Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 293 Good and Evil Right and Wrong

Chapter 293 Good and Evil Right and Wrong (1)
Don't talk about such nonsense, if the young lady pointed at Young Master Li and said that he is a woman disguised as a man, I am afraid that the third lady will take off his clothes immediately and change him into a woman's clothing.

The carriage gradually drifted away, Jin Hao was relieved, but he didn't know that his words and deeds just now fell into the eyes of others.

In the restaurant where Jin Hao had just eaten, a window on the second floor was opened somewhere, and the imposing Ye Ruoqian and the enchanting Xie Mingyou were standing in front of the window, watching the scene just now from the beginning to the end.

The expressions of the two of them were inexplicable, and people couldn't tell that they were looking closely at each other. They just looked at the carriage, and their eyes became more and more hot like the sun: beautiful women are easy to find, but smart and beautiful women are even more difficult to find.

Ye Ruoqian saw Ye Ruoming's expression without any trace, and asked with a smile, "Cousin, isn't the flat wife my mother arranged for me exceptionally smart?"

Xie Mingyou looked back, and in those slender Danfeng eyes, there flashed a coquettish but cold smile: "Your flat wife?" His voice rose, as if there was a hint of sarcasm.

Ye Ruoqian's heart froze, he was always proud and his eyes were high above his head, but he was unconsciously afraid of this cousin.

Everyone in the world said that the second prince's charm is unmatched in the world, and the ladies in the capital flock to him even more, but what he saw was not this cousin's excellent appearance, but the sinister duck behind that monstrous appearance. and violent.

A remote street next to Dexin Women's College.

Jin Hao, Qiu Ruhu, and Qiu Ruyi were in the car, while Li Anren and Yun Yan had already been driven out for a briefing.

"Brother, third sister, do you care about that past?"

After Jin Hao's words fell, the eyes of the two suddenly became dim. After a moment of silence, Qiu Ruyi said intermittently: "I... I... think of the past... afraid... afraid of having nothing to eat... afraid of being killed by others. Take it back..."

However, Qiu Ruhu didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, which made Jin Hao's heart even heavier: what can be said is not the worst, but what cannot be said is the most difficult.

Jin Hao looked up at Qiu Ruyi, but from the corner of his eyes, he noticed Qiu Ruhu's face.

"Third sister, tell me, when you were begging in the valley town, did you ever steal, cheat, rob, or do anything that was ashamed of your conscience?"

Qiu Ruyi seemed to be frightened by Jinhao's words, and jumped up all of a sudden: "How is it possible? My father taught us to be polite and law-abiding since we were young. How could it be possible to do such nasty things?"

Jin Hao asked again: "Then, has any of your begging ever hurt others?"

"Of course not." Qiu Ruyi looked at her smart elder sister inexplicably, and asked such a weird question at this moment: She and her brother were just asking for food, so why did they hurt others?

When Jin Hao heard this, he slapped the wall of the car: "Then why did you look ashamed when the Ma family bastard said that, which made me think that when you were begging, did you make any shameful mistakes? "

Her voice was getting higher and higher, even a little fierce: "You two don't steal, and you don't rob, and you haven't hurt others. Why are you afraid of people talking about it? Could it be that you can't see people because you are a beggar."

She sneered: "The emperor still has beggars who are born beggars, so there is nothing shameful about it. Compared with those who are sanctimonious, you are much more noble. What right does the bastard of the Ma family have to laugh at you? Do you know what he has done? ?”

At this moment, Qiu Ruhu raised his head at what Jin Hao said.

Seeing that he was willing to look up, Jin Hao was overjoyed, and worked harder: "I tell you, the father of the Ma family bastard had a concubine, and that bastard was obsessed with sex, and he bullied that bastard when his father was not at home." A concubine, in the end, I am afraid that the concubine will sue his father, kill him, and throw him into the lotus pond in the yard, causing him to fall into the water."

"Big Brother, Third Sister, we all have times when we are down and down. The sufferings we experienced in the past are just to hone our will. The ancients said that if a man is assigned a great mission from heaven, he must first toil his muscles and bones and starve his body."

Her tone was gentle, like the spring wind blowing into people's hearts: "That's why I said, big brother will become a great weapon in the future."

Qiu Ruhu stared at Jin Hao in a daze: "Second Sister, what do you think is God's torture for me to make me a weapon?"

Jin Hao nodded heavily: "Well, I have always believed that my elder brother will achieve extraordinary things in the future. My elder brother is smart, firm-willed, broad-minded, and good at communicating with people. After only half a year in the mall, I have established a firm foothold. My elder brother can do it. How come these have nothing to do with your past training?"

Qiu Ruhu's expression was blank at first, and then relieved: Yes, if he hadn't had the experience of begging, how could he be observant?

Qiu Ruhu suddenly jumped from the cold winter where dripping water turns to ice, to the spring when everything is restored... He looked at Jin Hao excitedly, as if making an oath: "Second sister, don't worry, I will definitely be open-minded and achieve something in the future. "Let the two younger sisters and mother rely on them.

After Jinhao became the spiritual mentor of Qiu Ruhu's siblings, she led Yunyan back to the dormitory of Dexin Women's College with peace of mind.

As soon as he entered the door, the maid who guarded the door greeted him, with a warm smile on his face, and even a little groveling.

"Miss Mo, you are back. The Second Prince is waiting for Miss in front of Miss's room."

Second prince?
Jin Hao's complexion changed drastically. Thinking of his previous life and the final identity of the second prince, his face turned pale with fright.

Such a character, she doesn't remember when it was handed over, how could she come to wait for her?

Moreover, Jin Hao was more than surprised, inside this academy, why did the second prince come as soon as he said it?
Although he was full of puzzles, he thanked the maid with a smile, and walked towards his own room muttering in his heart.

Raising his eyes, he was facing a pair of clear eyes like crystals soaked in water. His eyeliner was slightly raised, making him look charming and charming. The pure pupils and the enchanting face strangely merged into a very beautiful style. Lips, pale as water.

It's him!

Jin Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the second prince was none other than Xie Mingyou who extended a helping hand to them when they entered Beijing that day.

Jinhao saw Xie Mingyou's appearance, and knew that he should have waited in front of her dormitory for some time, thinking that he had something to look for her, but who knew that Xie Mingyou would stare at her without saying a word after waiting for her to come forward and salute After a while, he looked a little puzzled, as if there was something difficult to solve.

I was in a daze again!

Jin Hao felt a little ashamed, this master, does he like to be in a daze too much?
The prince wants to be in a daze, what can she do?So, as in the past on the boat, Xie Mingyou was in a daze, and she also hung her head in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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