Chapter 432
Jin Hao was startled suddenly: "What happened to the eldest princess? What happened?" Jin Hao was very concerned about this eldest princess who had always taken care of her and Yao Lijuan, not to mention that she was Jin Hanlin's mother?

The queen mother gave a long sigh, patted her hand, raised her head and looked into the distance again, looking from a distance, as if she wanted to see the end of the world, her voice also seemed to come from a distant place: "Over the past few years, her physical and mental strength has been exhausted. If this continues, she may not be able to last for two years. These years, although there are imperial doctors who have recuperated her body, it is the most difficult for her to suffer from stagnation in her heart."

The husband who thought her love was as deep as the sea already had another woman, and the capital was in turmoil, she almost lost her mother and brother, and also lost her own Jiaoer. Over the years, she tossed and turned looking for the lost Jiaoer, and the so-called But the lover is hugging other women, no matter how strong a woman is, she will be exhausted, if she doesn't throw her head into the well, she is considered strong.

Jin Hao admired the eldest princess very much, so he said immediately: "What does the empress dowager ask the little girl to do?"

There was a smile on the lips of the Empress Dowager, and she said coldly, which made people feel cold: "This child, Hanlin, has established a firm foothold in Weiyuan Hou's Mansion in the past few years, and it is time for her to leave now."

Jin Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then he was stunned: "Leave? The empress dowager is saying to let the eldest princess reconcile?"

The Empress Dowager raised her eyebrows slightly: "If you remarry after divorce, you may not have a good marriage, what do you think?" The Empress Dowager blinked at Jinhao.

Jin Hao was taken aback again: The empress dowager has even prepared candidates for remarriage.

Jin Hao never thought that the Empress Dowager would have such an idea. Although Jin Hanlin did not accept Weiyuanhou in his heart these years, he lived in Weiyuanhou's mansion after all, and had been bumping against Mrs. Ye and those brothers all the time. On the contrary, he still maintains a face-saving relationship, and he is neither salty nor cold with Marquis Weiyuan.

For Jin Hanlin's current situation, Jin Hao has always blamed herself. If she hadn't thought carefully back then, Jin Hanlin's life experience would not have been exposed so early. Perhaps today, it will be a little different, and she wouldn't be forced to make false claims with those people. .

On the contrary, Jin Hanlin kept reassuring her that the Marquis of Weiyuan owed him a lot, and he always wanted to go back, and it was better to go back sooner than later, so he was slightly relieved.

But she didn't expect that the empress dowager suddenly wanted to let the eldest princess reconcile Li, and even asked her to come forward. She was not afraid of offending people, but felt that her status seemed not suitable for such a thing. After all, she is going to marry in the future, how can a future daughter-in-law take care of things in the in-laws' room.

However, the Queen Mother's words may not be unreasonable. Although the Eldest Princess is strong, her body is indeed not feeling well these days. When Aunt Luo Xiu brought things over last time, she looked quite tired, so she was also worried.

Jin Hao pondered for a while: "The Empress Dowager asked the little girl to comfort the eldest princess. The little girl is naturally happy, but the identity of the little girl is afraid that people will criticize her in the future. The little girl is not afraid of other people's saliva, but I am afraid that she will implicate her cousin in the future..." When he said this, his face was gradually stained with rouge.

The queen mother smiled lightly: "The Ai family let you go, naturally there is a way not to be criticized." She raised her head and glanced at her: "I heard that you want to be a female official?"

Jin Hao nodded, but the Empress Dowager stopped talking, and instead said to the maid who was waiting on the side: "Is there any new species in the Imperial Garden recently?"

The maid at the side hurriedly said: "The Eighth Prince sent a new pot of water hibiscus, and it actually bloomed in spring."

"It's so rare that the flowering period is so early." The Queen Mother showed some interest: "The Ai family will have to take a look, otherwise it will not live up to his wishes."

The water hibiscus sent by Xie Mingtan is a tall emerald plate, exquisite and thin, and it is kept in a blue and white double fish pattern landscape tank. It is a rare water hibiscus that is whiter than snow.

Lingbo green cover, condensed dew streamer, graceful and clean plant, fragrant and clear, attracted the empress dowager to see it full of praise.

Jin Hao stayed with the Empress Dowager in the imperial garden for a while, and then returned to the Empress Dowager's Palace of Compassion. Zhu Sanye and others had already dispersed and went to the Empress' Palace, so Jin Hao had to leave alone.

Guided by the little eunuch, they walked through the pavilions, but suddenly heard a man's voice behind him: "Miss Mo Wu, long time no see?"

Jin Hao's heart skipped a beat, how could he meet him?

Although he felt a little uneasy in his heart, he immediately turned around, bent his knees and said lightly, "Second Highness."

Xie Mingyou smiled badly, and was tall and tall, nodded slightly, with a pleasant face: "There is no need to be polite." Then he clapped his hands, but saw a delicate court lady holding a pot of water hibiscus in her hand, that delicate and blooming flower, shy Wanting to tell, graceful and graceful, graceful, like a fairy Lingbo returning from the soul, or like Chang'e's jade hairpin falling into the waves in the moon, it really makes people feel refreshed and dreamy.

Jinhao was slightly startled, and Xie Mingyou smiled lightly: "I heard that Fifth Miss Mo loves the water hibiscus in the Royal Garden very much. I happen to have another plant in my hand, which is a gift for a beautiful woman. Since Fifth Miss loves it so much, I will give this water hibiscus to you." Give it to Miss Fifth."

Jin Hao's heart sank, and then she shook her head: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness. It's just that the young girl doesn't know how to grow flowers, but Mr. Ye loves dragons. If I really accept such precious flowers, I'm afraid I will disappoint His Highness's kindness in the end." According to my daughter, wouldn't it be better for His Highness to give it to those who love flowers?"

Xie Mingyou looked at her, with deep meaning in his eyes, and thought for a while: "Miss Fifth, if you don't give it a try, how will you know that you will definitely live up to my kindness?"

Jin Hao shook his head lightly: "No need to try, I've always been very self-aware of myself."

Xie Mingtan didn't expect Jin Hao to speak so straightforwardly, so he couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and immediately smiled: "I always thought that Fifth Miss was very courageous, but I never thought that Fifth Miss would not even have the courage to try. I remember the first day The first time I met Fifth Miss, she was not such a timid person."

Jin Hao's expression was still very cold, and he didn't treat him kindly because he mentioned the life-saving grace that day, and there was a slight alienation in his eyes from beginning to end: "Yeah, when I was young, I was motivated to do everything. If it were changed to today, I don’t know if I can have that kind of courage again.”

She tried her best to distance herself from him, Xie Mingyou could hear it naturally, but she didn't get angry, she was still amiable: "I heard that Miss Fifth was frightened a few days ago, have you ever been frightened?"

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry for your troubles. My daughter is fine." Jin Hao said in a respectful tone with a calm expression, and he was about to leave: the second prince has long been a poisonous rose in Jin Hao's heart. Although it is beautiful, it is full of poison. One accidentally died of poison, so she naturally refused to stay for a long time, let alone accept his gift.

Why was Xie Mingyou willing to let her leave so easily? He blocked Jinhao's way in two or three strokes, and asked with a smile: "I sincerely gave this water lotus to Jinhao. Please accept it."

(End of this chapter)

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