Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 619 The Unfamiliar Jinhao

Chapter 619 The Unfamiliar Jinhao (3)
"If you're afraid of being laughed at, I won't send it over. Anyway, after a while, you will come in. Let's use it openly, and we won't be afraid of being laughed at."

It is not an outrageous thing for a husband and wife to share some kind of incense this day, but it shows the deep love between husband and wife.

Hearing this, Jin Hao's heart felt sweet again, and then she thought of Chang Huan's mouth, the woman that Mrs. Xu wanted to give, although she refused, who knows if there will be in the future?
I couldn't help but feel a little sour: "If it is really shared, I don't want to smell the same smell on the third person. I am stubborn and small-minded. Once I have some things, I will never share them with others. .”

Jin Hanlin was dumbfounded, he was not stupid, he naturally knew what these things referred to, he didn't know when, a living person of his age turned into something.

Can't help laughing again, Jin Hao was so angry that he couldn't help it anymore, looked at Jin Hanlin who was smiling complacently as if he was full of food and drink, he raised his foot and kicked him... The man in front of him always makes him She has lost the impulse to be dignified and elegant.

"What are you laughing at?"

Jin Hanlin avoided Jin Hao's legs, coughed with laughter, straightened up after a while, leaned close to Jin Hao's ear, panted a few times, coughed and laughed, "You little vinegar jar, you are still Didn't enter the door? I'll eat the vinegar first."

Jin Hao looked up at Jin Hanlin, bit her lip for a while and said, "You said... just the two of us in this life."

"Of course I remember what I said." Jin Hanlin chuckled after hearing this: "After a long time of trouble, you thought this is what you thought, don't worry, I will naturally not repent of what I said, so don't worry. I You know, I am different from the women who follow the world well, and I am also different from the men in the world."

Jin Hao lowered her head, played with her fingers, and replied in a low voice: "I know you are different from others."

Jin Hanlin smiled silently when he heard this, took another sip of tea, and said calmly: "Cousin, although today's tea is so light, it is always slightly bitter and astringent. After soaking it once, the taste will be even more mellow."

"The nature of tea lies in its bitterness and fragrance. It is inevitable and cannot be concealed, and the same is true for people's relationship."

Jin Hao thought for a moment before saying: "It is true."

The two were silent for a while.

The wind blows over the water, with ripples, blowing on the roses, gently curling a few petals, and the light and shadow are turbulent and mottled for a while.

"Miss, it's time for dinner." Yunyan looked at the pair of Bi people in the water pavilion, although she couldn't bear to speak, but seeing the gradually setting sun, she had no choice but to speak.

Jinhao stood up and invited Jin Hanlin to have dinner with him. Even though he was in Zhu's house, it was just an extra Mr. Zhu. Before Jin Hanlin, he would go to their house for three or two days. Eat at their house.

Therefore, Jin Hanlin didn't even have the intention of rejecting Jin Hao's invitation, and immediately accepted it. At the moment, Jin Hao is in front, and Jin Hanlin is behind.

The dinner arranged by Qiu Ruyi consisted of nine dishes and one soup, half of which was meat, and half of which were rare vegetables. It was full of color, fragrance, and taste. When Mr. Zhu came, his mouth would be watering, but at least remember to ask yourself Why is my favorite grandson missing?

After Zhu Danqing fluttered the butterfly, she was so tired that she went to bed first, and Jin Hao didn't wake her up for dinner. Although she had no experience in raising children, she also knew that if people didn't wake up, it would be very uncomfortable. Even adults are like this, Let alone children.

There is no need for a dinner party, let the small kitchen get some Zhu Danqing's favorite food to prepare, Mr. Zhu dotes on them very much, he has never been like other people's family, three meals are fixed, and no waiting is overdue, if that is the case, the first one to make a fuss The only person is Mr. Zhu himself.

Master Zhu took advantage of Jin Hao to turn around, and ordered the servants on the side, when preparing Zhu Danqing's dinner, he first glanced at Jin Hanlin next to him, and then at Qiu Ruhu on the other side. Too polite.

In the end, he stared at the fragrant fried beef slices. He first put two slices of beef in the bowl with a golden ivory hairpin, and then fixed his eyes on the fragrant rabbit meat slices. Before he could cover his ears, he threw the beef slices and rabbit meat slices into his mouth, and then with a very quick movement, he dragged a plate of fish-flavored shredded pork and placed it in front of him.

With a sound of "ta", Mr. Zhu's ivory hairpin knocked on the plate and made a crisp sound, and he shouted in a low voice, "Dinner is ready."

Jin Hanlin was dumbfounded watching Mr. Zhu's actions. He didn't know how this dignified old man would make such a childish action. However, Qiu Ruhu, Qiu Ruyi's brother and sister seemed not to notice his actions, and showed no expression , just bowed his head and ate his meal.

After Jin Hao finished giving his orders, he sat down, but he was not in a hurry to eat. He raised his hand and picked up a few vegetables for Mr. Zhu, and then dragged Mr. Zhu over to the shredded fish-flavored pork without moving his face. The only meaty dish in his hand was also moved in front of him.

"Grandfather, if you use more vegetables, it will be very good for your health."

The servants of the Zhu family were very surprised when they saw this situation at first, but now they are used to it. Ever since the doctor said that the old man should not eat more meat and should eat more vegetables, Miss Mo Wu began to control the old man She didn't tell the old man to quit meat, but she didn't let him eat meat at night.

Everyone saw Mr. Zhu frowning, but they didn't dare to resist. They just silently put the vegetables into their mouths, and secretly took out a handful of tears of sympathy, and gave them to Mr. Zhu.

This meal, because of a certain dictatorship method, was not a particularly enjoyable meal, but it was like this, and it was considered full of wine and food. Master Zhu angrily decided to re-evaluate Mo Jinhao... a bad boy with a bad heart .

Anyone who is not allowed to eat meat is a bad boy!
For the next few days, Jinhao stayed at Zhu's house, teasing Zhu Danqing every day, taking care of Mr. Zhu, and had a very happy life, but the wedding day was getting closer, and this rule had to be followed. Finally, Yao Lijuan After thousands of urgings, I tidied up and went back to Mo's house.

Just after entering the door, although the concierge's servant tried his best to put a smile on his face, Jin Hao still smelled something unusual.

However, she never cared much about the affairs of the Mo family, and didn't bother to pay attention to them, so she went back to her yard without asking any questions.

She wanted to hide from Qing Jing, but Qing Jing avoided her with all her heart, so she went back to the room, and Mrs. Huang came over there with a musty look on her face. When she saw Jin Hao, she smiled and stepped forward to pull her Jin Hao's hand: "Fifth girl, you've come back."

That tone seemed like a day gone by like three autumns, Jin Hao couldn't help laughing, when did she become so important to the Huang family.

(End of this chapter)

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