Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 253 The Real Woman

Chapter 253 The Real Woman (2)
Still, he sent someone close to him to quietly come to Valley Town to inquire about it. After inquiring about it, his heart began to churn: What kind of family is this?
It's really ridiculous, I'm afraid that ordinary people are cleaner than Mo's house. If she marries this kind of filthy and filthy family, it will not delay her life.

At that time, Ms. Ning thought about retiring, but she still knew her father. If she proposed to resign, her father, Zhifu Ning, would not agree no matter how much he loved her. After all, the Mo family The old lady is the Shaoqing of Dali Temple. Although she is a fourth-rank official like her father, the four ranks are different. Old lady Mo is a close minister of the emperor. Although her father loves her like an eyeball, he does not She will disregard her own future and face at all... Moreover, what she cares about is that in her father's eyes, it is just a romantic affair, which is not worth mentioning at all: in her father's house, the concubine's room There are also a bunch, but so far except for her, no eggs have been born at all.

However, Miss Ning can't accept Mo Jinjun's actions. You say that you are a young master, and you hooked up with a girl before you got married, and you are still a girl in your sister's room. What kind of thing is it to kill someone's girl to silence her? A husband and wife have a hundred days of kindness for a day, and they have done their own crimes, but they have to pay for it with their lives.

Don't talk about character, just have a bad conscience, such a person is not worthy of me!
It’s not scary for a man to have no money or power. What’s scary is that he has no conscience. One day he will betray others, and tomorrow he will dare to betray you. She has never believed that bad men can be reformed. As the old saying goes, things are easy to change The nature is hard to change, and the wisdom of the ancestors must not be underestimated.

Ms. Ning has a brain, after thinking about it, she decided to do it in private, so she found an excuse, coaxed Ning Zhifu to nod, and took her maid, a bunch of servants, and went out to play and relax.

After wandering around for a few days, he got rid of the mighty guards of the Ning family, and appeared in Valley Town by himself with the girl who served him personally.

When they arrived at the Valley Town, Miss Ning asked the girl beside her to invite a matchmaker who would come and carry a bamboo pole with three feet of red silk floating on it. Dear, there are two teams of drummers opening the way on both sides.

To say that this inspiration still comes from the old lady of the Wang family. However, although this method is somewhat sinister, it is very effective. As long as the Mo family is shameless, they will naturally not pester the Ning family anymore, and will exchange the tokens of engagement between the two families. Come back, in the future, marriage between men and women will be irrelevant.

Miss Ning's making such a fuss naturally added to the conversation in the valley town after dinner.

Mrs. Mo fell into a coma for two whole days after being served tea by Jin Hao that day, and it was Jin Hao who waited on her in undressed clothes. In the eyes of the maid and mother-in-law of the Mo family, she was full of admiration: I have seen filial piety, But I have never seen someone so filial as Fifth Miss.

After waking up, Mrs. Mo wanted to vent her anger with Jin, but she had to take it into consideration. Of course, because her lumbar spine was broken, she couldn't get up, and she didn't have the strength to vent her anger.

For this granddaughter, Mrs. Mo is afraid from the bottom of her heart, she is really afraid that Jin Hao will do something to deal with her.

Even today, she can't see through Jin Hao, and she doesn't know whether she is really stupid or fake.

As long as the matter of that day is brought up, Jinhao will take the Mo family as a big family, a century-old family, and the old lady is well-educated and reasonable, and she will never do such a degrading thing. Wait for unreliable words.

What else can Mrs. Mo say, could it be that I did it? I can’t say this, she still needs her reputation, so even if her lungs are blown, she still has to smile and praise Jin for being good at understanding the general situation, and not being accepted. Being deceived by the monster's nonsense... Is there anything more embarrassing than calling yourself a monster?

After a few days of self-psychological construction, the mood just got better when the concierge reported that Miss Ning's family had come to withdraw the engagement in a grand manner.

Mrs. Mo hurriedly asked Nanny Gu to go out to have a look, and when Nanny Gu came back to report, she vomited blood angrily, and then passed out again.

However, the Second Master Mo was naturally pushed out without hesitation. Who is the Second Master? He is angry with a scholar, and he can't bear to be wronged the most. Seeing that Miss Ning came to the Mo family to retire with great fanfare, I'm afraid the whole world will not know her appearance. Women are the most important thing. With three obediences and four virtues, how can Miss Ning, who looks like a shrew, be the daughter-in-law of the Mo family? Even if she doesn't come to withdraw the marriage, the Mo family will not want such a daughter-in-law who can't stand on the stage.

So, without waiting for Miss Ning to speak, she exchanged the tokens of the two families without saying a word, and then issued an order to evict the guests with a cold face.

Miss Ning's wish has been fulfilled, so don't care about Master Mo's attitude, besides, after you slap someone, you can't expect the other half of his face to be slapped for you with a smile, so I smiled out of the gate of Mo Mansion.

Of course he didn't dare to go home for a while, but Valley Town also didn't dare to stay longer. He understood the reason why a strong dragon would not overwhelm a local snake, so he took his two maids and went to the city.

After Jin Hao knew what Miss Ning was doing, she had a good impression of her in her heart, and she really wanted to make a friend who was straightforward, quick to do things, but good at strategy.

This is what is called a real woman, who lives free and easy, behaves unrestrainedly, and loves and hates happily. It is really worthwhile for a human being to do this.

However, Mo Jinjun is narrow-minded, he will take revenge, he has never been a master who is willing to suffer, and now that his engagement has been divorced, he is afraid that he will not let Miss Ning go easily.

Although he was afraid of the Ning family and didn't dare to make a move on the surface, but secretly he would definitely play some tricks.

It would be a pity if such a woman with a true temperament was lost in the hands of such a villain as Mo Jinjun.

So, he recruited Yunyan and whispered in her ear.

"Miss, if this is known by the old lady, the second master..." Yun Yan hesitated.

"Then don't let them know." Jinhao interrupted Yunyan lightly, but her voice became more determined.

Knowing Jin Hao's temperament, Yunyan could only sigh softly and take the order to leave.

Ms. Ning dared to act so unscrupulously because her own father was the magistrate, and she was the only daughter of the magistrate. Not to mention the fear of breaking his leg, if he is too angry, just beat him to death with a stick.

However, even the real woman that Jin Hao admires so much, she dare not go back at this time. Fame is not the most important thing, but Miss Ning is also afraid of her father's anger, although it will not break her leg , but I don't know how much I want to eat this spitting star, and it's annoying enough.

(End of this chapter)

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