Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 564 Murderous Aura

Chapter 564 Murderous Aura (2)
Tong Xiangyu only felt that it was ridiculous that she couldn't say enough. She worked so hard to plan, but in the end she ended up like this. She knew who the enemy was, but she was powerless. This knowledge was like a steel knife, piercing her heart. On the bed, blood was dripping, and faint tears flowed slowly from her dry and empty eye sockets, bringing an indescribable pain in her heart.

She can't let her child die in vain, and she can't let this bitch Wang go.

"Li'er, let Mudan and the others come in." Tong Xiangyu's expression gradually turned calm, and he ordered gently.

Seeing Tong Xiangyu's expression, Li'er was a little uneasy, but she still complied quietly, and left to call Mudan and others.

After Li'er left, Tong Xiangyu looked at the bedclothes indifferently with a distorted expression, that kind of indifference seemed to have a death-like silence, as if he couldn't see anything, didn't care about anything, but his eyes were piercing The hatred of love, this kind of seemingly calm and indifferent fire in the depths of the heart, is the most capable of burning people.

"Auntie, Mudan and others are here." Li'er raised the curtain and came in, followed by the three Mudan sisters.

"Li'er, go and watch outside, don't allow anyone to come near." Tong Xiangyu leaned half on the bed, leaning against the head of the bed, and said expressionlessly.

Li'er responded, opened the curtain and went out, only Tong Xiangyu, Mudan and other four people were left in the room.

"I think you all know about me." Speaking of sad things, Tong Xiangyu's tears fell again, and he choked up and said: "The child is gone, and I'm afraid I can't stand in this house. I promised you things before. , I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult to do, so I thought about it, maybe it would be good for you to let you go."

Mudan and the three obviously didn't expect Tong Xiangyu to say this, and for a moment they were surprised and happy, and also a little suspicious: Tong Xiangyu is not a kind person, why would she let them go for no reason?

Tong Xiangyu kept the expressions of the three of them in his eyes, but the expression on his face was even more desolate, mourning: "I know you don't believe me, and I didn't let you go for nothing. I want you to do something for me in exchange for yours. Contract of sale."

"What does my aunt want us to do?" Peony asked a little uneasy, always feeling that the following things would not be too easy.

Tong Xiangyu didn't answer her directly, but cried and said, "You should have heard that my child was killed by that bitch Wang." Strong resentment burst out from the tearful eyes, wishing to smash Wang's body into thousands of pieces, and then send him to the [-]th level of hell, so that he would never be reborn.

"But that bitch, who killed my child, escaped punishment because she had a body." Tong Xiangyu bit her lip, and said word by word: "She is so cruel, such a black heart, such a person, Why can I have a child, she is not worthy, she harmed my child, I will not let her go, I will not let her evil seed go, I want her to taste my pain."

Rose was shocked: "My aunt wants us, but if the master knows, don't we..." Murdering the heirs of Master Mo Er, they have no way out, Tong Xiangyu wants them to die.

"Then don't let him know." Tong Xiangyu interrupted Rose coldly: "I was blind back then, so I thought he was my beloved. He cannot be expected to seek justice for me."

Tong Xiangyu sobbed: "At first I thought this child could make him feel pity for three points, but who knew it was a cruel and merciless one. He didn't feel sorry for the child. I didn't expect that to seek justice for my child, I didn't think about the pain of my bereavement. He only thought about his own heir, he only thought about the child in Wang's womb, and he also hoped that Wang would give him a son. ..."

"At this moment, I can see this man clearly. He is ungrateful and ungrateful. If you count on him, you might as well count on yourself. In this world, you can only trust yourself, and you can only rely on yourself. It is impossible to rely on a man's love. For a long time." Tong Xiangyu raised his eyes and looked at the three of Mudan: "You are all smart, you should all understand that in the inner house, everything is empty, and only by giving birth to a child can you stand on your feet, but you have all been dismissed by the old bustard. Taking the medicine cut off your fertility, right?"

Mentioning this matter, Mudan and the others looked very sad, unable to conceive, this is the eternal pain in their hearts, now hearing Tong Xiangyu mentioning it, the pain is even more unstoppable, they were silent for a while, and the three nodded.

There was a strange smile in Tong Xiangyu's eyes, and he said slowly: "I think the three of you must have doubts about me in your heart, and you should have suspected my origin. After all, if you are not familiar with the rules behind that place, It will not be easy to find a way to buy you over."

The three Mudans looked at each other when they heard the words, and couldn't find anything to answer Tong Xiangyu for a while. To tell the truth, they did whisper these things in private, and they also had some guesses about Tong Xiangyu's origin in their hearts, but now they heard her clearly. Speak out, but do not know how to speak, had to remain silent.

"You guessed it right, I am indeed from the same place as you." Tong Xiangyu said in a low voice: "When I entered that place, the first thing I did was to be given that kind of medicine by the old bustard, which made it impossible for me to have children. Lu, but that kind of medicine is not hopeless, and I have the secret recipe for that kind of medicine in my hand."

The three of Mudan, when they heard that there is a medicine to cure, they all showed excitement, and their eyes were amazingly bright when they looked at Tong Xiangyu: There is a medicine to cure, and if there is a medicine to cure, then they can be mothers... Thinking that there will be fans The tender child circled around himself, calling mother affectionately... just thinking about it, the hearts of the three of them were so hot that they could boil water.

Tong Xiangyu was very satisfied with the longing in the eyes of the three of them, and said after a pause: "As long as you avenge me and relieve your anger, I will pass on the prescription to you. You take the deed and leave Mo's house. According to the prescription, take the medicine, take care of your body, and when the time comes, go to a place that no one knows, find a decent family to marry, have children, be a decent lady, and your life will be complete."

The three of Mudan glanced at each other, then knelt in front of Tong Xiangyu together: "But according to my aunt's order."

Although they don't want to do things that hurt others, their desire for children and a happy life in the future made them unable to hold back for a while. The scene Tong Xiangyu depicted is too beautiful. As long as they think about it this way, the three of them can't control themselves excitement.

They are all children who grew up in bitter water. They originally thought that their life would be like this, but the sudden hope made them feel that the world was alive. A woman is not a kind person, but...but...a white and tender child...

(End of this chapter)

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