Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 683 Daughter-in-law Tea

Chapter 683 Daughter-in-law Tea (2)
When Yunyan waited on Jin Hao to dress, when she looked at the bruises on her master's body, she also looked at Jin Hanlin with a somewhat unfriendly look: My uncle really doesn't know the severity, the lady is weak, why is she only caring about her own temperament, I don't think about it for the young lady, the young lady's body hasn't opened yet.

She was very conflicted. On the one hand, she was happy that the relationship between the young lady and the uncle was good, and wished to be closer, but on the other hand, she felt that her uncle didn't know how to love the young lady.

Jin Hanlin himself was actually regretting it, last night was too indulgent, but the good taste was too good, he couldn't control himself, and he was drunk last night, so it was inevitable that he couldn't control it.

To tell the truth, when it comes to distress, who can compare to him.

On his side, he was both annoyed and satisfied, and his mood was extremely entangled, but he didn't know that the person he loved was watching him quietly at this moment.

Sure enough, it is elegant Hanlin, with the demeanor of heaven and man.

Today's Jin Hanlin is also wearing a festive gown, the sleeves and the hem are covered with rare golden silk bat flowers, and a light blue belt is tied around his waist, looking like a jade tree facing the wind.

Jin Hao looked at it, and couldn't help admiring in his heart, such a rich and warm color, in full swing, ordinary people can't live in it, wearing it either looks vulgar, or looks feminine, especially he has the most scholarly appearance all over his body. He has a refined and elegant air, but it seems that things must be reversed at the extreme. It is such an elegant and gentle person, but he wears this feminine and feminine clothes with a high-spirited air.

Jin Hao couldn't help but the corners of her lips curled up. She knew a long time ago that there is a kind of person who is born with an aura. Even if he wears the ugliest clothes in the world, he can always exude the most charming demeanor.

Just like at this moment, such a tacky red also makes people shine.

Jin Hao suddenly felt very happy. It is actually a very wonderful thing that such an elegant and handsome man falls in love with her.

When Jin Hanlin noticed her gaze, the tenderness in his eyes became more tender, and the gaze that fell on her actually became entwined, like a spider's thread... His little wife is beautiful and outstanding, so shy The appearance is even more indescribably charming and soft.

It really makes people feel so soft that water drips out!
Especially when she looked at his bright eyes with rippling waves, looking forward in waves, as agile as stars, being looked at by her like this, her body was as soft as her heart, so soft that water dripped out.

His little wife is not only good-looking, but also has a good character. She is intelligent, gentle, generous, virtuous and decent. All the advantages that can be found in women can be found in her. The most important thing is , as long as she is by his side, he can feel a sense of peace.

Having a wife like this, what can a husband ask for?
God, I didn't treat him too harshly. After all the hardships, I finally treated him kindly.

Jin Hanlin's gaze met Jin Hao's gaze, and the spring breeze was rippling in his heart, and he smiled and praised: "My lady is really picturesque!"

Jin Hao was afraid even if his face was not flushed, but he nodded solemnly, looking like a naughty child, and said in a low voice: "You also have picturesque eyebrows and eyes."

He even hinted that he looks like a woman!

Jin Hanlin intentionally put on a vicious look and glared at her. Jin Hao was also very involved in the show, and put on a pitiful look. After arguing for a while, both of them laughed. Love, the atmosphere is very cheerful.

The maids and women serving in the room all lowered their heads knowingly, not daring to startle the two masters, but they were surprised in their hearts, especially the maids and women of the Xu Mansion: When have you ever seen your second master so good? The appearance of his temper, although the second master has always been gentle, but there is an air of alienation all over his body, even his own master, he can't get a smile from him, never seen him smiling so softly, his eyes have never been The appearance of leaving his new wife.

With a quick mind, he sneaked a few glances at Jin, thinking in his heart, he is bright and charming, and he has known him since childhood. He must be a childhood sweetheart with a deep friendship. No wonder the second master is so caring.

Everyone has their own tastes in their hearts, but the one worth mentioning is Xue Lan. She didn't think much about it. She and Yun Yan are the big girls around Jinhao. Yes, I don't think it's any surprise.

At this moment, what she is more anxious about is that the young lady is still in the mood to laugh with the uncle at this time, and she doesn't even think about it. She is afraid that the waiting in the front hall is already impatient. The people, not to mention the elders among them, wanted to remind her aloud, but Jin Hanlin's words made her tremble in her heart, so she could only secretly wink at Yunyan, hoping that she would remind Jin, but Yunyan is an elm Wood lump, she cast her winking eyes to the blind man, she had no choice but to be anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but she didn't dare to show it on her face.

Jinhao glanced at Xuelan lightly. After staying with her for such a long time, she naturally knew her temperament and ignored her, but she thought in her heart that Xuelan's affairs could not be delayed any longer. Nothing will happen.

According to the normal situation, at this time, she should recognize the relative in the front hall, but judging by Jin Hanlin's attitude, the relative should be recognized, but what time is what he wants.

Sure enough, the people in the front hall got a little impatient, so they sent someone over to invite them. Jin Hanlin glanced at the woman without raising her eyebrows. The woman was sweating on her forehead, and her smile became stiff, but Jin Hao stretched out her hand. Pulling the hem of Jin Hanlin's clothes, he said in a soft voice: "Aunt Luo Xiu just came to my mother's side. I think it's time to go at this time. Since my mother has gone, let's not delay the time and let my mother It's not good to wait for us."

Jin Hanlin was ruthless towards others, but he obeyed Jinhao's words and nodded hurriedly: "Okay." The neatness made people speechless, and once again shocked the servants of the Xu family. When did his second master be so talkative? .

However, apart from being shocked, he was also shocked by the deep meaning in Jin Hao's words: Listening to the second young lady's words, I dare only treat the eldest princess as an elder.

She guessed right. In Jinhao's heart, Mrs. Xu and Xu Ze are both scumbags. Such a person, how could she be an elder, and she would speak out so openly, so naturally she was not afraid in her heart.

Anyway, after what happened last time, the two of them won't have a good impression of her. I'm afraid they will make things difficult for her when they serve tea today. Ghosts knock on the door, and they are not willing to suffer. Naturally, when they meet gods, they will destroy gods, and when they meet Buddhas, they will kill Buddhas.

Jin Hao stood beside Jin Hanlin calmly, with a slight smile on his face. Seeing her calm and calm appearance, Jin Hanlin's smile deepened again. When he didn't pay attention, he tugged at her: "Don't be so nervous, you are just a few clowns."

(End of this chapter)

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