Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 261 Racking Your Brains

Chapter 261 Racking Your Brains (1)
As soon as Mo Jinran saw Mo Jinjun, he immediately rushed over: "Brother, save me, I'm not crazy, I don't want to be locked in the room anymore, I can't stand it anymore."

She was obviously not crazy, but everyone said she was crazy, which really drove her crazy.

Mo Jinjun was stunned. Such a passionate Mo Jinran made him feel a little uneasy. Her appearance reminded him of a beast in a desperate situation, and he was restless.

There was a crisp sound of "pa", and Mo Jinran froze for a moment, covering his cheek, looking at Mo Jinjun in disbelief.

"Calm down for me." Mo Jinjun endured his distress, and looked at Mo Jinran coldly: "Look at you, you have a little bit of everyone's demeanor, no wonder others regard you as a lunatic."

His voice seemed to have been tempered every word and sentence: "Second sister, remember, when we have nowhere to go, we must calm down, so that we can find a way out."

Mo Jinran covered her palms and thought for a long time. Gradually, her big sunken eyes became full of vitality, and a color of shame gradually appeared on her face. It was in vain that she always boasted that she had a strong mind, but even her brother She can't keep up with half of her: Although she is trapped these days, the rumors and gossips from outside still reach her ears. The servants guarding her all think that she is a lunatic, and they never say anything to hide her.

Mo Jinran thought that if she was in her brother's position, she would never dare to go out to meet people for the rest of her life, but her brother was calm, as if he didn't care about it at all, and was still doing his best to save her and her mother. .

She is too weak.

Mo Jinran's irritability gradually settled down, and she noticed that in the past two months, her brother has changed, he seems to have become more mature and colder, and his forehead and brows have grown a little. There are wrinkles, and his expression is a little more tired.

It turned out that the eldest brother was not without pressure, he just hid it very well. It turned out that their eldest brother had been forced into such a situation.

What exactly happened here?
How could that damned bitch have such power.

Mo Jinhao's face came to her mind, she wished to eat her flesh and drink her blood, the murderous intent revealed in her eyes made her scrawny face even more ferocious.

"Brother, I must kill this bitch Mo Jinhao. She harmed me, my mother, and our eldest family. I must kill her."

Mo Jinran's expression was like a wounded beast, vowing to tear Jinhao into pieces. She always thought that she was the sun of the Mo family, but she knew that there was Mo Jinhao, she would always be just a star, she thought I was able to clean up Jinhao, but I didn't expect that it was her who was cleaned up. Now everyone in the valley town knows that she is crazy.

A handsome smile appeared on Mo Jinjun's face. It should be bright, but it made people shudder: "Mo Jinhao must be eliminated, but the time has not yet come."

After hearing this, Mo Jinran's eyes lit up: "Then when does the eldest brother think the time will come?"

At the corner of Mo Jinjun's mouth, there was a faint and cold smile: "It will be there soon."

Mo Jinran showed a puzzled expression, but Mo Jinjun didn't want to confuse her, he looked at Mo Jinran and said, "Eat well, adjust your state quietly, I will come to see you every day, and I will try to make you Get it out. I will also find a way to bring my mother back, as for that bitch, she will soon disappear in this world and will never threaten us again."

Obviously Mo Jinran was very interested in the fact that Jin Hao would disappear into this world, even though he saw that Mo Jinjun didn't want to talk about it, he still couldn't help asking: "Brother, do you have any good ideas? "

Mo Jinjun just smiled faintly, his expression unpredictable.

Ten days later in the morning.

Jin Hao opened her eyes, and the underclothes with black gold and cloud sleeves was wrapped with gold trim, which shimmered slightly under the light, illuminating her already stunning beauty, making it even more difficult for people to take their eyes off.

"Miss is awake?"

Xue Lan heard the commotion inside, immediately brought scented tea and tooth powder for mouthwash, Jin Hao got up, dipped some tooth powder with her gauze-wrapped fingers, brushed it carefully, added scented tea, and then used the powder The rose water in the color basin was served by Xue Lan, and she washed her face.

However, Yunyan neatly carried a plate of hibiscus cake, a night of fish porridge, and a drawer of steamed buns, and put them on the long table made of pear blossom wood. After waiting for Jin Hao to be seated, she carefully served Jin Hao and finished her meal. .

Xue Lan helped Jinhao prepare a peony thin hookah skirt that dragged the floor, lined with a brocade double-disc pearl blouse. Jinhao glanced at it, nodded, and a look of satisfaction flashed in her eyes.

After doing some sorting, I went to Mrs. Mo's yard.

With blue sky and white clouds, she walked slowly, her footsteps were light, but she seemed to be stepping on a sharp knife, the corners of her mouth were slightly curved, and her whole body was like a flower of spring dawn, slowly blooming.

Yunyan and Xuelan beside them looked at their young lady's beautiful face like the moon in the mid-autumn moon, and felt that elegant music was playing in their ears, cranes were flying, and their clothes were fluttering. Three souls and seven souls all fell in love with Jin Hao.

Jin Hao didn't go to Mrs. Mo's room first, but went to Mrs. Mo's small kitchen. As before, she watched Xia He boil the medicine in the small kitchen, stirred it with chopsticks a few times, and carefully inspected it. After thinking for a while, he put down the chopsticks in his hands with confidence, but Xia He, who was fanning on fire, lingered on the chopsticks for a second, then lowered his head and continued fanning seriously, with an inexplicable expression.

Jin smiled and praised Xia He, then led Yunyan and Xuelan to pay Mrs. Mo a respect.

It's just that Xue Lan shivered for no reason when she saw her young lady's smiling face. No matter how she looked at it, she felt that there was a knife hidden in her young lady's smile, which was so cold that it could freeze people to death.

After Jin Hao's group walked away, Xia He stopped what he was doing, looked at Jin Hao's back for a long time, his eyes were sad and guilty.

After a while, she came back to her senses and continued to fan the simmering medicine. The dense mist covered her sight, but could not hide her pale face and the desire for prosperity and wealth in her eyes.

At the door of Mrs. Mo, Qiu Ju helped Jin Hao to close the curtain, Jin Hao smiled slightly, Qiu Ju's hand holding the curtain froze slightly, and her heart beat faster: Miss Fifth's smile seemed very beautiful today, but One glance makes people feel like their heart is about to jump out.

The old lady was half lying on the bed, talking softly with Mo Jinjun who was beside her. The grandfather and grandson talked and laughed at Yan Yan, and the old lady laughed all over her face.

And there was another person standing beside Mo Jinjun, it was none other than Mo Jinran who was supposed to be grounded, but now he was standing here, obviously announcing that her grounding was over.

(End of this chapter)

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