Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 300 Planning

Chapter 300 Planning (5)
It seems that Qiu Ruhu, one of the top three merchants in the world, has already begun to take shape.

Jin Hao sighed happily: "I know, my brother will protect me."

She just felt it for a while, but didn't know this sentence, but it became the curse of Qiu Ruhu's life, accumulating amazing wealth, just to be the strongest backing for her.

"However, since the over there has made up their minds and wants to pick you up, I'm afraid it won't work today, and there will be other tricks in the future. We have to guard against it."

Jin Hao's voice was light, but cold and indifferent: "After all, I am the daughter of the Mo family. If my grandfather picks me up, can I resist? It's only a matter of time, just a matter of time."

Qiu Ruhu couldn't think of a good way for a while, so he had to do so.

Jin Hao was thinking about the picture of the fourth house in Mo's house, and under the upset, he didn't want to sleep, and sat alone on the gazebo again, looking at the moonlight.

"The moon is shining brightly tonight, and the beauty is sitting alone. Wouldn't she disappoint the beauty of this beautiful day?"

With a clear and pleasant voice, with a little tease, Jinhao's full of thoughts disappeared immediately, and with a "puchi", he laughed.

Jin Hao's smile is like the clear moon pushing away the clouds and mist, the stars all over the sky are not as bright and beautiful as her smile, even the world is intoxicated by it, even if he is familiar with Jin Hanlin, he is instantly bewitched by her blooming demeanor .

"Okay, since you can laugh, it means that things are not too bad." Jin Hanlin came back to his senses, and sat down beside Jinhao: "Tell me, what troubles have you encountered?"

Jin Hao looked at this person whom he hadn't seen for a few months. Although he was only wearing ordinary clothes, he was more radiant than before. Jin Hanlin was like the twinkling stars in the sky, making people unable to take their eyes off.

At this time, he was looking at Jin Hao with a pair of eyes that were clear and still water in the ancient pool with a smile. All the troubles and complication gradually faded away under his eyes.

Jin Hao didn't hide anything, and told Jin Hanlin about today's affairs one by one. Anyway, Jin Hanlin knows more about his family's affairs than himself.

"Don't worry, I will solve it for you after I find out." The tone was strong and confident, as if he didn't take the Mo family's mess in his eyes at all.

Jin Hao was worried about being unable to fall asleep, so she was easily dismissed by his cousin Jin with a word. What's even more shameful is that Jin Hao still seemed to trust her, and the most shameful thing was that she actually I think there is nothing wrong with this.

That night, after Jinhao climbed into bed, she thought of a strange thing: How did Cousin Jin get in?
Could it be that he also has the ability to fly over walls?

So the closer he got, the more Jin Hao felt that there were more and more mysteries about this elegant cousin, whether it was the elusive medical skills or the elusive traces.

After thinking for a while, he let out a sigh of relief and said to himself: "It doesn't matter, my cousin won't harm me anyway."

After a good night's sleep, when I woke up the next day, another word finally popped up in my mind: Gua Tian Li Xia!

Before she could wake up from the shock of Li Xia in the melon field, Dong Bo who was next to Mrs. Mo actually went out to invite her in person. The speed was so fast that Jin Hao became more and more frightened: what kind of benefits did Mo's family feel? Not willing to wait a moment.

Even if 1 people in Jinhao don't want to, what can they do? Maybe even Dong Bo who returns home every year pretends not to know each other.

So, no matter how unhappy, Jin Hao had no choice but to obediently get in the car, but there were a few extra things in her sleeves... Yesterday, some "badgets" Jin Hanlin gave her.

The capital originally thought that Mrs. Mo was only a fourth-rank official, and among the large number of officials in the capital, he was only a middle-level person, but after seeing the mansion of the Mo Mansion in the capital, he secretly marveled at Mrs. Mo's methods... In her previous life, she But he has never set foot in the capital city.

The Mofu house has beautiful scenery, towering ancient trees in the yard, numerous strange rocks, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, and clusters of flowers. Because it is still early, the morning sun is not yet strong, and the exquisiteness of various colors is shrouded in golden light. Under the sun, it is even more charming, the breeze blows, and the fragrance of flowers bursts.

Jin Hao led Dong Bo to Mrs. Mo's study.

On the pear wood chair, Mrs. Mo was closing his eyes and resting his mind. His body was loosely leaning against the back of the chair, as if falling asleep, but the fingers of his left hand were tapping the armrest rhythmically.

Jin Hao saluted Mrs. Mo with a full smile, that smile was like the warm sunshine coming out of the clouds, which made Mrs. Mo's heart soften: he only recently knew how many foolish things his old wife had done, and this child has suffered a lot of grievances.

What surprised him was that the child was favored by the eighth prince and the second prince, and what he didn't expect was that the child had a delicate mind and was really a rare talent. In her hands, it's a pity, it's just a daughter, but it's not too bad...

Mrs. Mo looked at the beautiful and elegant girl in front of her, like a fairy, especially her eyes, which were as clear as a flowing brook, filled with aura, radiant and radiant.

Mrs. Mo paused his beating hand and stared at Jin Hao for a long time, his eyes were deep and sharp, as if he wanted to see Jin Hao's heart at a glance, so that he could gain insight into the heart of this handsome granddaughter in front of him.

But under such scorching, even scorching eyes, Jin Hao didn't show any abnormality at all, her smile was still calm, her eyes were still clear, facing Mrs. Mo's scrutiny, she was still calm and elegant, making people unable to pick out There was a slight mistake.

After a while, Mrs. Mo let out a long sigh, stroked his beard, and said sadly: "Your grandmother and your father are really messing around, to agree with your mother to reconcile, and even more outrageous to let you go." Raising by your mother's side, and giving up the upbringing of the child in your mother's womb, is really nonsense."

These words are not all for show, Old Master Mo is really upset, but Yao Lijuan's reconciliation, he doesn't take it to heart, but cares about Yi Jinhao and Yao Lijuan's child.

Yao Lijuan's own qualifications are not very good, but she has a heart for giving birth to such a daughter. If the child in her womb is a boy, then it is the hope of the Mo family.

He had heard about Jin Hao's reputation in Dexin Women's College, but this time, the Mo family might have missed the pearl!

His stupid old wife, and his son, who is about to turn his age but is still out of tune, did such a stupid thing, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Jin Hao didn't take what Mrs. Mo said to heart. If she really wanted to make up for her and her mother, she wouldn't show up after their mother and daughter went to Beijing for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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