Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 352 The Black Pot

Chapter 352 The Black Pot (1)
His loud laughter drew everyone's attention away from Jin Hao and Jin Hanlin, and also made Jin Hao and Jin Hanlin restrain their minds. At that moment, Shi Shiran, a group of 11, walked around the lantern.

Jin Hanlin took a break from his busy schedule, bought the Fulou lantern and the rabbit lantern, and gave them to Jinhao. Naturally, he got a big smiling face from Jinhao, like a lotus flower full of dew, and the moon and clouds chasing each other. Among its boundless beauty, is actually With boundless warmth.

Naturally, it made many people have a toothache, envy, envy, and hatred, and all kinds of emotions were tumbling.

After strolling around for a while, Princess Tsinghua complained of foot pain, and Jin Hao and the others were not in the mood to hang out, so everyone went to the restaurant.

A group of people were drinking new tea and eating various cakes and fruits, when they suddenly heard the sound of gongs and drums outside, they heard someone shouting: "It's the third quarter of Xuchu! Fireworks are going to be set off..."

When the sound fell, the streets and restaurants suddenly boiled like boiling water, and the girls couldn't help standing up and standing at the window like everyone else. Looking out, they suddenly heard a sharp whistle. Meteor-shaped fireworks hit the ink-stained night sky, and the cheers of the crowd echoed dozens of times amidst the cheers of the crowd. The sky was colorful and dazzling, and the stars and moons paled.

The bustle hadn't faded away, and dozens of fireworks flew into the sky, and everyone was dazzled and dazzled.

Although Princess Tsinghua and the others have seen a lot of scenery, the fireworks in the palace do not know how much more beautiful than this, but they lack this wanton joy, and they are quickly exaggerated by the surrounding environment. Terrible, forgot to be reserved, all crowded together by the window, stretched their necks, looked out, flailing their arms, wishing they could fly out of the window.

And Jin Hao's petite body has been squeezed to the window, clinging to the railing. She looked at the fireworks in the sky, but she was thinking of Yao Lijuan who stayed at home. There are signs of peeling off.

Jin Hao was terrified in her heart, but she didn't show it at all on her face. She stretched out her hand and shook the railing without any trace, which really confirmed her guess. Her eyes pretended to pass over everyone's faces inadvertently. eyes, is holding a faint smile, but revealing a cold.

The rain is coming and the wind is all over the building.

Is the Second Prince taking this opportunity to get rid of the Eighth Prince?
Jinhao controlled her own strength, kept her body from shaking slightly, pretended to look at the ground casually, and ruled out this thought. Although this restaurant is not low, it is not high either. Maybe ordinary people fall like this, If you don't die, you will fall to your hands and feet, but she has seen the skills of the eighth prince. Such a high distance is no problem.

The second prince should understand this truth, how could he do such a useless thing, it's unreasonable.

Jin Hao was puzzled, and then thought of the weird smile that the Second Prince had just had.

Could it be... the person who fell from this upstairs would not be the Eighth Prince, but the Second Prince himself.

Yes, that must be the case. If the eighth prince, who has always been known for his willfulness, pushed his elder brother, the second prince, off the stairs under the watchful eyes of everyone, then what a crime it would be.

At this moment, some Jingji guards in the capital happened to pass by, or some people at noon passed by, so the eighth prince was captured, and the eldest son Ye was also captured along the way, and he and Jin Hanlin were also taken along the way Shen Shen, as for what the result will be, it is not a word from the second prince's mouth.

Even if the second prince falls, nothing will happen to him, no matter if he landed safely by "being wise in a hurry", or an unknown hero who suddenly appeared and "sacrificed his life to save him" caught him, he would just be a little frightened.

However, the Eighth Prince’s reputation has plummeted, not to mention that he might offend the emperor, and the imperial concubine would cry hard again, and the wind blowing by his pillow might even implicate the empress... The once young man Husband and wife, where is comparable to the beautiful and gentle hometown, it goes without saying which side the emperor's heart will be inclined to.

Needless to say, how big is the crime of murdering the elder brother and killing brothers, even if the emperor has always loved the eighth prince and was willing to punish him lightly, or if the second prince was willing to intercede for the eighth prince afterwards, he would not be able to escape being demoted from Beijing Destiny, of course, has no destiny for the throne since then, and the second prince is naturally the only candidate in the emperor's heart, so there is no need to waver.

However, the second prince, the victim, naturally gained a good reputation of benevolence, and the previous unscrupulous methods, cruelty and ruthlessness were naturally wiped out.

It really is a good calculation, watertight.

Jin Hao narrowed her eyes slightly, recalling the fate of the eighth prince in her previous life... She was exiled from Beijing, and got a fiefdom in a remote area. As for the result, she didn't know before she died, but she would understand after thinking about it. The proud son of heaven was exiled from Beijing, how many of them will end well.

No, I can't let the second prince succeed, let alone that the second prince has some nasty thoughts about her, just say that the eighth prince's helping her again and again is worthy of her help.

It's just that she is a weak woman, how can she break this situation?

Let her risk her life to break the situation, she still can't do it, it's not that Xie Mingtan is not worth it, but that there are people she cares about in this world, and she can't let go.

For now, the only plan is to prevent Xie Mingtan from getting close to the railing on the window, so that even if Xie Mingyou falls, Xie Mingtan will not be involved.

Jin Hao settled down in her heart, her complexion remained calm, she looked around with a smile on her face, and paid close attention to the surrounding environment, no matter how the wind and rain swept her, she was determined to find a stable world.

She took a few steps back, came to Jin Hanlin's side, and said with a smile: "There are so many people here, they are so crowded that I can't breathe." Then she turned her head to look at Xie Mingtan, and saw that his eyes were drawn down, his brows were fixed in meditation, Then he pondered slightly: "Your Highness, last time you borrowed my letter to read it, and you have a deep understanding."

Xie Mingtan frowned slightly, and then his heart moved slightly, and he took a step closer to her, looked up at her, with a faint smile on his face: "What's Miss Mo Wu thinking? Tell me."

Jin Hao blinked his eyes, and his voice was low, but it could reach his ears clearly: "Your Highness borrowed my letter, and what I feel most is... the hall is a hall, but it is not a hall. We can do as much as possible." After a lot of thinking, no one knows if there is a hidden crisis behind the seemingly smooth wind, the only word is caution, which is the most important thing."

The hall has already become the world, and the opposing sides have long been brothers Xie Mingtan and Xie Mingyou. If one is not careful, it will be a bottomless abyss. supporters behind them.

Xie Mingtan shrank his eyes, but it was only in the blink of an eye, his face was as usual, without any change, but he looked at Jin Hao's eyes a little deeper. Jin Hao has been paying close attention to his every expression, knowing that he understands The deep meaning in her words made her feel relieved. After thinking about it, she approached Xie Mingtan and said in a low voice: "My mother has always missed His Highness and wanted to thank His Highness for your kindness that day, but she forgot to close the window a few days ago. The wind is cold, and the body is not feeling well, so it is delayed, let alone open the window now, any girl who approaches the window will be reprimanded, and the matter of thanking you is hanging here."

(End of this chapter)

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