Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 295 Good and Evil Right and Wrong

Chapter 295 Good and Evil Right and Wrong (3)
Jin Hao stood up knowing the current affairs, walked out of the door, looked back, Xie Mingyou who was still calm, seemed to be in a daze, and then quickly followed Yun Yan to the Wuweiju of the college.

To say that this Royal Academy is extraordinary, Wuweiju is the dining place of the Women's Academy, the food looks good, and the taste is good, and you can eat as much as you want.

Jinhao didn't expect much from the food at first, but unexpectedly, there was another surprise, four dishes and one soup, two meat and two vegetables, this treatment is really good.

The master and servant were so absorbed in eating that they didn't pay attention to the surprised murmurs of the old students.

"Strange, it wasn't two dishes and one soup before, why did you add more dishes this year?"

"Yeah, it's so strange, why is it that only our academy adds food? I heard that this year the Imperial College still has two dishes and one soup, one meat and one vegetable."

"Hey, why is the eighth prince so silent this year... He and the second prince are usually the most at odds. Even a trivial matter will turn the world upside down. How could such a big matter..."

"Don't tell me, it's really weird..."

After the master and servant had their meal, they returned to the room, not surprisingly, the inexplicable second prince had already left.

Jin Hao loosened her hair, lying on the couch, took the books issued by the college and came out to preview, while Yun Yan went out to inquire about news.

When Yunyan came back, the situation of the college was basically inquired about. Most of the colleges were studied by nobles and grandchildren. Many came here, except for the name, more for profit. Many noble ladies made friends with each other. One is forming a party, and the other is to be able to climb up to the prince.

Every year, the inspectors are the emperor's most beloved sons, and many noble ladies only study in the academy in the future, as a springboard.

"Miss, according to the information I inquired about, the college is now divided into two factions, one is Princess Dehui, and the other is Princess Tsinghua."

"They're all princesses?" Jin Hao was taken aback.

Yunyan nodded, and her voice continued to soften: "My servant has found out, Princess Dehui is the empress's own daughter, she is the sister of the eighth prince, and Princess Qinghua is the daughter of the imperial concubine, and the sister of the second prince. , The two have always been incompatible, and it has never been a secret in the academy."

Yunyan's voice paused, and she looked at Jin Hao through the moonlight and the indoor light and said: "Miss, you are peaceful by nature, even if you have plans, it is for self-protection, and you like a peaceful life. If possible, it is best Stay away from right and wrong circles... We are just ordinary people, so we don't need to get involved..."

Yunyan's words were never fully explained, but Jinhao is not a fool, so she naturally understood the deep meaning, the air suddenly condensed, and after a while, she heard her say again: "Miss, today, when the servant saw the savior that day, It's actually His Highness the Second Highness, the servant girl murmured in her heart, you said that there is such a coincidence in this world, His Highness the Eighth Prince thought of a way to get you to the capital, and His Highness the Second Highness came to save the beauty over there, and Miss Afterwards, I also asked Eldest Young Master to inquire about the news, saying that there has always been peace in the Dao, and I have never heard of any water thieves, so why did water thieves appear when it was our turn to go to Beijing?"

Yunyan smiled bitterly: "Miss, maidservant knows these things, even maidservant can think of them, how could miss not think of it? If miss feels wronged, don't force yourself, maidservant looks at miss so distressed."

"Stupid girl." Jin Hao looked at this girl who was thinking of everything for herself, and actually showed a faint smile: "Reluctance? What is reluctance? In this world, how many people can say that they are not reluctant? If it is disrespectful, it is that person..." Jin Hao pointed to the roof: "I'm afraid I'm afraid I'll force myself many times."

"I have benefited a lot, but what is it if I force myself to deal with it? Besides, in this world, the biggest thing is the man sitting on the golden throne. The world's affairs and principles are just a few words from his mouth. What golden words, even if you kill people and set fires, if you can win his favor, you can also give you a reputation of being a loyal protector of the Lord, good and evil are right and wrong, but a word from his mouth."

She patted Yunyan's hand: "Since your young lady has the opportunity to meet such a person, why offend him and force yourself to deal with it, what's the trouble?"

Yunyan seemed a little stunned by Jin Hao's remarks, she always thought that her young lady's intelligence was just for the inner house, but she didn't expect her young lady to have such insight.

"But... we are close to the Eighth Prince. It is widely spread that the dispute between the Prince and the Second Prince is between the Eighth Prince and the Second Prince. The servant girl is afraid that if the Eighth Prince knows, he will feel uncomfortable."

"Say you're stupid, but you still don't admit it. His Highness the Eighth Prince is not the kind of narrow-minded person." If she hadn't known what kind of person the Eighth Prince was, how could she have rashly boarded his boat.

However, Yunyan didn't quite agree with Jin Hao's words, she opened her mouth a few times, but in the end she never said a word: After all, Miss is young, she doesn't know much about His Royal Highness's intentions, if she cares about someone, it's not a matter of heart.

Jinhao patted Yunyan's hand, and smiled wryly: "I know how to do it... I don't make friends with it, and I don't make friends with it." Although it is very difficult to grasp the size of the relationship, but This is the only thing that can be done now.

With a long sigh: "Yunyan, you should know that if I don't want to be like my mother in the future, there is only one way."

Yun Yan, who didn't quite agree with it at first, was shocked when she heard the words, thinking of why Jinhao was willing to travel thousands of miles to the capital with his family, the wife is reconciled, the master is unreliable, and the old lady always wants to exchange the young lady for glory and wealth. Already ten years old, if he has nothing to rely on, he may only be sold by the Mo family in the future.

"Miss, maidservant understands." Yunyan, who wanted to understand, had bright eyes: "No matter what decision Miss makes, maidservant will definitely follow Miss."

The master and servant looked at each other and smiled, Jin Hao said softly: "I know."

When night falls, Jin Hao who is lying on the bed will inevitably toss and turn, while Yun Yan on the other side of the bedroom is tossing and turning like Yun Yan, Jin Hao sighs softly, then looks up at the gauze curtain on the top, full of thoughts It's all news from Yunyan's probe.

If the princess turned evil, I'm afraid that the unlucky ones would be innocent people, and she delusional not to have friendship with them, nor to be evil with them, and if she wants to be alone, she might not be tolerated by the two proud daughters of heaven!

How to find a peaceful point between the two?
She didn't sleep well all night, and in the morning, she fell asleep in a daze. However, she didn't sleep well, and the nightmare of her previous life, which she hadn't visited for a long time, actually fell into her dream again.

"Miss, miss..." In a trance, someone seemed to be calling softly beside her ear.

Jin Hao opened his eyelids, met Shang Yunyan's worried face, reached out and touched his forehead, only to find that his head was already profusely sweating.

"What time is it?" When she sat up, she felt drenched all over.

(End of this chapter)

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