Chapter 278
She is the hostess of this family, so why should she live her life in a humble way? This will make her, her two children, how to raise their heads in front of others in the future.

" can' can't treat me like this..."

Mrs. Zhang knows Master Mo San very well, and understands that this man looks gentle, but he has the stubbornness of a scholar. If he decides something, it will be difficult to change... The tough man she once admired the most, now makes her Mouth full of bitterness, bitter mouth will give birth to water.

"You have no talent, no virtue, and you are cruel, why can't I treat you like this?" Master Mo San's face was as black as Bao Gong: "If it wasn't for the sake of the old love, for the sake of a pair of children, you would be like this." Poisonous woman, I have already divorced you with a letter of divorce, do you think you can occupy the position of the third wife of my Mo family?"

Mo Jinyu, who had passed out, woke up amidst Master Mo San's violent shouting, seeing her ferocious-looking father, her heart was filled with fear, and hearing his ruthless words, she threw herself at Master Mo San's feet : "Father, you can't listen to one side and believe one side. My mother is dedicated to you and has never changed over the years. No matter what others say, you and mother are husband and wife. Between husband and wife, you should trust each other. You can't listen to one-sided words! "

Master Mo San was so angry that he kicked over again: "One-sided words? Could it be that Qier framed your mother, that Xiao family boy also framed your mother, and that Mrs. Ning also framed your mother."

Master Mo San glared at Mo Jinyu angrily: "I didn't expect that you have become like your mother now. Don't tell me that you are cruel and merciless. Even if you are full of lies, you spit out casually. Since you are so reluctant to part with your mother, just Stay in this yard and stay with your mother."

After finishing speaking, he left without looking back, and the servants who had been ordered by him a long time ago rushed over ferociously and dragged out Zhang's caring people. The fate of their mother and daughter under house arrest.

After all the cronies around Mrs. Zhang had been dismissed, Qi'er walked in with a smile on her face, and looked at the mother and daughter of Mrs. Zhang with a noble and contemptuous expression: she finally trampled this bitch under her feet , no longer have to endure her yelling and beating, and finally let all these anger out loudly.

Seeing Qi'er's delicate face like a flower, Mrs. Zhang gritted her teeth with hatred, and her throat rolled over and over again, but she had to bow her knees and plead for Jinyu with a trembling voice: "Qi'er, you have been with me for so many years. I’m just being cheeky, please show your noble hand and let Yu’er go! If you have any resentment, just come to me, don’t drag the child...Don’t forget, Yu’er is the master’s daughter no matter can you bear it? Seeing her under house arrest in this small house..."

Qi'er listened to her quietly, a funny light flashed in his eyes, men have men's battlefields, women have women's wars, this woman dares to say such ridiculous words at this moment, she really wants to laugh at other people's big teeth Well, what is forbearance? It's just house arrest. If I let her succeed today, my fate will be dozens of times worse than that.

Qi'er hates Mrs. Zhang very, very much. She has been a slave under her all these years. Everyone says how beautiful she is as a first-class girl, but only she knows how she survived, the humiliation , she kept it all in her heart.

What's so good about this slut, isn't she born better than her?Why do you call her around, why do you decide her fate at will, why don't you treat her like a human being, even a dog should have feelings!

Thinking of Mrs. Zhang's humiliation to her, she felt that her throat seemed to start to bleed again: "Madam, you also know that I have been with you for so many years, and you will never forget your great kindness to me. I will remember everything In my heart, no matter it is the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, Madam will make me kneel in the yard under cold water because of bad mood, or it is scorching summer, Madam will strip me almost naked and stand under the scorching sun, Madam, what do you do to my maidservant? Well, the servant girl has always kept it in mind."

The more Qi'er spoke, the calmer his expression became, and at the end he even wore a smile that was not a smile: "Ma'am, how could the maidservant not repay such kindness?"

The more Mrs. Zhang listened, the colder she felt in her heart, it was as heavy as being pressed against a thick and cold iron block, but thinking that her daughter was still here, she had to bear it and trembled: "Qi'er, the future and the past are all my fault. , You resent me, there is nothing wrong with that, but Yuer is still a child, so you just beg the master to let her go."

Mo Jinyu also looked honest and innocent at the moment, crying and begging: "Sister Qi'er, please let me go, I don't know anything, I don't know anything..."

Qi'er suddenly laughed: "Miss Si, put away your tricks, don't forget, I have been with Madam for more than ten years, and I know what kind of person Miss Si is, but you are innocent in this suit. , pretending to be pitiful, useless in front of me, I am not Fifth Miss, I was used by you as a gun, and I will be sold for the rest of my life to pave the way for you..."

"Tsk tsk..." He shook his head and said with a smile: "No, I was wrong. After all, Miss Si's acting skills are not good enough. In the end, Miss Fifth saw through Miss Fourth's true colors, which made Miss Four unable to do so until now. May all your wishes come true."

Mo Jinyu's foot was stepped on by a chess player, and the flesh on his face trembled and trembled as if scalded by hot water. His complexion suddenly changed, and he stared at the chess piece with wide eyes. Son, I can't wait to turn my eyes into thousands of sharp swords and stab at chess.

"Bitch, don't forget, you are just a lowly maidservant, but I am a decent young lady of the Mo Mansion. If you let me and my mother go now, I will definitely plead for you in front of grandma in the future, if not..."

"If I refuse to let your mother and daughter go, what will Miss Si do with me? Kill me, or bite me to death?" Qi'er smiled and bent over: "Miss Si, if I were you, I would definitely not There will be leisure time to care about other people's fate, but think about yourself, after all, a woman who has lost her innocence is not tolerated by the secular ethics..."

After Qi'er finished speaking, he looked at Mo Jinyu's pretty dark face, laughed and left, feeling more and more that he had instigated Zhang to act like this, it was really right.

Happy, really happy...

When the news of Mrs. Zhang's house arrest reached Jin Hao's ears, the family was packing their luggage and preparing to go to Beijing.

It is rare that Yao Lijuan, who has always been weak, has made up her mind to go to Beijing and settle down this time without saying a word.

Because the temptation of the Dexin Women's College is too great. As a mother who is dedicated to her daughter, she will go no matter what, even if it means going bankrupt.

She wanted Jin Hao to study at Dexin Women's College, not because of the nine arts of Dexin Women's College...qin, chess, painting, ritual, music, archery, royal, calligraphy, and arithmetic, which are famous all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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