Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 345: A Beautiful Boy

Chapter 345: A Beautiful Boy (1)
If you can't get what you want, even if you don't have the fate in this life, you still have to figure out where you are defeated.

Obviously I have a destiny with her, but why should I pass her by? If it is really not a destiny, it doesn't matter if I don't meet, it is like a piece of delicious meat. It's a pot, but it's halfway, and it has to be picked up, which feels uncomfortable.

Jin Hao's heart was shocked, but the complexion on her face didn't change, her clear face was flickering under the bright moonlight, her expression also became inexplicable, and her expression was a little far away.

She looked at Ye Ruoqian and shook her head slowly: "Second Young Master, the matter has come to this point, it is useless to talk too much, why don't you let go of the past and take pity on the person in front of you. As for the hostility, Second Young Master, think about it, we first met there waiting Under the circumstances, how could I not be hostile?"

"Second Young Master kept saying that he had no other intentions, but how could Second Young Master have forgotten that this world is harsh on women, if people see the current situation, I am afraid that my reputation will be ruined, Second Young Master should know my temperament, I'm afraid that in order to prove my innocence, I will have to bump my head against the pillar to death. At that time, will the second young master say that he has no other thoughts? The second young master keeps saying that he is affectionate and righteous to me, but such behavior is considered What? If Second Young Master really has the slightest bit of pity for me in his heart, please Second Young Master let me leave immediately."

Ye Ruoqian stared at Jin silently for a long time with his eyes downcast, his eyes were a little bit more frosty: Although he kept saying that he had no intentions, he had a little extravagant hope and wanted to repay the beauty.

He closed his eyes slightly, concentrating for a moment, and when he opened them again, there was already a sharp look: "I want to marry you."

For a moment, the surroundings were dead silent, Jin Hao's face was as cold as ice, she wasted so much talk, but this person was still stubborn.

Jin Hao's eyes were as calm as ice, like a deep ancient well, and he looked at him with clear eyes without blinking, as if there was a kind of depression that was cold to the bone, scurrying around in his chest, before he had time to identify anything, Seeing Jin Hao saying word by word: "Why do you marry me? And what will you marry me with?"

Although it was a simple sentence, Ye Ruoqian was struck by lightning. After being startled for a moment, the coldness in his eyes suddenly grew.

Jin Hao stood up abruptly, with a cold but firm voice: "Second Young Master, Jin Hao bid farewell, I hope that Young Master will act in the future, and don't be so arbitrary and obsessed with obsession."

Jin Hao was extremely calm, her eyebrows were slightly closed, she never looked at Ye Ruoqian, nor at the night sky, she just stood like this, as if she didn't know that he was right in front of her, ignoring him like this made Ye Ruoqian His heart became colder and colder: she couldn't see him in her eyes. At this moment, he clearly knew that his previous advantages, his family background, appearance, character, and talents that were worthy of being sought after by young girls in the past, could not be compared with this little girl. In his eyes, it is worthless.

She looked down on him, she didn't have him in her eyes, and she didn't have him in her heart, it wasn't an act of pretending, it was because she never regarded him as a lover in this life.

Do you just let it go?

His gaze turned to Jin Hao, under the moonlight, Jin Hao's pretty face was shining brightly, looking at him, his cold heart was gurgling with heat.

"If I don't let go, do I have to be obsessed with it?"

Ye Ruoqian said a word indifferently, and the anger that Jin Hao had been holding back all this time finally exploded, and the teacup in his hand was accurately splashed on Ye Ruoqian's handsome face: "Second Young Master is confused, I will help Young Master wake up."

The warm tea slid from forehead to brow, and then to the tip of nose. If Ye Ruoqian was a little bit unwilling just now, now he saw this little face in front of him that became bright because of anger and disdain, and his shining eyes , that unwillingness turned into despair, and he knew clearly in his heart that the girl in front of him really didn't have the slightest affection for him.

Because of this understanding, this young man, who has always been as clear as the bright moon, stared at Jin Hao with a sharp light in his eyes, with a ferocious look like a beast.

Jin Hao and Ye Ruoqian looked at each other for a moment, then glared at Ye Ruoqian whose face was full of tea with bottomless black eyes, snorted coldly, put down the teacup heavily, turned around, and left without looking back.

At this moment, a wisp of autumn wind blew by, blowing her silky black hair and fluttering robe, Ye Ruoqian was in a trance for a while, as if seeing her figure gradually fade with the autumn wind.

The night wind curled up her hair and scratched her pink and jade-like cheeks, itching and cooling.

Jin Hao lowered her eyes and looked at her long shadow on the ground: This time, she should be able to completely get rid of the fate of her previous life!
In the quiet night, the sound of footsteps becomes clearer, perhaps because no one walks on this road, the sound will be particularly empty, and it sounds like drum music.

Jin Hao walked, stepping on the traces of the moonlight penetrating through the shade of the trees under her feet, as if dancing lightly, perhaps because she bid farewell to the nightmare of her previous life, her footsteps were particularly light like a song.

In this poetic moonlight, she walked on the moon and starlight, meandering here.

Just as she was still in this beautiful and quiet night, an abrupt voice broke the moonlight like a song.

"Miaoji, Miaoji..." A deep voice suddenly came from the side: "I really don't know, so Miss Fifth is still as hard-hearted as a stone." No matter how I heard these words, there was a bit of sarcasm.

Jin Hao stopped, turned around, and saw the handsome man who was leaning on the rockery, tilting his head, looking at her with a half-smile.

It was Xie Mingyou.

The night wind blows, black hair flutters behind his head, and a strand of black hair sticks to his cheek, making his handsome face very seductive, with a kind of beauty that seduces the soul. There is a faint smile on his face, in the moonlight and stars Smudged like an ink painting.

At this moment, he was smiling heartily. He was originally very pretty, but this smile was even more touching.

When Jin Hao suddenly saw Xie Mingyou, his eyes shrank suddenly, and then he looked coldly at the man with a charming smile: "I wonder if Your Highness is still satisfied?"

Under such moonlight, her black jade-like eyes exude a faint, faint light like a top-quality gem. Unidentified indifference.

She stopped like this, standing in the moonlight, motionless, like a sculpture.

When Ye Ruoqian appeared, she understood that all of this should be acquiesced by Xie Mingyou, otherwise even if she was as close as Ye Ruoqian, she would not be able to command Chang Le...Xie Mingtan's personal eunuch.

Under the moonlight, the light in Xie Mingyoufeng's eyes was as bright as the stars in the sky. He stood up straight, put his hands behind his back, and looked at Jinhao quietly. cut his eyes?"

(End of this chapter)

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