Chapter 59
Even so, Jin Hao still felt dissatisfied, and tied up her tall beauty's temples again, revealing her big forehead, and those big clear eyes like autumn water, bulging, looking unusually abrupt, the tall beauty's temples set off With obvious beauty tips, there is an illusion of being skinny.

It took a lot of time after such a toss, but she was not in a hurry to go out. Instead, she sat in front of the bronze mirror and played with her fingers boredly. She didn't stand up until she heard a soft sobbing sound from outside. , stretched her waist, and with Xue Lan's puzzled eyes, motioned her to lift up the soft curtain and go out.

Jinyu, who was dressed in a middle suit, saw the curtain lifted, and wanted to cry with her mouth flattened: "Fifth sister, fifth sister...Second sister is too much, she actually...stealed my clothes..."

This time, Jinhao had been planning for a long time, but she still put on a look of surprise: "Second sister stole... stole... your clothes?"

Jinyu's eyes are red: "She just said clearly that the color of my clothes is pleasing, and she wants to ask her aunt to make one for her in the future, so that I can take it off and let her try it on. Originally, I refused , but she kept begging, and I thought it was too early for my grandmother to call us to see the guests, so I agreed. Who knows, after she tried it, she felt that she was much better dressed than me, so she yelled She asked me to change clothes with her. I disagree, she actually... actually ran away wearing my clothes, I... I... wanted to chase, but my body... was really pissed off..."

Jinhao looked at Jinyu and asked, "You don't agree, so she ran away wearing your clothes?" While speaking, Yunyan leaned over calmly, and by helping Jinhao tidy up her clothes, put the clothes in her hand The thing was stuffed into the palm of Jin Hao, and Jin Hao took it and stuffed it into the sleeve naturally, the two moved swiftly and had a perfect understanding.

The two master and servant looked at each other and smiled, while Jinyu was only focused on crying, so naturally she didn't have the heart to pay attention to this, but her eyes flickered and her expression was a little complicated.

Jinyu nodded: "Of course I won't agree. This is the clothes my mother sewed for me. It's the first time I wear it today. How could I be willing to give it to someone else? Even if I was willing, I wouldn't change it." Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a disappointment to my mother’s wishes!”

Jin Hao nodded: "You're right, how can the clothes that my mother sewed by herself be exchanged for others indiscriminately, let alone be snatched away by someone so unclear." After a pause: "Go, I will accompany you Your clothes will come back."

Jin Hao thought about it again: "Second elder sister snatched your clothes, so she must not dare to go to grandma's place or be alone at this moment, she must be at the eldest aunt's place, let's go, let's go to the eldest aunt's place to find her to get back the clothes."

Jinyu was still a little afraid, but couldn't stand Jinhao's advocacy. Her figure was quite different from Jinhao's, so she had no choice but to put on Jinran's red dress, and she looked beaming and gorgeous for a while.

Jin looked good in her eyes, and was secretly satisfied in her heart: the fourth sister really fits the red clothes, and it is not in vain that she has tried her best to snatch the clothes of Jin Ran, a beautiful snake... In her memory, Jinyu was the most beautiful when she was her The day you get married in your wedding dress.

Of course, the effect of this set of red clothes is naturally not just that.

The two sisters went to Wang's yard, and Jinyu was really there. When they saw Jinhao and Jinyu appear, their eyes dodged, and they hid behind Wang. Jinhao and Jinyu explained their intentions, but She was reprimanded severely by the Wang family, saying that it was just a piece of clothing. The Mo family is a family of poetry and books. Brothers and friends are respectful. Jinyu shouldn't be so stingy. It's not that she took up her clothes for nothing, it's not that she exchanged them with red clothes, and besides, it's not that she won't return them. After today, she will return them. It's just a loan for a day, so what's the big deal? As for being so stingy? ?

In the end, it turned out that Jinyu didn't care about sisterhood, had no loyalty, was too petty, Jin liked to favor sides, was not fair enough, and deliberately bullied Jinran.

Wang has always had the ability to turn things that are not good for him into the other party's fault.

Jin Hao is fine, in her previous life, Mrs. Wang had heard harsher words than this, I don't know how much she had heard, she had been vicious to her, she used strong words, and she had learned the ability to make things out of nothing, so she didn't change her face.

Poor girl Jinyu, the tears flowed like the flood of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, she covered her pretty face and ran out crying, Jinhao naturally took this opportunity to chase her out, coaxed her to go, and talked After pulling, Jinhao stuffed the thing in his palm into Jinyu's sleeve without any trace.

Jinyu was wronged, and ran out crying all the way. As she was walking, she unconsciously took out a silk handkerchief from her sleeve to wipe the teardrops on her face. With a single sound, he knocked the man to the ground, and then heard the man's voice: "Cousin, I'm sorry, how are you? Are you hurt?"

Hearing the voice of a young man, Jinyu couldn't help but feel shy. Under the flustered state, she didn't hear clearly how the young man called her. The silk handkerchief in Jinyu's hand covered Jinyu's face.

Jinyu groaned secretly in her heart, maybe this should be the second son of the Ye family who came to visit today, it would be rude for her to see her like this.

Thinking of this, in coordination with Jin Hao's movements, he covered his face tightly, lowered his head, pushed the man away violently, covered his face and ran out, but in a hurry, covered The silk handkerchief on the face fell to the ground in a hurry, leaving only a faint scent of fragrance.

It's a pity that Jinyu wanted to leave here first, but in the panic, she didn't find that Sipa had fallen.

The man stretched out his hand to call his cousin a few more times, but he didn't see any response. Then he bent down, picked up the embroidered handkerchief, and looked at it carefully. He only saw a silk embroidered silk handkerchief, and a branch of plum blossom standing proudly, very elegant. It was his cousin's thing that he thought about day and night.

Jin Hao hurriedly chased Jin Yu away, and glanced at the man in front of him from the corner of his eye. He was dressed in a moon-white blouse, handsome and decent-looking, but his face was a little blue, but his eyes were a little frivolous. He knew that his health was extremely bad, and he was the kind of person who loves flowers and lusts, and at this moment he was staring at Jinyu's leaving back, holding a silk handkerchief in his hand.

The man waited until Jin Yu left, and then he saw Jin Hao's appearance, and he was amazed again, and he only said in his heart: "The girl from my aunt's house is really good-looking, not to mention my cousin, even this little girl is also Handsome and beautiful, but it's a pity that he's too young and his bones haven't grown up yet." But those eyes are really captivating, like the water of an ancient well with eyes under the moon, extremely clear and deep.

Thinking of my cousin's beautiful appearance, radiant complexion, beautiful eyebrows and phoenix eyes, jade cheeks and cherry lips, that amorous body, all the bones in her body are crisp, and thinking of the soft and fragrant moment when her body crashed into her arms just now, I can't even think of it. Extricate yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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