Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 695 Beating the dog in the water

Chapter 695 Beating the dog in the water (3)
Anyway, he didn't have anything, except poison and the like. Since he knew that Xu Ze was going to jump out to make trouble, why didn't he make preparations? If father doesn't believe it, I'll let someone bring this bitch's cat."

After thinking about it, he said to Xu Ze: "The more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong. Why do you think there are so many people in this mansion? The cat doesn't attack anyone, but it attacks our husband and wife. How do you think it's strange?"

At this time, a woman's clear and sweet voice suddenly came from outside the door: "What's so strange? I was attacked by a cat at Mo's house and almost disfigured me. I was afraid, so I thought about this problem, so I asked the mansion The old man, the old man said, if you sculpt a human and let the cat practice every day, the cat will only attack the sculpted human."

Jin Hanlin nodded receptively, the hostility in his eyes turned into entwined tenderness after seeing his sweetheart's porcelain-like white cheeks, he stood up, stepped forward to support her: "Why did you get up so early, you were tortured last night?" If you are frightened, why don’t you lie down on the bed for a while, God is pitiful, last night, you were startled and didn’t sleep well, look at the bruises under your eyes, it’s really suffering.”

Jin Hao used his sleeve to pinch him angrily: He still has the face to mention the bruises under her eyes, and he has the nerve to say that he didn't sleep well all night, and he doesn't even think about it, why didn't she sleep well?What scares cats is simply pestered by cats.

Jin Hanlin was pinched, but he was not annoyed. Instead, he showed her a smile like the rising sun in a refreshed manner, and helped her to sit on the chair beside him, just like supporting his own heart and soul. Xu Ze almost died of anger... I have been here for so long, and I didn't even say a word to sit down. When his wife came, he was so humble that he almost knelt down and licked her toes.

But Ye Shi didn't have such dissatisfaction with Jin Hanlin, she was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped to the ground: it was the first time in her life that there were people who could be framed so confidently.

What five stone powder?What kind of cat has poison on its paws?

She has never used any kind of Wushi powder or any kind of poison, so it is clear that she is going to put a pot of shit on her head.

"You're talking're talking nonsense...I don't even know what five stone powder is, what kind of poison..." Mrs. Ye came back to her senses, quickly denied it, looked at Xu Ze at the side, and said with a sob: "Master... It's a false accusation...I didn't..."

"Father, won't be mother...Mother is cowardly by nature, how could she do such vicious things..." Xu Nuoxi also screamed.

"Mother?" Jin Hao frowned slightly, looked at Jin Hanlin puzzled and said, "Master Hou, why are the rules in Weiyuan Hou's mansion so strange, how can an aunt who has been stabbed with the word "sexy" be punished by the mansion in the mansion? It's a rare rule for a young lady to be like your mother, why don't you change it after repeated admonitions."

"I don't know what kind of rules this is." Jin Hanlin agreed with a frown, shook his head, and turned his eyes away, as if he was extremely disgusted.

Everyone in the room suddenly felt ashamed, but it wasn't too unruly. With such a master with the word "sensuality" tattooed on it, no one would feel ashamed. Even Xu Ze's face turned blue, white, and red for a while.

Ye Shi laughed angrily: "Rules?"You are the daughter of a person who is separated from you, and you were born in a small family, what rules do you know!
This is nothing more than deliberate provocation.

Jin Hanlin and this woman made it clear today that the visitors were not kind, and deliberately lured their mother and daughter into their trap!

However, Xu Nuoxi took a step away from Mrs. Ye without a trace, lowered her head, held her breath, and kept silent, refusing to look at her mother again: at this moment, she understood very clearly... Mrs. Ye is no longer what she used to be. Ye's.

Jin Hanlin ignored these people's petty actions, and gave A Bao a look. A Bao nodded, and after a while, he saw A Bao holding Ye's cat in his hand.

Jin Hanlin asked Ah Bao to put the cat down, and saw that the cat was really attacking Jin Hanlin. Amid Jin Hao's exclamation, the cat was hit by Jin Hanlin's palm on the wall, bleeding from its seven orifices, struggling After a few clicks, it stopped moving.

"Master, you can see clearly, you really want to murder me!" Jin Hanlin shook his head and sighed, "People's hearts are not ancient." Then he asked A Bao to turn the cat's sharp claws, and he saw that the claws were black , with a strange color, tried it with a silver needle, and it turned black as soon as it touched the sharp claw.

"It's so poisonous!" Ah Bao smacked his mouth, "I'm afraid that if you touch this poison, you will die."

"It's not me, it's not me..." Ye shook her head violently, and took Xu Ze's hand: "Master, it's not me, it's framed, it's planted... I didn't, I really didn't..."

"The facts are all there. This cat belongs to you. Could it be that someone else poisoned your cat?" Jin Hao said lightly, looking at Jin Hanlin with distress: "Master Hou, I thought home was for relaxation. However, it turns out that Lord Hou has no peace at home, and he has to face these things all the time. Follow the example, I'm afraid Houye's life will be difficult."

Jin Hanlin believed deeply: "Madam is right, such a woman with a heart like a snake and a scorpion must not be let go."

"" Xu Nuoxi couldn't bear it, and turned pale with anger: "Don't you go too far? A cat, no matter what the facts are, let me see, maybe you guys hugged the cat over there Afterwards, the five stone powder fed and poisoned, how can we just insist that it was my mother who did it?"

"Xixi is right. Who knows if the cat has been captured or if some of the servants have mischievous intentions and deliberately provoked troubles, wanting to cause you to fight and make the Xu family estranged." Don't dare to push everything on Jin Hanlin.

"It seems right to say that." Jin Hanlin looked calm, and even nodded in agreement. After thinking for a while, he said to Xu Ze: "Why don't you ask someone to go to her yard and see if there is nothing unusual? I wronged her."

Such calmness, such reasonableness, fell into the ears of everyone, and he felt that his Lord Hou was really a good person, and he wanted to give her a chance when Mrs. Ye did such a vicious thing.

Needless to say, such a thing, besides Ye Shi, who else could be, she wished that Lord Hou would die, who let Lord Hou occupy her son's future.

These people have been begging for life under Ye Shi for many years, and Ye Shi is not a generous person, so how could he have no objection to Ye Shi? Seeing Ye Shi being suppressed by Jin Hanlin this time, he felt extremely happy.

Hearing Jin Hanlin's words, Ye's heart felt cold. She had played against Jin Hanlin a lot in the past few years, and she knew that he was a careful person. Since he dared to say this, it meant that he had already done something. After making the arrangements, I'm afraid that if we search now, we will find something.

(End of this chapter)

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