Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 457 Be Careful

Chapter 457 Be Careful (2)
What's more, she is too conspicuous when she comes to the palace today. Many people can see her clothes, styles, and fabrics. They are all produced by Linglong Embroidery Workshop, and not everyone can wear them casually. Affordable, and at this hour, there are not many people coming and going in and out of the palace, if the hem of the skirt falls down, within half an hour, she is afraid that she will enter the palace again.

It seemed that the only way out was to pull the hem of the skirt out of the man's hand. She pulled the hem of the skirt hard and pulled it back like that. She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Crawling up with hands and feet, he scrambled away without even intending to look back.

It's not that her heart is like steel, it's just that she still wants to get out of the palace alive. After witnessing the fight between the empress and the concubine Xian, she is extremely wary of the troubles in the palace... Any move may end up with herself In this case, she is still out of sight.

To the people behind her, she could only say sorry from the bottom of her heart.

Who knew that as soon as the steps were stepped out, a low voice came from behind: "Yi...sister..."

The familiar voice and the intimate address made her walk down. There is only one person in this world who would call her like that.

Some couldn't believe it, Jin Hao turned around slowly, but gasped, she was no stranger to that indifferent face, it was Ye Ruo, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Jin Hao was very surprised, and found that Ye Ruoming's face was not normal white, but almost transparent, whiter than the white moonlight on the Mid-Autumn Festival night.

It's just that the place where her eyes landed was not his face, but his abdomen, where a sharp arrow was stuck, and blood was profusely pouring out.

"Brother are..." She hurriedly walked in front of Ye Ruoming, squatted down, and asked with a trembling voice.

"Hurry up...leave...just pretend you don't know anything..." Ye Ruoming seemed to realize that it was Jin Hao who was caught by him at this time, he hurriedly let go of his skirt, and hurried Jin Hao to let go.

He would never involve Jin Hao in this matter. That person deliberately wanted to get rid of him, and he even did not hesitate to do it in the palace. Unfortunately, he would rather suffer by himself than bring any danger into it.

It's better to let her leave alone, it's safer to come here, after all, this is the palace, that person should not dare to do anything blatantly, otherwise she won't let people pretend to be an assassin.

When Ye Ruoming was talking, he was gasping for breath, as if he was in extreme pain, but he gritted his teeth and said, "Go...don't worry about me..." After finishing speaking, he seemed to be exhausted and passed out.

Panicked and frightened, Jinhao put her hand under his nose, but luckily she was still breathing. She half knelt on the ground, dragging his big hand with one hand. Just when she touched his big hand, the big hand suddenly Tightly, he grabbed her hand tightly, as if trying to strangle her hand.

Jin Hao suddenly became pleasantly surprised, thinking that Ye Ruoming was still conscious, and called "Brother Yi" in his ear a few times, but saw that his eyelashes, which were longer than women, trembled, and slightly raised his eyelids, but his expression was in a trance. Without any focal length.

Jinhao knows that people who practice martial arts have an instinctive reaction, and they don't like being close to others. Ye Ruoming didn't wake up at this time, it was just an instinctive reaction. Enduring the pain, he spoke clearly in his ear I don't know if it was the owner of the big hand who really understood her identity, or if she was seriously injured and passed out again, the strength in that hand suddenly loosened, and there was no more movement below.

Jin Hao felt uneasy again, and didn't know what happened to Ye Ruoming, but she remembered Ye Ruoming's order to let her leave quickly, there must be some potential danger here.

She also thought that at this time, it was better to avoid him, and half hugged and half dragged him to avoid among the flowers beside him. As for what she said to make her leave, she didn't take a single word to heart.

For a moment, she didn't know what happened, and the only thing she could do was to avoid it.

In the spring weather, the child's face was sunny just now, but now it was covered with dark clouds. Looking at the bleeding wound, Jin Hao gritted her teeth and broke the arrow handle.

After Jinhao was busy with these things, she heard footsteps approaching in the distance, and the words that were blurred just now can already be heard clearly: "There are assassins, there are assassins..."

She was so frightened by the word "assassin" that she almost lost her wits. Looking at the pale man who was half nestled in her arms, how could she not look like an assassin?

Was it framed?

Jin Hao never believed that Ye Ruoming would be an assassin, and with his favored status, there was really no need to assassinate anyone except the emperor, he would directly provoke him and beat him up.

She took a long breath and looked at the guards without raising her head. I heard that people who practice martial arts are the most sensitive. Don't want to be careless.

It's just that Jin Hao, who has her head down, has never been idle. When she entered the palace, Mr. Zhu told her, don't listen to what you shouldn't listen to because of curiosity, and don't watch what you shouldn't, let alone watch without knowing how to measure it. The last thing you can't do is not to interfere in the affairs of the palace.

She always remembers these good fortunes.

There were assassins in the palace, and for her, it was nothing to do with herself, and she didn't want to get involved in such a terrible thing.

Assassins appear in broad daylight, this matter, Jin Hao doesn't need to think about it with his head, but with his toes, and he also knows that there is something hidden in it, and it will never be too simple.

If it wasn't for Ye Ruoming who fell on the ground, Jin Hao would never have left with his head. There are a lot of gossip in the palace, and if he gets involved in this matter, he might die without knowing why he died.

In the palace, countless flowers and trees are planted. It is spring, and the flowers are in full bloom, swaying gracefully, like a magnificent picture scroll, showing an enchanting posture in front of Jin Hao, but at this time Jin Hao is dripping with cold sweat, There is no time and mood to think about it.

Numerous rich and fragrant floral fragrances rushed towards her face, and Jin Hao couldn't help secretly rejoicing that the floral fragrance was strong enough to cover the bloody smell on Ye Ruoming's body.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, and Jin Hao's heart became tighter and tighter following the footsteps. In the blink of an eye, sweat dripped from Jin Hao's forehead and back, and his palms were also sweating non-stop. Damn, tired and uncomfortable.

Jin Hao felt that the other party's footsteps stopped in front of them, did they notice them?

Life and death are hanging by a thread, and a few steps forward, I am afraid that she and Ye Ruoming will be exposed to each other, and I don't know what will be waiting for them?According to the current situation of the two of them, one is unconscious and the other is powerless, they are really vulnerable.

(End of this chapter)

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