Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 407 For the son

Chapter 407 For the son (1)
Jin Hao was taken aback for a moment, and almost laughed, when did this guy take advantage of the wind like this.

Aunt Yang snorted coldly, pointed at Jin Hanlin and said, "What is your relationship with him? If he is really so capable, why did he accept Heli as his adoptive mother? I heard that this child is a person who knows the etiquette. Yes, but today you are contradicting the elders again and again, it seems that you are relying on your power."

"Really?" The eldest princess smiled angrily, and looked at Aunt Yang coldly. When would a small concubine be arrogant in front of her, but she was not in a hurry to reveal her identity, but restrained herself. Smiling, he said coldly: "Hanlin has always been the most polite, what did you do to make such a good-tempered person like Hanlin angry enough to bully others?"

Jin Hao once again saw the strength of the eldest princess, opened her mouth wide, but couldn't close it.

And the room was even more quiet, Jin Hanlin's face seemed to have been hit by silver coins falling from the sky, while Mrs. Mo seemed to have been struck by lightning.

The corners of Ning's mouth twitched even more, Yao Lijuan's eyes widened, and everyone in the room was so stunned that they forgot what they were doing now.

Aunt Yang, who is so pampered and respected, when she encounters such a person who doesn't give face, she is immediately furious, and said sternly: "Little boy, talk about white silk and shut up about poison, why do white knives come in and red knives come out? This is what he can say words?"

The eldest princess heard the words, her face straightened: "Hanlin has always been a gentleman's style. Although martial arts are good, it never likes to fight and kill. In the past, when you saw others fighting, you had to take a detour. If you see blood , and you will not be able to eat for a day. Dare I ask you, woman, why did you force Hanlin to such an extent?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at Jin Hanlin with distressed face: "Hanlin, you have been greatly wronged." His expression was even more painful, as if Jin Hanlin had been humiliated miserably today.

Jin Hanlin looked at the woman in front of him, her expression was sincere, her eyes were so regretful, there was no trace of hypocrisy at all, her heart was sour and warm, as if seeing the person in front of her clearly for the first time.

Now, he finally knew exactly who the person in front of him was.

The eldest princess felt Jin Hanlin's excitement, and her expression became more gentle: "Hanlin, with me here, no one will try to bully you?"

Aunt Yang has never seen such a person who confuses black and white. She thinks she is a good player, but compared to the woman in front of her, she is nothing.

Ever since she stepped into Yao's house, it was Jin Hanlin who was persecuting and bullying others. How come this woman said it was him who was wronged, trembling with anger, and his face was blue and purple. speechless.

And the eldest princess's ability to be so angry that people don't pay for her life was displayed again, and said to Jin Hanlin: "Is it true that they bullied you?" Waved: "Go, bully you ten times more."

When it comes to mother and child, Jin Hanlin was filled with sourness and emotion, but his face showed a wronged expression: "I... have never seen such an unreasonable person..."

The eldest princess was full of pity, and her eyes were so gentle that her eyes were about to drip water: "I am so pitiful that you have met such an unreasonable person..."

This mother and son...

Everyone almost vomited blood... Isn't it your mother and son who are the most unreasonable here?

Aunt Yang was furious, lost her sanity again, and blurted out the vicious words in her heart: "You are so protective, could it be that this bastard of unknown origin was born by you stealing a man?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Mo's eyes darkened, his legs went limp, and he collapsed on the ground: God will destroy him!

Damn it, is this the second time that her son is a bastard of unknown origin?
As for the insult to the eldest princess herself, the eldest princess didn't take it seriously, what she was thinking about was the insult Jin Hanlin suffered.

The eldest princess was so angry that her fingers trembled slightly, and the blood in her chest was rolling. She really wanted to tear off Aunt Yang's hateful face.

She has always been dignified, she can do whatever she wants, and if she thinks like this in her heart, she will naturally do so, and she ordered to Aunt Luo Xiu: "Tear off this stinky mouth of hers for this palace."

Aunt Yang was startled for a moment, then her heart became cold and her legs became weak from fright. Although she didn't know the eldest princess, there were only a few types of people in this world who could call themselves my own palace, and unfortunately, no matter who No matter what kind of people, they are all nobles she can't afford.

Aunt Yang's first reaction was to ask for mercy, but her lips squirmed several times, only to find that her throat seemed to be blocked by cotton, and she couldn't say what she wanted to distinguish for herself... No matter how eloquent she was Like spring, I don't know what to say at this time.

Master Mo Si wanted to beg for mercy, but seeing the ferocious eldest princess and the aura emanating from her was so shocking, he couldn't speak.

Although the half-dizzy old master Mo was reluctant to give up his concubine, he had seen the eldest princess's temper yesterday, and he was afraid that begging for mercy would not be effective, and would be punished by anger.

Because of the powerful and invincible eldest princess, Aunt Yang's mouth was torn apart, her face was ruined, but Ning was sent to the Department of Prudence... The eldest princess said it, although Ning is not benevolent , but no matter what, they are also Jin Hao's aunts, but they can't be unjust, so this life can't be taken, so it's better to send it to the Department of Prudence.

Department of Prudence, Jin Hao still knows a thing or two. There is a special care for the female relatives who have made mistakes. Although the crime is not fatal, they can no longer stay outside to harm others. They are sent to practice. It is just different from ordinary family temples. Yes, after entering, it is impossible to get out for life.

To be precise, it should be a tomb of the living dead. Generally, it is the best weapon to intimidate unmarried women. If any daughter does not hear about it, she will say that she will be sent to the Department of Prudence, and she will be obedient immediately. The reason is very simple... I haven't heard of it yet Well, if the female relatives go in and come out alive, usually after they die, their bodies are returned for burial.

With such a treatment, Jin Hao naturally raised his hands in favor, and it would be better to live than to die happily.

Because the eldest princess is strong and invincible, the Mo family didn't even dare to let go, and they promised to send Ning to the Prudence Department tomorrow... In fact, according to Mrs. Mo's intention, it would be safer to send her there on the same day. It's a pity that not everyone wants to go to a place like the Department of Prudence. Firstly, the family must be high enough, and secondly, the face must be big enough.

Mrs. Mo is afraid, the Ning family has become a hot potato... It's all caused by Feijing, the Yang family insulted the eldest princess for stealing a man, and insulted Jin Hanlin as a bastard. This crime is enough to exterminate the nine clans Now, the whole family is going to steal and kill, but now it's just that the culprit has been found out and Aunt Yang's face has been ruined. This is enough for him to worship the gods and Buddhas all over the sky day and night, and recite Amitabha Buddha.

(End of this chapter)

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