Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 720 Uncle is gone

Chapter 720 Uncle is gone (1)
So, Xu Ze was so cold and angry before, he couldn't say anything to Mrs. Ye at this moment, he sighed three times in a row, then walked slowly to Mrs. Ye's window, sat down silently, and don't say anything.

Feeling that there was an extra person beside her, Ye's body froze slightly, but she didn't turn around, still lying on the bed choked up.

Seeing her stubborn appearance, Xu Ze sighed again, and after a long time, he said, "You, why bother?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Ye suddenly trembled violently, but she still refused to turn over, but the shaking became stronger and stronger. Even if Xu Ze didn't look at it, she knew that Mrs. Ye must be in tears at this time.

"You don't want to look for death and life again. I know what happened to this matter."

Looking at Ye Shi who was trembling with the fallen leaves in the wind, Xu Ze felt uncomfortable, but he didn't know how to face her: he had trusted Ye Shi from the bottom of his heart all these years, thinking that she was a weak and helpless woman. She was scheming, but he found that he seemed to have misjudged her, how could he accept it?
Xu Ze didn't want to find out whether he made a mistake, because he didn't dare, he was afraid of the answer, for Ye Shi, he had sacrificed too much, the husband and wife were at odds, the father and son were divorced, the title was lost, and his reputation was ruined. In the end, he found that everything he did was for an unworthy woman, which made him feel so embarrassing.

This is also the reason why he could forgive her when Ye's face was tattooed. Perhaps, it was not Ye who he forgave, but his self-willed self all along.

What does he mean by that?Could it be that he really believed what that bitch Zhu Jinhao said, that he himself ordered Li Sanjia to plot her life.

For the first time, Mrs. Ye was a little scared, and said hoarsely and weeping: "You know it? You know it? You always say that, but what's the use? You must be sure in your heart that I did this thing. It seems that, Today I want to thank God for letting my ass rot, and I have no chance to become a suspect, I am afraid that I will do something under impulse?" She snorted coldly: "I knew the master would not believe it, Others don't believe it even more, but I have a clear conscience, I didn't instigate Li San's family, she is spitting blood. If the master refuses to believe me, I will just let me die to show my innocence."

If you want to tell a lie to be the truth and make others believe your own words, the first point is to believe your own words first.

Therefore, when Mrs. Ye said that he would die to show his innocence, crystal clear tears rolled down his face, and at the same time, he was full of anger.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt hurt: "Master, if I really die one day, please take care of the children more for the sake of our happy days and our friendship in the past."

At this point, she is still stubborn and refuses to admit it?

Xu Ze was in an extremely complicated mood, which was beyond words. He sighed a long time, rubbed his temples in pain, and said exhaustedly: "I have said long ago that I am not a heartless person, and the child fell from me too. Meat..." Just as he was talking here, he suddenly heard the sound of a woman's sobbing and hurried footsteps coming from outside.

Her yard has always respected the rules, so it is so shapeless, what must have happened?
Ye Shi turned around in shock, and said in a trembling voice, "What happened?"

As soon as the words finished, a figure rushed in from outside, crying: "Auntie, uncle, uncle..." It seemed that his throat was blocked and he couldn't vomit.

The person who came was Xu Nuo's wife... Ye Shanshan.

Seeing the tears on her face, Mrs. Ye's heart suddenly seemed to be tightly grasped by something, unable to breathe: "Shanshan, Nuo family... Nuo family... What's wrong with him?"

Ye Shanshan burst into tears, and said in a sad voice: "Auntie, just... just... I went back to Ye's house, father... father... got the news, grandpa, she..."

The meaning hidden in these intermittent words is like a basin of ice water pouring from head to toe in summer, which makes people secretly cool.

What happened to the Nuo family?What happened to him?Why dare not speak out?

Ye Shi was only stunned for a moment, then jumped off the bed, grabbed Ye Shanshan's skirt with a ferocious face, and gritted his teeth: "Tell me, what happened to him? Tell me!" At the end, she almost screamed up.

To a woman, the death of her son meant that Ye Shanshan, as his wife, felt the same way. No matter what Xu Nuo's family was like in the past, it was good for Mrs. Ye and her as a wife.

Ye Shanshan, who felt equally uncomfortable in her heart, didn't struggle, finally bit her lip, and said word by word in a suffocating voice: "Aunt... the master is gone..."

With a "snap", Ye Shi slapped Ye Shanshan fiercely, frantically tugged at her skirt, and shook her vigorously: "Bitch, you bitch, you actually cursed Nuo's family to death... I can't spare you!" .”

As he said that, Ye Shi was like a lunatic, tightly wrapping around Ye Shanshan, as if he wanted to tear her apart.

"I didn't, I didn't..." Ye Shanshan could hardly breathe, but Ye Shi, who was like a lunatic, frightened her and said in a panic: "'s true, what I said is true... "

How can you do this to her?Isn't she sad?The uncle is her son, isn't he her husband?Is it okay for her to be a widow?

Why, do you do this to her?Why?She is still in the Mood for Love, and she is about to become a widow!

"You are talking nonsense... The Nuo family will not leave me as a mother, you are talking nonsense..." Shih Ye let out a terrible scream, changed from the skirt to the neck, and strangled Shih Ye's neck tightly: "I I don’t listen, I don’t listen, it’s your nonsense... You bastard, you must have cursed the Nuo family... He said he would give me a life to come back... My Nuo family is so obedient, so good, how could it be It's lied..."

Who dares to deceive people with such a thing?

Seeing that Mrs. Ye was going crazy and wanted to strangle Ye Shanshan to death, the girl who was waiting rushed in when she heard the movement, half-coaxed, half-persuaded and half-forced to drag Mrs. Ye away. Ye Shanshan was almost strangled to death, and supported the girl , panting heavily.

But Mrs. Ye was like a fool at this time, falling into the arms of the girl, and she didn't even have the strength to cry. Her soul seemed to be floating in the air, and she felt that everything around her was far away from her, and she couldn't see anything. I couldn't even hear it, and there was darkness in front of my eyes, so dark that it was shocking.

Why is it so dark?so quiet?
She finally couldn't bear the pain, her body went limp, and she passed out.

Her Nuo family, her son, her heart and soul, why are they gone all of a sudden?Why is such a lively person just saying that he is gone?
(End of this chapter)

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