun Yan frowned, and said to herself: "Sister Qi'er is such a talent, and the third wife is so dependent, how could it be the root of the tongue?"

She shook her head in bewilderment: "But why doesn't the third lady let the third master take your house?"

Immediately, with an "oops", he patted himself on the head, with a look of embarrassment after a slip of the tongue: "Sister Qi'er, sister Hua'er, let's not talk about this. Sister Qi'er is right, we are all servants The master's people live and live like this, the happiness of the rest of their lives is arranged by the master, so what can I do if I am more thoughtful?"

Qi'er nodded with a gloomy complexion, and echoed a few words, while Hua'er also sighed, and the three of them chatted for a while, and Yunyan got up to leave.

However, when he walked to the door, he paused, turned around and glanced at Qi'er and Hua'er, hesitantly, but still biting his lips, he said, "Two sisters, I don't know if I should say something or not. It should be said. It is said that one of us is a second-bedroom and the other is a third-bedroom. Some things are not easy to say too deeply, but you know that our lady will be with his wife in the future, and she will be raised by her side. I am afraid I will go back to Mo We don't have much time at home, the three of us have talked so much today, it's considered a hit, and I don't know if we will have this opportunity in the future, let's talk, don't blame me for talking too much, I see the third lady's current state, The two elder sisters still need to make more plans for themselves, one unhappiness will ruin their face, alas...the two elder sisters are really good-looking, if they really ruin their looks, they will really feel sorry for the dead." Suddenly, he said in a soft voice: "Who knows whether this is unintentional or intentional, after all, the two elder sisters are really good-looking, people's hearts, alas..."

(End of this chapter)

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