Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 427 The gift of the renunciation

Chapter 427 The gift of the renunciation (2)
Ning Ruoqiu froze, opened her mouth, and stared at Princess Ming with her eyes widened for a moment.

Concubine Ming looked at Ning Ruoqiu, feeling ashamed and angry. In the past, she also knew Ning Ruoqiu's temperament, and she loved to play around, but she let it go, because she always felt that although Ning Ruoqiu was playing around, she was not She doesn't know how to measure, she never thought that she dared to make trouble at someone's wedding, and even colluded with the devil of the Chang family to do something kidnapping. If the auspicious time was missed, it would be Mr. Zhu And Yao Lijuan's lifelong thorn.

Mr. Zhu is not an easy-going and generous person. After a while, when he comes back from his newlyweds, he will definitely not spare these two lawless girls lightly.

For the first time, Princess Ming reflected upon herself, did she indulge Ning Ruoqiu too much?
No wonder the lord has vaguely mentioned his own way of educating this child.

It's all because of her that the child became like this, no wonder the brother-in-law complained a lot in the letter, it was her fault, she really shouldn't pamper the child like this... She can't pamper the child like this anymore, she understands in her heart, but Looking at her stupidly, Ning Ruoqiu seemed to be terrified, but the strength in her whole body seemed to be sucked away by something, and she was no longer able to face the consequences she caused.

"Auntie, Chang Huan and I are sisters...she begged me in tears...I really can't help...Auntie, you know Chang Huan's temperament, if she hadn't been pushed to the extreme, she wouldn't...I don't want to Yes... Aunt Yao has always been so kind to me... I feel so guilty..." Ning Ruoqiu muttered like this, and then threw herself in front of Jinhao, crying, her body trembling slightly: "Don't Sister, it’s too late to say anything now, so please forgive me, I swear I will never dare again, I will never do such a thing again, I will never be confused again, just forgive me once... okay? ?”

"Not good." Jin Hao shook her head firmly and slowly. Ning Ruoqiu was taken aback. She never thought that Jin Hao, who was so talkative in the past, would be so decisive today, not even Princess Ming. Thinking that Jin Hao would be so decisive, before, these two children were as good as one person.

Seeing such a decisive Jin Hao, she couldn't help but think of four words... The dragon has reverse scales.

And the family members are Miss Jin Mo Wu's backs.

Jinhao looked at Ning Ruoqiu firmly, and her voice was as cold as a spring in a mountain stream: "Miss Ning, you are not a three-year-old child, you should think very clearly before doing anything, what will happen, you will You should understand that when you agreed to Princess Chang Huan, you had already abandoned me as a friend."

"Don't say anything that you don't want to part with. If you don't want to part with it, you have already given up. Since you have already given up, don't ask for my forgiveness." She raised her head, her eyes were indifferent: "If someone stabs you, then tell me You, she actually didn't want to stab you, but it was another friend who begged her crying, and they discussed it, and used a rusty knife, would you forgive such a friend?"

Jin Hao turned her face to Concubine Ming, and said word by word: "Miss Ning is different from others in my heart." When she said this, her face was slightly sideways, because it was against the light, her expression was a bit unclear, I can't see it clearly: "There is a saying that love is deep and responsibility is deep, if this is done by someone else, I will naturally have grievances and revenge, but because it is Miss Ning, I can't let it go, and I can't take revenge to my heart's content. "

"Miss Ning said it was because of another friend. She couldn't help it, it was very difficult." She hooked the corners of her lips, smiling slightly mockingly: "There are many dilemmas in the world, but if it is today, I am in Miss Ning's place. But I can cover my heart and say, I will not do like her, since it is so difficult, then watch from afar, even if it was so difficult at the time, but you can't hurt the person who trusts you. You can be free Going in and out of other people's bridal chambers, and being able to know the situation of other people's homes clearly is because of other people's trust in you. Since another friend came to you because of the friendship between you and me, then for the sake of this friendship, you shouldn't Do something that hurts this friendship."

When she said this, she paused: "Since Miss Ning would rather live up to this trust and hurt this friendship, why should I keep thinking about it, after all, I am not the one who makes the choice. Besides, who would be willing to take my own The safety of the family members, to maintain an unreliable friendship?" Unless that person is out of his mind.

Concubine Ming's complexion suddenly turned red, she stood up, she wanted to use her identity to help Ning Ruoqiu, looking at Jin Hao's firm and sincere eyes, the shame in her heart became stronger again one serving.

Ning Ruoqiu became even more flustered. She thought about the consequences of this matter. She knew that Jinhao would be angry and unhappy. It never occurred to me that Jin Hao would directly say that he broke up with him.

Ning Ruoqiu's lips trembled: "Yes, but my original intention was to help..."

Jin Hao shook her head lightly, interrupting what she wanted to say: "Miss Ning, don't deceive yourself and others, okay? There is definitely not only one way to help others."

Ning Ruoqiu's face was frighteningly pale at this time, Jin Hao continued: "I'm a vulgar person, a vulgar person who can't be any more vulgar, I think things are vulgar, and I also think that friends can get rid of each other, and I also want Between friends, trust is unbroken, but if my friend thinks of plotting against my family for other people when I want to put a knife in my friend's ribs and give all my trust, wouldn't I be ridiculous? What is my trust, is it not worth a penny?"

After hearing this, Princess Ming felt even more embarrassed. Looking at the seemingly docile girl in front of her, but with thorny sentences, she couldn't help sighing: She really is a wonderful person, and it is rare for the eldest princess to be so withdrawn, so she can catch her eyes. Take it to heart, even if she saw it, she would feel full of love... With both strength and softness, she really is a decent lady who can support the family in the future.

"No, I can swear to God that I won't do anything wrong to you because of others in the future." Ning Ruoqiu said hastily after hearing Jin Hao's words.

Jin Hao interrupted with a glance: "If there is one, there are two. I don't want to take risks."

What should be said has been said, and what should be explained has been explained clearly. Jinhao was startled and tired today. She saluted Princess Ming: "Thank you, Princess, for your help today. I'm busy with things these two days." It's settled, the little girl will definitely come to the mansion to thank you in person."

When Ning Ruoqiu and Princess Ming heard this, their expressions changed again. These words not only had the taste of breaking up friendship, but also seemed to drive people away... Obviously, Jin Hao had no intention of talking.

After saying these words, Jin Hao also felt exhausted, and blessed Princess Ming, and thoughtfully saluted Ning Ruoqiu, then turned around and lifted the curtain, and entered the inner room, never turning back from the beginning to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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