Good luck of rebirth

341 Chapter 2: Putting Death to Survival

341 Chapter 2: Putting Death to Survival ([-])
It's just that he didn't say clearly that Jin Hao's background, even being an unnamed concubine Ji is a high ranking.

Jin Hao's eyes turned cold, and just as she was about to fight back, she heard Ning Ruoqiu sneer and spoke first: "What's so strange about this, I'm surprised, your wedding date is so close, why do you still have the time to run around? Could it be that you abandoned Mr. Ye and found another Gao Zhi?"

While talking, Ning Ruoqiu scrutinized Zhu Danni with a look like, are you Hong Xing floating out of the wall, and naturally made Zhu Danni vomit blood in anger.

Ning Ruoqiu's lip service, Zhu Danni has always been hard to get cheap, so she turned her attention to Jinhao.

"Miss Mo Wu, I would like to know why you came so late today? Could it be that people from small towns don't have the habit of being punctual?" Zhu Danni glanced sideways at Jinhao, with a haughty expression and a bad attitude .

Ning Ruoqiu said in a cold voice: "I think you're going back as you live, no matter how you look at it, the time won't pass."

The relationship between Ning Ruoqiu and Zhu Danni has been forged long ago, and in the valley town, she has to be helped by Jinhao. In her heart, she has already classified Jinhao as her own, so how can she tolerate Zhu Danni, a fake fairy? , insulting one's own people.

"Sister Ning, sir taught us to be broad-minded in life and work, and don't be fussy about it, which is inferior. Since sister Ning knows that Miss Zhu's eyes are not good, why should I bother with her? We are The prime minister is so full of fun, so let the adults ignore the villains!" After a pause, "We always treat the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled with courtesy."

This Zhu Danni was not in the right mind. After that day, she thought that Zhu Danni could figure it out. As a human being with her tail between her legs, she didn't care about making such friends, let alone the kindness of such "good friends".

After that day, she has been holding her breath in her heart, but she can't find anyone to vent her anger at all, and Second Miss Zhu can't punish her for the time being, but today she automatically sent to the door to find trouble, why should she be so polite .

"Puchi", Ning Ruoqiu laughed out loud, and immediately raised her hand to cover her lips. Even so, their conversation attracted everyone's attention.

Zhu Danni's face froze, she glanced at everyone, and forced a smile on her face, but even so, the smile couldn't hide the coldness in her eyes, she stared at Jin Hao coldly, wishing to cut her into pieces.

"Sister Mo's words are very true, but it's my fault." Ning Ruoqiu said with a smile in her eyes, "You can't care too much about the old, weak, sick and disabled." Then, she casually said to Zhu Danni An apology: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you have already entered the ranks of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled."

After hearing Ning Ruoqiu's words, Zhu Danni's face changed slightly, and she couldn't even keep the faint smile on her lips: "Miss Ning is not good at seeing, maybe she has also stepped into the ranks of the old, weak, sick and disabled?"

Jin Hao pulled Ning Ruoqiu whose face suddenly changed, and replied flatly: "Let yourself save others, Second Miss Zhu really has a heart."

These words caused Ning Ruoqiu to sneer twice, and everyone's eyes swept over the direction of the three people intentionally or unintentionally, but because the voices of the three people were all a little low, they couldn't hear clearly, so they didn't know why they looked at it. There is a secret battle between the three.

At this time, the last forced smile on Zhu Danni's lips also broke down, and her hatred for Jin Hao deepened.

If you want to ask Zhu Danni who she hates the most in her life, needless to say, it is Miss Mo Wu in front of her.

Speaking of it, she personally thinks that she has a good temper, is also calm, and has a rich heart and a noble background. She rarely pays attention to women in this capital.

However, the first time I saw Jin Hao, I felt a little uneasy in my heart. For some reason, I always felt that the girl in front of me would be her greatest enemy in life.

When she sees Ye Ruoming's unusual concern for Jinhao again, it can be said that she is the most guarded against Jinhao, and when she sees her again, all her rationality is gone.

"The two really share the same interests." Zhu Danni sneered: "I hope the friendship between the two of you will always be this good."

If she knew that the person her sweetheart liked was her good friend, would Ning Ruoqiu protect her like this?
"Miss Ning, I want to see if you will protect her forever?" He gave Jin a good look again: "Miss Fifth Mo, I hope you will never regret what you said today."

Putting down these words coldly, she turned around and was about to leave, but she didn't want to hear the girl's soft and soft laughter behind her: "The loser always has to say a few words at the end, keep it Face. Unexpectedly, today I would have this opportunity to experience it from Miss Zhu Er."

Turning around, the strolling Zhu Danni stopped, and for a moment, she only wanted to turn around and tear her mouth apart.

But thinking of where she is now, she had no choice but to clenched her silver teeth, her eyes were as cold as ice, she never looked back, and kept walking towards her seat.

"Good job." When Second Miss Zhu returned to her seat, Ning Ruoqiu patted Jin Hao's shoulder vigorously, and said with a big smile, "Tell me, did she look like she was angry all the time? Toad? I can see her like this, and it's not in vain for me to beg for it..."

Ning Ruoqiu has always been straightforward, although she has some tricks, but compared to Zhu Danni's fake fairy, she often suffers, blushing with anger, and Zhu Danni will stand aside, calm and composed.

But today, thanks to Jin's good fortune, seeing Zhu Danni, who always had eyes on the top of her head deflated, gave her a terrible headache.

Jinhao chuckled, she lived two lives again, the most advanced thing is the sharpness of the tongue, the mad lady with the eyes above the top, and the evil intentions, of course, it is not a problem, if it is not the wrong place today, she will definitely have Be sure to let Second Miss Zhu leave with tears in her eyes.

He stretched out his hand to take a piece of fruit and brought it to his mouth, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zhu Danfeng's adoring gaze, and felt a bit of a headache for the piercing gaze of this silly elder sister: it seems that this silly elder sister is at home, I was so angry with Zhu Danni that when there was a verbal spat, those who were stronger than Zhu Danni immediately acted stupid.

The fruit was chewed lightly, swallowed, and came to a conclusion: Royal fruit, this taste is sweet and sweet, so I should eat more of it today.

When she unhurriedly used up the three fruits, the whispering at the banquet suddenly stopped, and Ning Ruoqiu stretched out her hand to pull Jin Hao up, and everyone at the banquet also stood up, Jin Hao When I stared at it, I saw a red shirt with begonias sweeping the floor, chest full of auspicious brocade, a gold silk beaded belt, narrow sleeves pinching the waist, loose temples, a bun like a startled bun, engraved golden water chestnut flowers inlaid with jade hairpins, gold silk The beauties of fragrant wood and cicada jade slowly stepped into the banquet, graceful and dignified, with a myriad of manners.

Jin Hao suddenly understood in her heart that this person should be the imperial concubine loved by three thousand people... the mother and concubine of the second prince, and the sister of Mrs. Ye San.

(End of this chapter)

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