Chapter 359
His heart twitched for some reason. He was not jealous, but a pain that he couldn't clearly distinguish. He reached out to take the teacup, and his voice was still dry: "Thank you, Miss Fifth, for serving the tea." The slender fingers touched his lips. Before the finger touches it, it retreats, but the lines on his fingertips clearly feel the little bit of wetness. The tea fragrance in the tea cup is lingering, mixed with a trace of the familiar girl's fragrance, forming a microwave , slowly rippling...

"Eldest son, you are being polite. I have been helped by the eldest son several times, and being able to serve tea for him is a little bit of my daughter's kindness."

Hearing her say such words, Ye Ruoming felt a little complicated in his heart. It was difficult to speak, and he couldn't tell what it was like. It was just a kind of loss that he couldn't think about deeply, because of her politeness and alienation, and this politeness and alienation made him feel deeply in his heart. There were bursts of pain, and he had never been so helpless before.

Although he lost his mother in these years, because of the care of the empress dowager and the favor of the emperor, there is almost nothing he can't get. Moreover, he also knows in his heart that as long as he wants, he can get it. These years, He already has enough strength and means to get what he wants.

However, only the girl in front of him let him know what it means to ask for nothing. She is the same person as himself, has a strong enough will, and has a clear future. Moreover, her future does not have him, and it has never been without him. He was unwilling and at a loss.

He wanted to speak, but he couldn't utter a word. The voices of the surrounding people gradually became lively and fell in his ears, adding an inexplicable annoyance.

The girl in front of her lowered her head slightly, sipping tea, the small and tender earlobes, and the crystal-clear pearl-like pendant, reflected under the warm lamp, flickering with crystal light, falling on her emerald green clothes, like brocade. This kind of clothing is luxurious and soft, and under the lamp, there is a kind of light that is warm and cold in spring, reminding him of the coldness that stimulated his heart when he held her in his arms when the crowd was surging, Only looking at her alive can give birth to a kind of scorching ecstasy, which makes people feel confused and ecstatic, like moths flying into a flame, maybe a lifetime of misery, just for that moment of tragedy.

At this moment, the scorching heat gradually dissipated, only the brocade chill still lingered in the heart, and this chill gradually flowed into the seven tendons and veins, causing an unstoppable colic in the blood.

He seemed to feel the misery of a lifetime, but the light of her pearls was still swaying in the autumn night, just like her gaze was still searching the street, which made his heart ache, but he could only look at it coldly. She is still looking forward to, still waiting: Jin Hanlin, is it really that good?It's so good that he obviously abandoned her, but she can still make her wait willingly, and she is still willing to wait when she is obviously resentful.Why, why can he get it so easily, the treasure he can't ask for, isn't it because he knows her better than himself?
The unwillingness in his heart made him mutter to himself: "Why did I meet you so late..."

Jin Hao originally bowed his head to drink tea, but when he heard this, his hands stiffened and his lips twitched. For some reason, a wave of fear suddenly rose in his heart.

However, after she was reborn, she has always been calm and calm, acting as if she had never heard it. After a while, she took a few sips of hot tea, raised her eyes and looked at Ye Ruoming, with a slender and soft voice: "Eldest Young Master, I have an unfeeling request, I wonder if Eldest Young Master can answer me!"

He agreed without thinking, and said: "Miss Fifth, please tell me, as long as I can do it, I can accept it."

Jin Hao's eyes shone slightly, and he bit his lips and said: "Although the eldest son and I met for a short time, he saved my life time and time again, which can be regarded as a mountain of kindness. Jin Hao has nothing to repay, and he always remembers it Today I was rescued by the eldest son again, so I couldn't help but be cheeky and express my delusional thoughts." Jin Hao paused for a moment, took a breath and continued: "I want to climb high and become brothers and sisters with different surnames with the eldest son, I don't know if the eldest son can Should I go?"

Ye Ruoming sat there, listening to the words "brother and sister", he suddenly felt that the air around him was like the cold water in the glacial river in the cold winter, icy cold with crushed ice in it, and the shredded ice contained the withered winter grass, floating on the ice surface, Split out of the depression.

A warm smile slowly appeared on his face. I have to say that the expression of the person in front of me has always been indifferent, as bright as a jade tree. Such an abnormal smile is really dazzling. Jinhao is a little uneasy. He always feels that Ye Ruoming There was a coldness in the smile, and she couldn't allow her to think too much, only to see the other party's voice said briskly: "Miss Wu is joking, there is no such thing as high-ranking or not, I have always wanted to have a well-behaved sister like Miss Wu, Since Miss Fifth is willing to call me Yibro, I naturally wish for it."

Jinhao also laughed when he heard him say this, and called out in a brisk voice: "Brother Yi."

For the word righteous brother, Ye Ruoming's smile became warmer, and he smiled very cheerfully: "Today, on the night of the full moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival, I actually recognized a girl, but after all, I was in a hurry, and I didn't even prepare for the meeting ceremony. It's a pity."

Jin Hao shook his head and said: "Brother Yi's words are off the mark. Since he recognizes brothers and sisters with different surnames, he is one of his own. There is no need to stick to those common etiquette."

"Well," Ye Ruoming nodded in agreement, and echoed in a low voice: "What righteous sister said is true, since they are brothers and sisters with different surnames, they are naturally their own people, so there is no need to stick to customary etiquette." After a pause, he laughed again: "It's just such a happy event. , Whatever you say, you should raise your glass to celebrate."

After speaking, he got up and called the stall owner over: "Go, prepare some wine for me."

Jin Hao originally saw Ye Ruoming's abnormal smile, and felt a little uneasy in his heart, but now hearing him say that he wants to drink, he is naturally even more uneasy, and somewhat makes the stall owner back down, only to see that the stall owner trembled slightly, saying nothing He said that he left the huge tea shed and went to buy wine for Ye Ruoming.

When the stall owner bought a pot of wine and came back, Ye Ruoming took it, poured the tea on the ground, filled the tea bowl, raised the tea bowl, and said to Jin Hao: "Spirited wine hurts your health, you are a girl Let’s drink tea instead of wine, and let’s drink this cup to celebrate our becoming brothers and sisters with different surnames.” After finishing speaking, without waiting for Jin Hao’s answer, he touched her tea bowl and drank it down in one gulp, fearing that it would be too much. Too anxious, he coughed a few times, then raised his head and smiled at Jin Hao, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, but he filled the tea bowl again and drank it down in one gulp.

"Brother Yi..." Jin Hao wanted to persuade him, but he didn't know how to speak.

Just when Jin Hao was in a difficult situation, a deep voice sounded: "Master Ye, since my cousin and you have become brothers and sisters with different surnames, such a big event should be celebrated. The eldest son is so happy, we must celebrate with wine, how about you?" Set a time, and I will have a good drink with you."

Jin Hao turned his head to look, and saw Jin Hanlin, who was dressed in moon white, coming in. He first looked at Jin Hao carefully, and then turned his gaze to Ye Ruoming.

(End of this chapter)

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