Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 615: Like Smoke Like a Dream

Chapter 615: Like Smoke Like a Dream (4)
Zhu Danqing was educated since she was a child, not to eat alone, and to think about her brothers and sisters in everything. Yao Lijuan watched the children let him do everything, fearing that he would develop a monopolistic habit.

Seeing Xie Mingtan's aggrieved look, Zhu Danqing hurriedly scooped up a spoonful of sweet soup and put it into Xie Mingtan's mouth. Jinhao couldn't stop him, so he watched helplessly as the spoon he just fed into his mouth was delivered to Xie Mingtan's mouth.


Her face flushed slightly, and the anger came out of her eyes.

Xie Mingtan originally wanted to tease Zhu Danqing, but he didn't expect that the child actually delivered the sweet soup to his mouth, and he seemed to be able to feel the fragrance from the girl's lips. He squinted his eyes slightly, his eyes darkened, like Like losing his soul, he caught the spoon in his mouth and swallowed it. When he came back to his senses, his face with a smirk in the past turned red rarely.

This scene not only shocked Jin Hao, but also made the girl who served beside her frightened reach out her hand to hold her chin, for fear that she would find her chin on the ground... Xie Mingtan's behavior was too Meng Lang.

Xie Mingtan tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, restrained his expression, seemed to have never seen the anger in Jin Hao's eyes, smiled at the corner of his lips, as if he was in a good mood, reached out and rubbed Zhu Danqing's head, and said in a low voice: "Brother Qing So cute!"

Looking at his tender appearance, Jin Hao's heart moved, she raised her eyes to meet the warmth in his eyes, she suddenly became a little irritable, she pursed her lips, stood up, walked a few steps, gritted her teeth, and said yes Looking at Xie Mingtan, he took a look: "Your Highness, the sun is setting, should His Highness go back to the palace?"

Xie Mingtan glanced at the sun that was still high, but still said calmly: "Yes, I've been out for so long, it's time to go back to the palace."

"In that case, my daughter will see you off to Your Highness." Jin Hao said softly, looking away at the swaying bamboo shadows on the side of the road.

"It's so good!" Xie Mingtan's voice tensed unconsciously, and he could predict that he would not like what he said next.

Jinhao gave Yunyan and the others a wink, and sent Xie Mingtan off by herself. Anyway, in broad daylight, there was nothing to talk about. Besides, Mr. Zhu was injured and lay on the bed recuperating. It was not too much for her to see off his father. Faux pas.

"Your Highness!" Jin Hao lowered his head, looked at his toes, lowered his voice, and said softly: "Please don't do such outrageous things in the future, Your Highness, my little girl knows that His Highness has no intentions, but falls on In the eyes of others, I'm afraid I'll be off the hook. It's okay for a little girl to come from a humble background, but His Highness is the most honorable person, so it would be bad to ruin His Highness's reputation."

"Really?" Xie Mingtan was slightly stunned, recalling Jinhao's words in detail, and quickly recalled it. I didn't expect this girl to be able to tell the truth, and played with him, and couldn't help but feel aroused. A wave of anger came: "The clear is clear, and the turbid is turbid. As long as you don't mind, don't care what others say?"

Jinhao listened to what he meant, because he didn't let go, and this person didn't let go, bit his lips, and didn't care about anything, and said with a sullen face: "Your Highness, please don't do these things in the future to make people misunderstand Don't treat me so well again, I'm not worth His Highness's effort, Your Highness and I used to be close friends, and we will be close friends in the future."

She knew a thing or two about Xie Mingtan's thoughts, but she had always pretended to be confused, just like Ye Ruoming's thoughts. She knew that the man had thoughts about her, but in order to persecute him, she insisted on identifying a brother or sister of the opposite sex.

I always thought that after a long time, this thought will fade away.

After hearing Jin Hao's words, Xie Mingtan's smirk on his face subsided a lot, with a faint expression, he couldn't help curling the corners of his mouth, revealing a smile of unknown meaning.

He thought that the girl in front of him would pretend to be confused for him all his life, but he didn't want to, but she just said something today.

I have endured for so many days, and I don't care about enduring it for a few more days, so Xie Mingtan was not impatient at this time, but lowered his head, and said softly: "Since my cousin also said that we are close friends, I, as a cousin, should pay more attention to my cousin What's wrong, besides, we are all relatives now, we should take care of it more!"

Sensing his approach and smelling the lingering scent of Long Yanxiang, Jin Hao took a step back without a trace, sighed softly, and said, "Your Highness, it's inappropriate to act like this. Immediately, I can no longer be under His Highness's care."

Jinhao lowered her head, so she couldn't see Xie Mingtan's expression at the moment. Her nervous palms were a little wet, waiting for Xie Mingtan's reaction.

To be honest, if it was Ye Ruoming, she wouldn't be too scared. Although that person looks indifferent, he is a straightforward person, and Xie Mingtan in front of her looks very easy to get along with, but in fact, the twists and turns in her heart can even Comparable to the rivers of the Celestial Dynasty, it is extremely difficult for such a person to let others notice his thoughts. If he hadn't taken too much care of himself, and the Queen once mentioned it, she would not have thought of it.

Thinking of this, Jin Hao smiled wryly in her heart. She never thought that such a thing would happen to her in this life. It was really unexpected.

Xie Mingtan, she didn't want to offend him at all. If he didn't do it well, this person would be the Ninth Five-Year Lord in the future. He had already offended one candidate, and if he offended another one, would he still live in the future? So even if she just because of Xie Mingtan Meng Lang's fingers trembled with anger, but he still held back his anger.

In fact, Jin Hao felt that what she did was not authentic. When the queen said that, she should have stayed away from Xie Mingtan, and after she knew his thoughts, she should never have any contact with him, but she herself But pretended to be confused with him.

She didn't know why Xie Mingtan had taken a fancy to her, otherwise, she was going to change her mind to death, and because of the difference in status between the two, Jinhao had to say that she was really It's bloody bad.

What kind of place is the imperial palace? A man's paradise and a woman's hell. She didn't have a broken head to join in the fun. Even if she doesn't have a heart to belong to today, she will never entrust her life to someone who wants to be a man. The emperor's man, to be honest, Jin Hao felt that marrying any random man on the street was better than marrying the emperor.

Seriously speaking, her choice of her husband, love cannot be said to have not been taken into account, but on a large level, it is a choice of another life... Is it a hard struggle in the quagmire, or is it a matter of freedom? Life?
Jin Hanlin was able to impress her, on the one hand, of course because of his persistence, on the other hand, it was not because of the right time, place and people. Although Weiyuan Marquis Mansion was a trouble before, but based on her understanding of Jin Hanlin since she was a child, at that point Trouble still can't trap him, and he can definitely solve it safely.As a decent mother-in-law, the eldest princess deeply likes Jinhao. She is sure that after she enters the door, the eldest princess will never make things difficult for her.

(End of this chapter)

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