Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 413 Overjoyed

Chapter 413 Overjoyed (3)
However, her mother obviously didn't think so. At that time, Yao Lijuan, who was always gentle and elegant, rushed out angrily. Needless to say, she went to find Third Master Zhu.

Later, listening to Xue Lan's live broadcast, Jin Hao almost laughed so hard that her stomach ached. It turned out that her mother had the potential to be a shrew.

Yao Lijuan asked Third Master Zhu to come over angrily, and then scolded Third Master Zhu like a bloody sprinkler without saying a word. The general meaning is to condense it, that is, your head was flooded, or you were caught between the cracks of the door. Can you come to my Yao's house and do the upside-down door?If you do this, where will you put the face of the empress and the old prime minister?
"Lijuan." The third master Zhu who was sprayed with saliva was not annoyed at all, but called her softly, with a hint of joy in his tone.

Yao Lijuan's heart skipped a beat when he yelled at her, she stopped her chattering skills, and said with a guilty conscience: "What are you doing?" She was so stupid, she laughed like a pumpkin after being scolded by her.

The corner of Mr. Zhu's mouth curled up, looking at her with devastated eyes like a morning star in the sky.

"Lijuan, you are willing to marry me, otherwise you wouldn't be so distraught."

The tone is affirmative, and it makes him laugh even more like a fool.

"I'm furious because I've never met such a fool as you. Do you know that you will be laughed at by the world." Yao Lijuan's eyes turned red.

"Does it mean that you are willing to marry me because people in the world don't laugh at me?" Mr. Zhu's smile and tenderness flowed from the corners of his eyes and brows.

"You settle these matters first." Yao Lijuan's face was covered with a red cloud that she didn't know about. In Zhu Sanye's eyes, it was as bright as the sunset glow in the sky.

"Isn't it just because I'm afraid of people making fun of me?" Mr. Zhu looked at her shy look. The sadness, sadness, worry, and hesitation these days suddenly evaporated in the sun like dewdrops in the morning. Wu Zing: "Don't worry, I'll finish this matter in these two days, and no one will make fun of me."

Yao Lijuan gave him an angry look: "You can do it for me tomorrow."

When Mr. Zhu heard this, his eyes couldn't help showing a bit of complacency.

Yao Lijuan's face turned even redder, and she became angry from embarrassment: "What are you still doing here, hurry up and find a way." Saying that, she turned around and strode away, as in a hurry as when she came.

It's just that the mood has been completely different from time to time.

Looking at her back as she hurried away, Mr. Zhu couldn't help smiling while standing on the platform.

"Lijuan, I won't make you regret it, I will take good care of you and the children, and I will give you happiness."

Yao Lijuan stopped in her footsteps, turned around slowly, and took a deep look at him, her face was so bright that even the bright spring sun paled.

For some reason, Yao Lijuan didn't have any doubts about his words, even though the shadow of another man's injection on her heart hadn't completely dissipated, she just believed his words.

Sometimes, whether life is happy or not depends not on what a man says, but on how he does it. Although the man in front of me doesn't like sweet talk, he gives her the greatest sense of security, thinks appropriately for her, and gives her Courage and determination to do it again.

She has never doubted this man's character, he will do what he says.

And Mr. Zhu really did not disappoint Yao Lijuan. The next day, he completely eliminated the possibility that it would become a joke.

He invited the father-in-law in the palace to proclaim the emperor's decree, but the decree was different from the one given to Jinkan that day, and there was one more sentence...canonize the Yao family as a third-grade gentleman.

The father-in-law who declared the decree read this sentence very clearly. After reading it, he handed the imperial document with the golden scroll to Yao Lijuan: "Yao Shuren, you have to take it."

Yao Lijuan seemed to have lost her mind. Looking at the silk scroll in the hands of Eunuch Xuan Zhi, she felt that everything was like a dream, and she had forgotten the connection purpose. It was Jin Hao who pulled her aside, and she respectfully raised her hands I took it.

But Jinhao finally felt relieved. Looking at the seemingly light scroll in Yao Lijuan's hand, she felt that it was extremely important. With this imperial document, no matter whether Mr. Zhu would become the second He is a master Mo Er, but he can't insult Yao Lijuan, and the people in Zhu's mansion can't neglect at will.

As a stepfather, she really cared about her mother. Jinhao finally didn't have to worry about whether she had done something wrong. No matter whether Mr. Zhu had other thoughts when making this marriage, he was a man who was only thinking about his mother. It's really worth the risk for her.

Jin Hao suddenly began to look forward to this stepfather sincerely.

Although Master Mo Er followed the fate of the previous life, she finally changed the fate of her mother. From now on, there will be another man who will give her warmth and happiness, and forget the pain that man once brought.

She believed that this time, her mother would be happy.

Yao Lijuan has not yet recovered from the shock of becoming a member of the court salary, Jin Hao also suppressed her emotions, got up, took the reward money, and stuffed it into the father-in-law's hand: "It's hard work, father-in-law. gone."

Mr. Zhu had already stuffed enough benefits, and now Jin Hao is so generous, he weighed the silver bag in his hand, and smiled until his eyes narrowed into lines: "Miss Fifth, you are too polite."

Now, the marriage between Yao Lijuan and Mr. Zhu is a certainty, and no one can say a word or a word, even whispering a word behind his back, because he is dissatisfied with the emperor, and several heads are enough to cut off.

How dare you dislike the Zhu family for being a Heli woman? That’s fine, the emperor said that she is educated and reasonable, virtuous and virtuous, so how dare you dislike her.

Thus, the marriage, which was supposed to have twists and turns, went smoothly because of an imperial decree.

No, it's time to get married.

Jinhao has always thought of herself as a mature child, but when Yao Lijuan got married, she felt a little disappointed.

Yao Lijuan's marriage was held in Zhu's residence, and she would return to Yao's house after returning to the house in three days, but Yao's house is no longer called Yao's house, and the sign on the door has been changed to Zhu's house. Fortunately, there is no opinion at all, including that A Bao now has an official name...Zhu Danqing, the name Zhu Danqing personally married, entered the Zhu family's genealogy, and is the eldest son under the name of Zhu Sanye.

Yao Lijuan was worried at the beginning whether Jin Hao would like it or not, but Jin Hao immediately said: "Why don't I change my surname to Zhu, Zhu Jinhao, it sounds good."

Jin Hao was in the midst of memories here, Xue Lan came in anxiously, out of breath: "Miss, go and have a look quickly, Madam's wedding dress..."

When Jin Hao heard it, she immediately threw her melancholy and awkward feelings to the sky, stood up immediately, and her face turned cold: "What's wrong with Madam's wedding dress?"

(End of this chapter)

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