Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 669 The cinnabar mole on his heart

Chapter 669 The cinnabar mole on his heart (2)
It seems that there are some things that have to be said. Although it hurts people, if it goes on like this, it will be bad for the three of them.

Jin Hao's mood was obviously not high. In the eyes of everyone, it was because of Mrs. Mo's disturbance. Mr. Zhu always loved Jin Hao, but he just asked her to thank everyone and let her go back to his well-prepared Yard, anyway, drinking and socializing is a man's business, there is no need for a little girl to toast.

It's just that Jin Hao returned to the yard, but changed her decadent expression, and just sat on the swing in the yard with a peaceful expression, as if waiting for someone.

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind her, she kept her body still, swayed her legs, and said softly, "Brother Yi, are you here?"

"Is righteous sister waiting for me?" The man's voice was a little warmer, but also a little nervous.

Jin Hao turned around, but saw Ye Ruoming looking at him with raised eyebrows. He was dressed in blue, which made him look handsome, but it made her startled. When she saw him before, he was mostly black. I haven't seen you in the day, and today is such a good day, I think my brother-in-law should come to see me."

His cautious appearance made her feel a little bit unbearable about what she was about to say, but even if she couldn't bear it, she still wanted to say that short-term pain was better than long-term pain, and it would hurt him more if it dragged on.

Jin Hao used to think that Ye Ruoming might be confused by her for a while, and he would forget it one day, but at this moment, if she thinks like this again, she might even despise herself.

Since you can't give him what you want, it would be unfair to him if you let him continue to look forward to it like this.

The servants had sent her a long time ago, she pointed to the wood and stone beside her, and said with a smile: "Let's brothers and sisters also don't have to be polite, the brother-in-law should use the wood and stone as a seat." She squinted at Ye Ruoming, seemingly mischievous: " Brother Yi loves nature, which can be regarded as meeting Brother Yi's preferences."

Ye Ruoming suddenly became flustered: She knows what he likes, doesn't she, in her heart, treat him differently?
Can't help listening to her, sitting on the side of the wood and stone, and asked with a smile: "How do you know I like nature?"

Jin Hao said with a smile: "I heard Ruo Qiu said it. Brother Yi is really lucky. Ruo Qiu is dignified and generous, and cares for Brother Yi very much. Before this person even entered the door, he asked about Brother Yi's preferences clearly. Ruo Qiu will firmly remember what she likes and what she doesn't like, and she thinks that her brother-in-law and Ruo Qiu will definitely be a couple in the future."

People's hearts are fleshy. In the past, she could say hurtful things unreservedly, but today, how can she stab a knife bloody into his heart? up.

Ye Ruoming's expression changed slightly, and he clenched his fists involuntarily. Jinhao was worried that he would be self-defeating, so he didn't dare to speak for Ning Ruoqiu again, so he only asked with a smile, "Did Brother Yi come with Third Master Ye today?"

Ye Ruoming laughed: "Why don't you continue to speak well for Ning Ruoqiu?"

Jin Hao saw that although he was smiling, but his eyes were stern, he felt a little uneasy, so he forced a smile and called out: "Brother Yi."

Before the voice fell, Ye Ruoming suddenly stood up and approached Jinhao, his eyes were as indifferent as ice, but at this moment they could bite people, and he just looked at her aggressively: "Jinhao, don't push me too much, Today, I came here just to ask you to make things clear. From the beginning to the end, I never thought about being your brother-in-law. I will accept the invitation to become a sworn brother that day, but it is just to stay by your side, hoping to impress you. I like you. I was moved when I rescued you from the ruined temple that day, and when we met again in the Ye Family Courtyard, I told myself that you are mine, otherwise where did so many fates come from? You are indifferent, but you become obsessed with you and become a demon."

"Don't say it again, Shijun is about to have a wife, and Luofu is about to have a husband. If you talk like this, you will trap me in a place where I will never recover."

Jin Hao couldn't prevent him from saying such words, and saw the scorching heat in his eyes, like raging flames, which made her voice tremble a little, and she dared not meet his gaze.

Ye Ruoming's eyes suddenly lit up: "Jin Hao, do you mind giving us a marriage? As long as you are willing, I have a way to solve our marriage. As long as you are willing, I can take you back to the border town, where no one knows you , don't mind other people's eyes, do what you want, do what you want, don't worry, don't calculate, just do what you want to do. If you think this is not good, then I will give up this glory and wealth, we Find a secluded place where the sun rises and the sun sets, and you can sit and watch the flowers fall, okay?"

He squeezed her hand tightly: "Jin Hao, I love you, I can give up everything for you, I can let the world know that I am the man who loves you the most in the world, I have asked myself for so many years, I have never used it on anyone In such a mood, as long as you say, I can give up everything, take you far away, and live the peaceful and leisurely life you want to live."

He looked at her with hope in his eyes: "I know you have him in your heart, but if Jinhao really loves you, how could he not know your nature? He clearly knows this, but he wants to drag you into the vortex of the Xu family. Jinhao, I love you more than him, as long as you want, let's leave here and go where you want, okay? "

"Not good!" Jin Hao raised her voice, but it was like a pot of water was boiling in her heart. Countless bubbles kept surging upwards, but she suppressed it, as if she was treating him and herself He said the same thing, word by word, very emphatically: "Brother Yi, it's not good!"

It's not that she wasn't moved, it wasn't that she wasn't heartbroken, she never knew that the man in front of her had a deep affection for her, to such an extent that she was willing to give up everything for her.

The man in front of her is the dream lover of a girl in the Celestial Dynasty, the ideal husband, and the object of admiration.

Although his temper is extremely cold, he is upright, young and handsome, and has a high position and authority. He has saved her life time and time again and cared for her, and now he is willing to give up everything for her. Behind him, there is a beautiful and brave woman who wholeheartedly waits for him to turn around, wholeheartedly pleases him, and only hopes to share his feelings.

But he refused to give her even the slightest gap, and gave her all his tenderness and affection.

If she hadn't seen and heard it with her own eyes today, how would she know that there is such a burning heart under his indifferent appearance.

Jin Hao was really in a dilemma. After saying the refusal, she felt sad. It's not that she didn't like this man, but she already had a cousin, so she could only let him down.

Such an affectionate man, it is a great fortune for a woman to meet one, but it is a great tragedy to meet two.

(End of this chapter)

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