Chapter 249
She paused and said: "Master, you don't know, Qi'er has never been a person who covets wealth and honor. She fell in love with the master, and it was not because she wanted to climb high branches or seek wealth and status. Qi'er looks good. Last year we Back home, there was a master of a rich family who looked at Qi'er's handsome appearance, and wanted to accept Qi'er as his aunt, but Qi'er flatly refused. Fulfill your own infatuation."

Qi'er seemed anxious, and glared at Hua'er: "That's all old stuff, why are you bringing it up? The master is rich and handsome, with a refined temperament, no ordinary master can compare. In front of him, he is just cheeky, revealing his heart, asking the master to protect him for a while."

But Hua'er said: "But now Madam, I don't see other people's good looks the most. In this day, including me, the faces of three girls have been destroyed. You are so outstanding, how can Madam..."

As soon as these words came out, it was as if Mrs. Zhang had opened her eyes wide and waited to attack Qi'er, wanting to destroy Qi'er's flowery and jade-like face abruptly, and shuddered abruptly: "Master, You can save Hua'er."

When Master Mo San thought of such a lovely little face, if there were horrible scars, it would hurt his eyes.

At this moment, Qi'er let out a mournful cry, Cheng Chang'er's teardrops fell, her lips parted, her voice was miserable, listening to Master Mo San's ears, her heart ached: This girl is not even caring about the aunt of a rich family, I just want to stay by my side, it really is infatuation.

And his wife is a person who can't rub the sand in her eyes. In fact, he has been thinking about Qier for a long time, but Mrs. Zhang is very strict with her. However, this girl is very afraid of Mrs. Zhang. Looking at Zhang's eyebrows and eyes, but he didn't take advantage of it. Such a lively and pretty beauty, seeing that she can't eat, has long been in a hurry. Now that the beauty is taking the initiative to express her heart, she seems to be holding on to something in her heart.

Qi'er is not that silly girl like xylophone, she is a calculating person, she will jump out today, firstly, because of Yunyan's suggestion, secondly, Hua'er's injury stimulated her, thirdly, the timing is just right , Zhang's face is disfigured, she can naturally stand out.

I saw her crying and wailing: "Master, I beg you to give me a favor, let me redeem my body, and go back home. I am timid, and I am really scared. You don't know, Madam sees the handmaid's behavior." The look... the maidservant is chilling, the maidservant... is afraid..."

"Little bitch..." Before Qi'er finished crying, Mrs. Zhang rushed in, grabbed Qi'er's hair, and slapped Qi'er's face hard. There were astonishing marks left on her face, which can be described as shocking, and the hurt Master Mo San felt like a knife in his heart: Qier, this girl, really didn't tell lies at all, this shrew, jealous woman really wants to destroy her. Hua'er's beautiful face.

"You shameless bitch, I was blind in the past, and I thought you were a good person. I didn't expect you to seduce the master behind my back. You don't even look at who you are, but you are delusional." Master..."

Today, she asked Hua'er to serve Master Mo San and left Qi Er, just because she was afraid that Qi Er would make trouble. She is not blind, and it's not that she doesn't know about the flirtatious exchanges between Qi Er and Master Mo San, it's just that A little girl who has never noticed Qi'er, after all, Qi'er's deed of prostitution is in her hands, she dare not make any troubles, and Qi'er has always been active in her mind, it is safer to handle things than Hua'er, Only then did she allow her to come down.

But unexpectedly, today she kept the chess piece, but found that the chess piece was nowhere to be found, her eyelids jumped up, thinking about it, I'm afraid this vicious person is going to give birth to some kind of moth.

Zhang's eyes were red with anger, and he wanted to peel the chess piece to pieces: "Since you don't want to serve me, I will send you away when I turn around. Don't you want a man? Madam, I will help you, Minger Let the steward, General Liu, take you back."

When Qi'er heard this, he immediately let go of Master Mo San, threw himself in front of Mrs. Zhang, and kowtowed in apology: "Ma'am, it's all the fault of the maidservant, I beg Madam to avoid the maidservant. The maidservant knows that His status is lowly, no more noble than his wife's birth, he never thought of fighting or grabbing anything with his wife, he just wanted to stay by his wife's and master's side, serve a cup of tea and water, never wishful thinking." He raised his beautiful eyes like autumn water , begged bitterly: "I just ask my wife not to annoy my maidservant, and I also ask my lady not to marry my maidservant to Liu Da."

Who is Liu Da? No one in the Mo family knows who he is. He is incompetent, no different from a eunuch in the palace, so even if he got into the position of managing affairs, he is still an old bachelor.

Mrs. Zhang's thoughts are not poisonous, Master Mo San frowned when he heard this.

Qi'er has delicate hands and eyes, and when Master Mo San frowned, he knew there was something going on in his heart, and wept miserably, he grabbed Mrs. Zhang's skirt and begged: "Ma'am, this maidservant is going to leave today!" Don't want to save your face, I just ask Madam to give this servant a way out, don't marry this servant to Liu Da. Madam, I know that you have never really liked this servant, and I am afraid that this servant will do something wrong to the third master thinking."

"Ma'am, I swear to God today. Although I love the third master, I have never done anything out of line in these years. Ma'am, I have served Madam all these years without credit, but also hard work. Maid I don't ask for anything else, I just ask my wife to keep my maid, even if I don't want to be a first-class girl, but I don't want to marry my maid to Liu Da. Please... madam... ...The servant girl"

Qi'er's voice can be said to be extremely humble, and there is a sadness and sorrow that cannot be expressed in words. When he stares, he looks at Master Mo San with the same infatuation and infinite affection.

To say that the men in the Mo family all have macho ideas in their bones, and they are most sympathetic, but they are not willing to shed tears on beautiful women. Thinking of when he was at home before, Qi'er always looked at him with lingering eyes. It turns out that this girl treats him Such infatuation is just because of my master, I can't bear it.

Looking at the chess pieces blooming like flowers, and then looking at the horrific Mrs. Zhang, even though she covered her face at this moment, just thinking about it made her bones feel sour, and her tone couldn't help but become severe: "Ma'am , What are you doing? Who is Liu Da, how could he ruin chess like this?"

When Mrs. Zhang heard that Master Mo San was actually in front of her, she protected the little vixen. If Qier, a vixen, really got in, would she still have a foothold?

There was a surge of anger and blood in my heart, and this vixen created such a momentum, as if she refused to agree, just to push her into the fire pit... She was actually pushing a chess piece into the fire pit, but she didn't want to admit it.

(End of this chapter)

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