Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 354 Doomed

Chapter 354 Doomed (1)
The crowd downstairs was in a mess, and someone exclaimed: "Oh my god, I never thought that the second prince would be so cruel and merciless, even his own siblings, he really is ruthless!" Being ungrateful, ruthless and ruthless, harming brothers and feet is not tolerated by God, this will be punished by God."

Someone else echoed: "Yes, it is said that the second prince does things with all means. At first I thought it was just an exaggeration, but today I saw it with my own eyes. I really didn't expect it, I didn't expect it... The second prince is actually such a person ..."

"Well, I heard that although the emperor dotes on the imperial concubine, he is very fond of the eighth prince born by the empress. Although the eighth prince has always been willful and does his own way, he has never bullied the people. He is well-known among the people. Let’s take this opportunity to eradicate the Eighth Prince.”

"It makes sense, it makes sense..."

Although the lights are bright, but after all, you are looking up, so the movements on it are a bit unrecognizable, but the pushing and shoving movements of the second prince and the eighth prince can be clearly seen, so in the eyes of the common people, it is Xie Mingyou who pushed Xie Mingtan to whereabouts. True thing.

And there were obviously some people in the crowd who took advantage of the opportunity to stir up the emotions of the people. It didn't take long for the discussions around here to become louder and louder, and finally buzzed until it almost reached the sky.

Jin Hao listened to the voices of the common people, but his eyes were cold: the second prince will be blamed if he doesn't take the blame.

It's just that the remaining noble ladies, how can we get rid of them?

Jin Hao was thinking about how to get out, these noble ladies are not good people, as far away as possible, it is best to stay as far away as possible, but when she turned her head, she met a pair of black shining gemstones, darkly shining eyes .

Mo Jinyu took two steps forward, and said softly: "Fifth Sister is really a lucky person. Just now, Fifth Sister was standing in front of the window, and nothing happened, so she stepped back, and it was the Eighth Highness who stepped forward and fell down. , it really makes people have to say that Fifth Sister is a blessed person."

Blessed?If she admits that she is blessed, doesn't it mean that Xie Mingtan is unlucky.

Jin Hao sneered secretly, relived her life, and finally let her see clearly that the fourth sister in front of her is the real fourth sister, and they could get along peacefully in the previous life only because she was naive and stupid enough.

It's a pity that in this life, she doesn't want to be a stepping stone for anyone, and they can no longer reach the harmonious state of the previous life.

"What kind of luck or not?" Jin Hao glanced at the broken railing, and said in a low tone, "I think it's because I was young and light, so I never fell." As if thinking of something terrible, Jin Hao Her expression changed drastically: "Fourth sister, don't you think that I knew there was something wrong with the railing, but didn't remind the eighth prince?"

Mo Jinyu really wanted Jinhao to be ugly, but she was unwilling to put such a big crime on Jinhao. She knew the truth that if one prospered, one would suffer, one would suffer. , such absurd thing, I have never thought about it, His Highness the Eighth Prince has saved the life of the fifth sister, if the fifth sister knows that there is something wrong with the railing, she will tell me anything."

Jin Hao smiled and nodded in agreement: "After all, I am a sister, the fourth sister knows me very well." She stood quietly and serenely under the moonlight, her voice was clear and moving, just standing there, it was like a quiet and comfortable light shining from her body. It emanated from the whole body, everyone was panicked, the beating heartstrings gradually calmed down, and the whispers of the people downstairs gradually faded away.

Everyone looked at the girl standing quietly, seeming to be far away, but in their eyes, they only felt that there was a budding Nongyan plant blooming quietly and silently.

Princess Tsinghua silently looked at the pair in front of her. The two sisters, who had already wrestled for a round without making a fuss, looked slightly gloomy. Thinking of what happened next to her today, she couldn't help sighing secretly: This year's The Mid-Autumn Festival is getting more and more interesting, very interesting...

Glancing at the crowned jade-like young man in front of him, he pursed his lips and gave a light laugh, with a cold smile line drawn on the corners of his lips: as long as you have enough patience and will, you will surely be able to achieve what you want.

Jin Hanlin escorted a group of noble ladies down the stairs, who knew that just after stepping on a few steps, there was a sudden loud noise, and a dazzling fire shone outside, illuminating the surroundings.

"It's on fire..."

"It's on fire..."

"Burn people to death... dead people..."

There was a shrill scream, and the crowds everywhere became commotion in an instant. The restaurant where Jin Hao was located was also in a commotion. Everyone stood up and crowded out in a panic. Caught off guard on the stairs, he was squeezed down the stairs, and was quickly dispersed by the flow of people.

Jin Hao was originally behind Jin Hanlin, and when the crowds swarmed, Jin Hanlin wanted to protect Jin Hao, but found that the Tsinghua Princess in front of him was limping, and had no choice but to reach out to support her.

Just when Jin Hanlin bent down, Jin Hao's body was pushed violently by someone, and he almost fell down. He managed to stand up straight, but he was already wrapped in the swarm of people, and he couldn't help himself. staggered away.

There are people everywhere, heads close to each other, dense in darkness, Jin Hao's whole body is surrounded and suspended in the air, his feet can't touch the ground, panic, fear, rushing to his heart for a while, facing the predicament in front of him, Jin Hao's heart is completely cold Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't squeeze through the raging crowd, and she couldn't even give herself a foothold.

In such a predicament, she could only shout Jin Hanlin's name in vain, watching herself being carried farther and farther away by the crowd, desperately maintaining her balance, not daring to let herself fall, lest she be panicked The bewildered crowd stepped into patties, looking around with a pair of eyes, trying to find a place to hide and rely on.

One of the shoes on his feet was squeezed out, and Jin Hao didn't dare to bend down to pick up the shoes. In a panic, the hairpin on his head was pulled out, and the jade bracelet in his hand was also taken advantage of the chaos. , Jin Hao didn't care about anything, but kept marching towards the destination she was looking for. Jin Hao's goal was a high platform for placing flowers outside a shop in the distance.

As long as she can find a way to get close to the high platform, and then try to climb up the high platform, she doesn't have to worry about being trampled to death.

In this crisis, the fear in Jin Hao's heart is greater than any crisis she has encountered before, because this time, she is completely unable to control herself, the turbulent crowd is like a storm, and she is like a delicate flower in the wind and rain , despite the wind and rain, without the slightest ability to resist, I can only silently pray to God in my heart to give her a way out, give her a little luck, so that she can safely reach the high platform that she wants to deal with.

She doesn't want to die.

For the first time, she knew so strongly that she wanted to live so much.

(End of this chapter)

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