Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 381 Secret 1 sparse

Chapter 381
Mo Jinling bit her lips tightly, staring at the jade hairpin on Jinhao's head, her heart was about to bleed out of jealousy: The eldest princess just likes Mo Jinhao so much, is she really that good?Even the jade hairpin bestowed by the former emperor can be given to Mo Jinhao.

The same Miss Mo family, because Mo Jinhao was wronged, the eldest princess vented her anger on her, just because Mo Jinhao was a descendant of a concubine, and she was a daughter of a concubine, and the eldest princess looked down on children born of a concubine.

Mo Jinling planted a seed in her heart. If she was the daughter of the first son, would she please the eldest princess?

Jealousy blinded her mind, causing her to be confused for a moment, but Ning Shi understood it. Seeing this, her body went limp, and she collapsed on the ground: Today, Jin Ling might...not be able to keep her.

I'm afraid Princess Tsinghua won't be able to please her today: the jade hairpin bestowed by the late emperor was not given to Princess Tsinghua, but was given to Mo Jinhao instead. The eldest princess is showing her attitude.

What Ning could think of, Princess Tsinghua also thought of, she really fainted at the beginning, after all, there is no girl who doesn't care about her appearance, but the maids around her are not for eating, knowing that this matter cannot be sloppy today, Soon with the help of the doctor, Princess Tsinghua was woken up, but Princess Tsinghua suffered such a big loss, how could she easily spare Jin Hao.

Originally, I thought that the Mo family would take the blame for her. Tomorrow, she would still be a Tsinghua princess who knew the general idea and knew how to advance and retreat, but I didn't expect the Mo family to be so useless, let alone the eldest princess who came in a hurry to help Jin Hao, this made Princess Tsinghua's lungs explode. This old witch, she has been serving her carefully and trying to please her all these years, but she never thought that she would be no match for a country bumpkin who can't get on the stage.

Listening to what the maid said, the eldest princess actually gave the jade hairpin bestowed by the former emperor Jiji to Jin Hao, so she couldn't sit still anymore, that jade hairpin, she hinted that Jia had shown the eldest princess, but she never got what she wanted. , but did not expect that the eldest princess would give it to Jin Hao just like this. Now she was really scared, so Princess Tsinghua hurried over.

The eldest princess glanced at Master Mo Er, curled her lips contemptuously, and dragged Jin Hao into the gazebo. The smart maid spread a thick blanket. The eldest princess sat down and said slowly: "Good boy!" , now you can tell me, what happened?" The eldest princess asked Jin Hao to speak, but she would not listen to others.

She didn't even look at those in the Mo family, and made it clear that as long as Jinhao said, she would believe it.

At this time, Ning didn't care whether she would be angered by the eldest princess, and was busy preparing to speak, but the eldest princess stared at her. The long-term high position made her full of majesty, and Ning was stared at by her. Trembling, where can I speak.

She couldn't tell, but Princess Tsinghua who hurried over could tell. She was full of tears, and the gauze on her forehead was wrapped thickly and wide. It didn't look like she was scratched by a cat on her forehead, but was cut by a knife Like half a head.

As soon as Princess Tsinghua saw Princess Tsinghua, she rushed towards her. I don't know whether it was intentional or not, and she was separated between Princess Chang and Jinhao.

"Auntie, are here..." Choking, sobbing, wronged, and sad, like a baby swallow returning to its nest, it no longer has the beauty and luxury of a royal princess, but a wronged child who sees the support After the delicate.

After all, I have taken care of the child for so many years, accompanied me for so many years, and have been in pain for so many years. How can I have no feelings? Seeing Princess Tsinghua's appearance like this, the eldest princess' face changed slightly, and she stretched out her arms to hug Princess Tsinghua and said: " Tsinghua, you are..."

Jin Hao's heart skipped a beat. Seeing Princess Tsinghua's appearance, as if she would not give up if she didn't pour sewage on her today, she couldn't help frowning, not because of worry or fear, but because of I feel that because of these bad things and these bad people, she is very upset. I am afraid that after going back, she will not even be able to eat. After seeing so many ugly faces, which one will have a good appetite, not to mention that among these people, there are still Many of them are what she calls "family".

After hearing the princess's question, Princess Qinghua looked at Jin Hanlin hesitantly. She didn't want to give Jin Hanlin a bad impression of being a bully, but when she took another look at Jin Hao who had a calm face, the anger in her heart flared up again. He came up, lowered his head and took a deep breath, and when he raised his head again, there was more determination in his eyes: "Yes... yes... Miss Mo Wu..." As if slipping her tongue, she sniffed , glanced at Jin Hanlin, and seemed to regret it: "Auntie, don't be angry, this injury is my own carelessness, and it has nothing to do with Miss Mo Wu."

The maid next to her seemed to cater to her words, she stood aside and nodded, but her eyes contained tears, she looked extremely unbearable, but she couldn't help it: "Princess, why are you bothering? Oh, you still have to cover up for Miss Mo Wu, you..."

"Shut up!" Princess Tsinghua stared at her and interrupted the maid.

Jin Hao saw the posture of the two singing together, and the feeling of boredom in his heart was reduced a lot. He snorted secretly, and his attitude became more and more leisurely. It came from the palace, and the number of this period is obviously much higher than that of the Mo family.

There were crape myrtle growing beside the gazebo, which was in full bloom at this moment. Jin Hao picked one off, sniffed it lightly, and instead of throwing it away, held it in his hand to play, without looking at Princess Tsinghua, who was performing a tragic drama to her heart's content.

Her calm and relaxed appearance fell into the eyes of Princess Tsinghua, and she was so angry that she almost gritted her silver teeth.

Seeing Jin Hao's appearance, Jin Hanlin found it very pleasing to the eye, walked a few steps, stood beside Jin Hao, leaning on the other side of the pillar, and reached out to pick a crape myrtle, played with it in his hand, and laughed. He said to her: "You, you are kind-hearted."

Jin Hao returned him with a bright and moving smile: "Isn't there you?"

Hearing this, Jin Hanlin was taken aback for a moment, he knew Jin Hao's temperament, even though he was young, he seemed to be very talkative, and greeted everyone with a smile.

But he knew that, like him, she was extremely defensive, and being able to say such a thing meant that she really valued him in her heart.

He has always thought such sweet talk is very vulgar, but today Jin Hao's simple sweet talk is just like the glutinous rice dumplings in the south of the Yangtze River in his memory. What kind of smell is it, but I just feel extremely happy, as if I am in a dream.

After Jin Hao blurted it out by herself, she was also stunned. It turned out that she was so calm and her biggest reliance was because he was there. Did she know in her heart that as long as he was there, he would protect her.

Jin Hao at this moment, even himself was a little confused, why, when Jin Hanlin didn't help at all when he was in danger, why was he so sure that he could protect him?

(End of this chapter)

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