Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 281 Swear to God

Chapter 281 Swear to God (3)
Jin Hao stroked her soft hair: "No, it's the luck of my mother and me."

The two sisters looked at each other and smiled, but their hearts became closer.

Because it is summer, the dinner is light, stir-fried small water chestnut lotus root, mixed with three shredded vegetables, mixed with shredded radish, the main course is steamed fish, and it is served with eight treasure porridge. The family enjoys it happily.

After dinner, Yao Lijuan embroidered some patterns with the two children. Of course, Qiu Ruyi was purely for self-entertainment, and she didn't expect her level to be able to embroider any patterns.

A family of three, the atmosphere is warm, suddenly there is a loud "bang" on the hull, and then the hull shakes, even the shofar palace lantern is shaken to the ground, Jinhao and others hold the back of the chair tightly to stabilize They stopped, and looked at each other.

Yao Lijuan and the others were already frightened, but Jinhao had experienced two lifetimes and had a greater capacity to bear it in her heart. She got up, hurried to the window, and looked up, only to see the torches in the distance, and the boat on their ship There was a ship in front of him, and the loud noise just now was obviously caused by the collision between this ship and his own ship.

Before he could figure it out, he saw countless figures flashing on the ship.

Next, Li Mobai yelled violently: "Retire!"

Yao Lijuan, Qiu Ruyi and the others turned pale with fright. At this moment, a sharp whistle sounded from the ship's side. It was the boatman on guard who was urgently warning the unarmed people to hide.

It seems to have encountered water thieves.

Jinhao made a decisive decision and reacted quickly, dragged Yao Lijuan and Qiu Ruyi who were trembling with fright, directly down from the second floor to the kitchen of the lower cabin, hid the two of them and their close-fitting girl here, and then ordered that no matter what happened, , will not let them out, unless you call them yourself.

Also, if the situation couldn't get any worse, let them escape by jumping out of the kitchen window.

When Yao Lijuan heard what Jin Hao meant, she seemed not to hide here, and grabbed her: "Hao, why don't you hide with us, if you don't hide, I won't hide either."

Qiu Ruyi also refused, holding Jin Hao's hand tightly, refusing to let go.

Jin Hao was also terrified to death, but she comforted her with a smile on her face: "Mother, Ruyi, you hide first, I'll go and see what's going on, if the situation is not right, I will naturally come back and hide."

Seeing that she was serious about what she said, Yao Lijuan didn't think there was any difference, but she still said: "You hide, I'll go and have a look."

Jin laughed and said, "Mom, you're too scared to move, I'd better go and have a look." Then, she broke Qiu Ruyi's fingers, turned and left.

When they got to the cabin, they quickly asked the maids to throw all the lights on the boat into the river, and then told them to hide, and asked Yunyan and Xuelan to find a place to hide, but how could these two girls be willing? They followed After many years of Jin Hao, Jin Hao understands her thoughts the most. I am afraid that the young lady just comforted the wife and the third young lady, and she will never go back to the kitchen again.

Jin had no choice but to let the two go to the kitchen to find a kitchen knife and wait for them to come out. They had one hand, and then found Li Mobai.

Li Mobai first saw Jin Hao as a little girl, but when she saw that she came out without fear of death, his face immediately sank: "Go back to the cabin and hide."

These water thieves are all desperadoes, they will snatch everything. Although the little girl in front of her is young, but with such beauty, anyone will be envious if she looks at it. If she falls into the hands of those water thieves, what will happen? , You can understand it without thinking about it, and you don't care about anything, so you yell.

Because of this scolding, Jin Hao felt good towards Li Jiaxin, she was not angry, but said: "Lieutenant Li, I will go back to the cabin after I say a few words."

Jin Hao didn't care whether Li Mobai listened or not, and said: "The first sentence is to ask the bodyguards to extinguish the torches in their hands. Second, I also ask Li Mobai to divide the people into teams and distribute them in the cabin. As for the wing room, assign as many martial arts masters who are good at night combat as possible, and people don't need to concentrate on the bow and stern. As for the bow and stern, we only need to gather our archers in two places and shoot them. Can."

Then he said in a louder voice: "Barrier Li, please stay by my cage. If the situation is unmanageable, please set fire to those belongings."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Li Mobai agreed or not, he asked the guards of the Mo family and the Yao family to extinguish the torches. The guards of the Mo family had habitually obeyed Jin Hao, while the guards of the Yao family, before leaving, their master also I just confessed that I followed Jin Hao's orders, so as soon as her words fell, they all obeyed and extinguished the torches in their hands.

This situation fell into the eyes of the Li Family Escorts, and it was a bit weird. A group of big men actually obeyed a little girl without hesitation.

Li Mobai originally thought that Jin Hao didn't know how to advance or retreat, but after thinking for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, looking at Jin Hao in addition to being shocked, he was still shocked, this girl has a crystal exquisite heart.

Immediately without further ado, he ordered the bodyguards of the Li Family Escort Bureau to extinguish the torches, and then divided the people into teams and deployed them according to what Jin Hao said, while he took the fire bag and went to the cabin where the belongings were stored.

Seeing that Li Mobai was not a stickler for the rules, Jin Hao felt relieved a lot, so she took Xue Lan and Yun Yan to hide in an inconspicuous cabin next to the kitchen, and did not go back to the kitchen... The kitchen is in the bottom cabin, so It is the safest place, even if water thieves rush up, it will be the last place to be searched.

If the situation really got to that point, she would take the initiative to stand up, attract the eyes of the water thief, and fight for the chance for Yao Lijuan and others to escape through the window.

In the darkness, there are sounds of fighting, fighting, and falling into the water. Everything seems to ring in my ears. Jin can hear the sound of swallowing saliva and the sound of thunderous heartbeat. Time seems to pass very slowly, and waiting has become a reality. The most excruciating torture.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." Jinhao held Yunyan and Xuelan's hands tightly and murmured, not knowing if he was comforting them or himself.

Jinhao told herself over and over again that the boat was still sailing, not all the water thieves could jump on board, nor could all the water thieves swim over, the archers at the bow and stern of the boat would surely kill many, and this It's not just my own passenger ship in the river. I saw one of them in the daytime, which is obviously more gorgeous than my own. That should be the most important target. All my own passenger ships will not be the main target of attack.

Besides, there are more than ten rooms on this ship of our own. As long as those water thieves get on the ship, they must fix their eyes on the wing room. There are Li Family Escorts and guards who are the best in martial arts and best at night battles. Master, as long as you touch it, the water thief will definitely suffer heavy losses, so the water thief's manpower will be scattered and lost.

In addition to those thieves who came from the water, there must be no fire on them, and all the lamps and candles on the bed have been thrown into the water, and they can't see clearly if they want to search.

(End of this chapter)

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