Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 463 Careless loss of Jingzhou

Chapter 463 Careless loss of Jingzhou (1)
Jin Hao looked at Princess Tsinghua's face with a fake smile that made people's hairs stand on end. She didn't know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that Princess Tsinghua's smile was the separation of skin and flesh, which made people shiver.

As soon as the bell rang, Jin Hao and Zhu Danfeng were busy sitting down, and Dr. Xie walked into the teaching dormitory with his textbooks in his arms.

Looking at Dr. Xie's laid-back appearance and that unconcealable smile, everyone knew in their hearts that Dr. Xie was in a very good mood today.

How can Dr. Xie be bad? The Empress Dowager has long ignored the ups and downs and devoted herself to self-cultivation. She is unexpectedly interested in the affairs of the college and selects female officials. Does this mean that he, the leader of the college, has done a good job.

In the anticipation of everyone, Dr. Xie personally explained the rules for participating in the selection.

Because there are too many monks, there is a competition in the college before participating in the selection of female officials. Only the students who win the competition can participate in the selection of female officials.

Of course, not everyone can participate in the college competitions. Only students with good moral character and a first-class skill in the assessment can participate in the competition. This condition alone makes the students cry. Once such a rule comes out, Immediately, many students followed the leaking ball.

Dr. Xie seemed to have never heard of it, and said that he wanted to announce the list of those who could participate in the competition as agreed by the academy, so that those who were qualified to participate in the competition would come to the Xuedian in the afternoon to fill in their registration items.

As soon as these words came out, the students in the school building became excited. Zhu Danfeng pulled Jin Hao's arm and showed joy: "Jin Hao, it seems that someone in our school building is qualified to participate."

There was a flash in Jinhao's eyes, but she quickly returned to normal: "Well, maybe you can also participate." She said this from the heart. Although Zhu Danfeng has a straightforward personality and straightforward speech, but among the nine arts There are also excellent projects. Although not all of them are excellent in the annual assessment, they still account for more than half of them.

Zhu Danfeng heard Jinhao say this, female officer, such a talented woman as Mo Jinhao actually valued her so much, her head got hot, she stood up suddenly, and said to Dr. Xie: "Dr. Xie, am I on the list? "

Zhu Danfeng's frankness immediately attracted bursts of titters, as if mocking her for overreaching herself, but Zhu Danfeng didn't care at all, and rolled her eyes at the one who laughed the loudest: Anyway, it's nothing like that Well, these people also seized the opportunity and laughed at her. The little things at home were repeated, so what did she care about.

Jin Hao gave Zhu Danfeng an encouraging gesture, expressing her appreciation for her courage. In fact, who could not want to ask what Zhu Danfeng said, the difference is that Zhu Danfeng has courage, but these people have no courage.

Dr. Xie obviously admired Zhu Danfeng's temperament, stroked his white beard, and said with a smile, "Of course."

Zhu Danfeng let out a surprise, looked at Jin Hao, took her hand, and said with a smile: "Jin Hao, did you hear that? There is me, the doctor said there is me."

Dr. Xie was still very tolerant of the students who disturbed the order of the classroom. After Jinhao smiled and pulled Zhu Danfeng to sit down, he continued to announce: Miss Mo, Princess Tsinghua, Miss Wu.

Under the envious eyes of the crowd, the three of them nodded with a smile. Compared with Zhu Danfeng's bragging, they were much calmer.

Because of this episode, the hearts of the people in the school building fluctuated for half a day, and the learning efficiency was almost zero.

On the way back to the school building, Jin Hao and Zhu Danfeng talked in a low voice while walking. It was a conversation, but it was Zhu Danfeng talking to himself, expressing his excitement for being able to participate in the competition.

The selection of female officers is not a simple grand event. In the history of Dexin Women's College, it is definitely an unprecedented grand event. Although there are many activities in the college, they are just minor events. Such a grand event is not too much. .

The most important thing is that the competitions are all held during class time, which is definitely the most attractive for students in their teens. There are a few students of this age who like to sit in the school building and listen to the doctor shaking his head What's more, it's spring and the New Year's holiday has just passed. The students' playfulness has not yet been fully recovered, and they are even more joyful.

Secondly, the college’s competitions are always very interesting, with a complete range of competition items, and the topics of Nine Arts are definitely interesting. There will always be some unexpected stories, and this will become a source of happiness, which can be repeated for many years.

The third point is that all the students also think it is very important. During the women's college competition, the students of the Imperial College will not be restricted from coming to watch. For the closed women's college, this should be something to celebrate... I heard that the talented students of the Imperial College are not There are few girls, but the girls who can enter Dexin Women's College consider themselves beautiful.Well, there's always some romance going on between a man and a woman, isn't there?
To sum up, everyone is eager to see through, so how can it not be worth understanding.

Jinhao thought to himself, with his own abilities, the nine arts...qin, chess, painting, rites, music, archery, imperial, calligraphy, and arithmetic, he should be able to get one of the four items of piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. The number of places, and when I think of what the Empress Dowager said to her in the palace, I feel a little off.

Therefore, it is planned that the self-registration project is one of these four.

She was scheming in every possible way, but she didn't know that a vicious gaze behind her was staring at her: Mo Jinhao, just because you want to be a female officer, it's a dream!
Zhu Danfeng chattered all the way, foaming at the mouth, and seemed extremely agitated. She didn't stop until her mouth was dry, but she still refused to let go of Jin Hao, whose head was swollen from her noise, and asked, "What are you planning to report?" Project? Dr. Xie said that at most you can apply for all nine arts, Jin Hao, you are all first-class excellent in the nine arts assessment every year, why don't you apply for all, maybe you will get an all-round female officer." After finishing speaking, he laughed He laughed, and didn't feel at all that it would be nothing if someone snatched his good opportunity.

However, after the laughter stopped, Zhu Danfeng squinted at Jinhao. To tell the truth, she really felt that the girl in front of her was too enchanting. She was actually able to do nine-athlete, and all of them were first-class. Fortunately, there is only this evildoer in the academy so far, and if there are a few more, the students like them can only throw themselves into the river or hang them on a tree with a rope.

Jin Hao smiled lightly and shook his head: "It's more than special, I never thought of applying for nine." Seeing that Zhu Danfeng was a little downcast, she immediately said calmly: "Not to mention anything else, just shoot this, although I got A When you are excellent, you also get a first-class excellence, but your archery is obviously better than mine. Besides, although everyone seems to have to report for nine items as a rule, the academy has not made a rigid one. According to the regulations, if we are not good at it, we will not participate, and no one will say anything wrong, as long as we get the first place in one of the nine arts, we will be eligible to participate in the selection of female officials."

She has always been self-aware. Although she is excellent in the nine arts assessments every year, except for the four items of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, the other five items are all made up by her over the years.

(End of this chapter)

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