Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 366 Home

Chapter 366 Go Home (1)
Hearing these words, Jin Hao shuddered fiercely. She can guarantee that she will never like what the Empress Empress says.

The empress raised Jinhao's chin, staring at the bright, white, almost transparent pretty face, staring at the plump, beautiful red lips, the empress couldn't help admiring in a low voice: "Zhen Naiguo She is also worthy of being Qin'er's concubine!"

When Jin Hao heard this, she was startled and opened her mouth to refuse. The empress's soft voice came again: "Don't rush to refuse, Tan'er's eyes are high above the top. Although you are stunning, he is not a lustful person. It's just that this palace sees your affinity and wants to stay by my side, if you are willing, this palace will let you be a side concubine, how about it?"

While talking like this, she was thinking of Xie Mingtan's ecstasy every time he talked about the girl in front of him. Her son is a person who is going to do great things, and he must not be held back by anyone. Back then, she told him to put the world first. , I thought that the girl in front of me was just as passing as before as for her son, but I didn't expect her son with eyes above the top to be really moved.

Since her son really has a heart, she, as a mother, will naturally help fulfill his wish. Only when she gets it can she pull it out of her heart, otherwise this girl will become a thorn in his heart. Thinking of it will cause a stinging pain, and it will also become his weakness in the future. A person who wants to be the monarch of the world must not have weaknesses.

Jin Hao paused in his heart, then looked calmly into the empress's eyes, and replied: "Thank you, empress, for your kindness, but the little girl is unwilling."

Although the empress met something in her heart, when she really heard this, she was still taken aback for a moment, and she couldn't help letting go: "You should know that Tan'er's future is limitless, don't you regret it?"

Jin Hao shook her head: "I don't regret it, honey is my arsenic."

After hearing this, the Empress Empress, the smile that had faded away surged up again: "It's an interesting statement. This is the first time I've heard that the glory of being a prince and side concubine is regarded as arsenic." It was obviously a light smile, But Jin Hao could feel the cold from the laughter, falling straight down like a boulder of ice.

I shrank in my heart, but just lowered my head, refusing to compromise.

The empress seemed to feel bored, and said gently: "Since you don't want to, I won't force you, besides, you still have a marriage contract, so I just fell in love with you, so I made this move." Wait for your thoughts."

Turning her head, she glanced at the light gauze, said with a smile: "The rain has stopped, I won't keep you anymore."

Jin Hao hurriedly saluted and retired, and the empress asked the maid beside her to send Jin Hao off the beauty pavilion. Jin Hao thanked her again and again, but she didn't feel any gratitude in her heart. She was only surprised and afraid: the empress really deserved to be The honor of the mother of the country is not only beautiful, but also gentle and luxurious. It makes people feel good at a glance. The body seems to be soft and boneless, and the whole body exudes a soft breath, but in those eyes , but there is a steel-like will, such a woman, whoever sees it, will feel love from the heart, making people extremely comfortable.

But when they looked at each other just now, Jin Hao's attention was not on the queen's appearance, but on the queen's words and demeanor: smiling lightly, every word of trap, every word of temptation.

Jinhao can be sure that if she had accepted the Empress Empress just now, she might have turned into a speechless corpse at this time. The Eighth Prince has a bright future, and right now he needs support. , what can win people's hearts even more, the position of the main concubine and side concubine next to Xie Mingtan is extremely important. How could the empress tolerate an unknown person like her to be taken.

She just felt the killing intent in Empress Empress's heart, although her smile is still like a spring breeze.

The queen empress has always shown a smiley look from beginning to end, and even has a smile of love for her in her eyes, as if she really likes her and wants to stay by her side... This is what makes Jin Hao Terrible place.

A person whose expression and eyes can change according to his will, this is the truly terrifying person, this is the person who can survive in the deep palace for a long time, and only this kind of people can survive in a place like the palace .

Jin Hao could see through this point because he wanted to thank the maid who greeted her beside the empress. The maid was obviously not good enough, she was also smiling, but the contempt flashed in her eyes, which could not escape Jin Hao's eyes , made her wary.

If other people were treated so courteously by the queen of the kingdom, their eye circles would be wet, but because Jin Hao was so close to the queen, his eyes almost turned red with fright.

When she finally walked out of the empress's sight, all the strength in her body was exhausted, her legs were weak, she almost thought that she had walked around before the gate of hell, she couldn't help shivering, and found that her back was already icy cold, The autumn wind blew past, and bursts of cold air hit the bones from the back. I felt cold all over my body, and my pretty face was pale and blue.

"Are you okay?" Jinhao looked up, and Xie Mingtan was rushing over. Seeing that her complexion was not good, she hurriedly asked questions, and Ye Ruoming, who was following behind him, followed her with eyes like midnight, although he didn't say anything Asked a question, but looked her up and down.

Jin Hao's brows and eyes are indifferent, but there is bitterness in her clear eyes. Although she has always regarded Xie Mingtan and Ye Ruoming as friends, she has forgotten that when there are too many disparities in status and status, simple friendship can become fatal. Hurt, not to mention after today's incident, she no longer thought that she, Xie Mingtan and Ye Ruoming were simple friendship.

A faint smile gradually appeared on Jin Hao's face, and he said to Xie Mingtan and Ye Ruoming, "Master Xie, Mr. Eldest, sweet tastes can be easily spoiled. You know at the end of the year. The friendship between gentlemen is like water."

"Fifth Miss, you..." The smile on Xie Mingtan's face suddenly froze, as if someone had punched him, ruining the bright smile: "Is it my mother... or the emperor's grandmother..."

"Not at all." Jin Hao shook his head lightly, his tone was like a mist in the air, which would fade away when the wind blows: "I'm tired."

She never thought of marrying Xie Mingtan, or Ye Ruoming, although these two people have given her a lot of help, especially Ye Ruoming, who saved her from death time and time again, but she would only treat them as Friends, and only friends.

If I let myself step into the lives of these two people, I will only bring myself troubles. She is a person who wants to be simple, and their lives and their identities are destined to be turbulent and thrilling. This is not what I want .

She remembered that she had already made it clear that she had always thought that the two of them understood what she meant, but who knew, did she overestimate the wisdom of men?

(End of this chapter)

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