Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 733: Trap

Chapter 733: Trap (2)
Xu Ze was a little hesitant. He looked back at Jin Hanlin with an exploratory expression.

Jin Hanlin's face remained unchanged, but there was some surprise between his eyebrows and eyes: "I really don't understand why this matter has troubled me again. I just want to come back and take a look. Who knows... I've been in the Xiangfu these days. It's not that the patriarch sent people to invite me back again and again, I didn't plan to come back at all. If I had known, I wouldn't have come back, so I wouldn't have to bear such a scapegoat."

When the head of the Xu family heard what Jin Hanlin said, he felt dissatisfied with Xu Ze: Jin Hanlin was invited back by him, so can it be said that this matter today was arranged by him, the head of the clan?

To Xu Ze, the head of the Xu clan has always been dissatisfied. You said that you can honor the eldest princess, what an honor it is, even the Xu clan is honored, but you can't live a good life. What kind of Ye came back, If it's a good one, it's fine, but it's a person who is restless in the family. The most hateful thing is that he even produced a concubine's eldest son. The Xu Nuo family uses the name of the adopted son, but no one knows what his identity is. .

Does a normal family raise a son like this? The treatment is even more delicate than that of a real son.

On the contrary, he is a serious son, who has been living outside for so many years. In the heart of the patriarch, Xu Ze is like a fool. He guards the two gold bumps of the eldest princess and Jin Hanlin, and he doesn't know how to cherish them. I'm afraid that some of them will cry in the end. of.

Of course Xu Ze doesn't believe that Jin Hanlin arranged what happened today. These days, other people are not in the mansion, and if they want to intervene, they probably have more than enough energy. Besides, this kind of thing can't be arranged by deliberate arrangement. Got it.

But Ye became hysterical: "Why didn't you arrange it? Otherwise, why would you suddenly appear here? You obviously lured the patriarch here on purpose. You evil bastard, you hate me, it's really normal for you to do such a thing ..."

Jin Hanlin sighed and shook his head: "I thought you would be able to restrain yourself after being tattooed by the emperor, but I didn't expect you to say such confusing words with the facts."

He said lightly, with an even more indifferent expression on his face, seemingly disdainful and indifferent: "I put a knife on your neck and asked you to drive everyone out? It was I who came here with a knife on the old man ? There are so many girls and women outside, I believe not everyone is blind."

Ye's hair was disheveled, her face was flushed, and her whole body was trembling non-stop, but the words she said were resentful. She carefully recalled the strangeness of today, and when her eyes wandered, she fell on that pot of white chrysanthemums : That's right, after she smelled the scent of the white chrysanthemum just now, she felt a little confused. This white chrysanthemum...

Mrs. Xu has gone through many storms in his life. At this time, his mind has calmed down. He decided to put aside Ye's framing first. What is important at this time is to make Xu Ze believe that he and Ye are innocent, and let the patriarch I believe that he and Mrs. Ye were framed... He didn't want to lose his life for a poisonous woman with a heart like a snake.

So, he looked at Jin Hanlin, something flashed in his eyes quickly, then he collected his thoughts, echoed Ye Shi's words, and said slowly: "This matter today is very strange, I feel that I am acting in a daze Yes, I don’t know what I’m doing. Ze’er, this is the mourning hall of the Nuo family. If it hadn’t been designed, how could I do such absurd things with Mrs. Ye. Ze’er, I think this mourning hall must have been made It’s better to check this place thoroughly.”

Naturally, Xu Ze also hoped that someone was behind this matter, so that he could at least save his face. He looked at the ashen-faced patriarch, fell silent for a moment, and then said, "In this case, we must investigate thoroughly." Then he glared at Ye Shi : "You should sort it out first."

Ye's heart was overjoyed, and she saw a glimmer of hope from this sentence: as long as some aphrodisiac drugs can be found in this mourning hall, it can prove that she was framed, and then there may be a glimmer of life.

She lowered her eyes, knelt down and sorted her clothes, then stood up, and stood obediently beside Xu Ze, the pear blossoms were raining, and she was pitiful: "Master, patriarch, please believe me, I didn't... ...was framed...the Nuo family...the Nuo family...I was wronged..."

It's just that her pretentiousness didn't soften Xu Ze's heart. The scene he saw just now still lingers in his mind, almost making his blood flow backwards... Ye Shi, he definitely can't bear it.

Let people see his own woman and his father's affair, his face is gone, no matter if it is framed or has an affair, it will give him endless shame.

Xu Ze had the urge to question the sky, how could he have such a bad luck.

Xu Ze ordered someone with knowledge of medicine to inspect the entire mourning hall carefully, but unfortunately, the blanket search turned out to be nothing.

Ye's face became paler and paler, and when the searcher was about to leave, he suddenly pointed to the pot of white chrysanthemums and said, "Master, this flower should also be carefully inspected."

Xu Ze glanced at Mrs. Ye, and frowned. He knew the white chrysanthemum, and it was specially found by the housekeeper to give to the Nuo family. The housekeeper had been with him for decades and was the most loyal. , Could it be that he suspected that the butler had done something wrong?
Even though he was upset, he still nodded. Bai Ju was checked up and down, and the conclusion he came to was negative.

"Master, it's just an ordinary white chrysanthemum in a pot, nothing unusual."

"How is it possible?" Ye shook her head, walked over quickly, looked at the white chrysanthemum carefully, but found that the original fragrance of the white chrysanthemum had disappeared.

"No, I clearly smelled the scent of this white chrysanthemum just now, why is it gone now?"

She had admired the scent of the white chrysanthemum just now, why is it gone now.

Jin Hanlin laughed lightly when he heard the words: "This makes me wonder, this white chrysanthemum is here, why suddenly it smells wrong. If someone really tampered with it, there should be some fragrance left, why suddenly no more?"

He turned his gaze to the patriarch: "Since she insists on saying that there is something wrong with Baiju, let's check it out, so that when the time comes, this matter will be pushed to me again. Although I am not afraid, I don't like to carry such a reputation."

After finishing speaking, Jin Hanlin lowered his eyes, as if he was still on the mountain, because his slender eyelashes covered the mockery in his eyes, so he didn't know that at this moment, his eyes were smiling.

Who is he, how can someone find out that something is wrong, since he knew that Mrs. Ye had a drunken dream, he suspected that Mrs. Ye understood medical principles, so he didn't use ordinary aphrodisiacs.

Instead, he used cnidium that can make people emotional. He asked people to squeeze the juice of cnidium and sprinkle it on the petals of white chrysanthemums. It was only used for cnidium alone, and the effect of aphrodisiac was not very obvious, and the most important thing was Well, when the cnidium was just sprinkled on the petals of the white chrysanthemum, there was a faint fragrance, but it only took a moment for the fragrance to evaporate completely, leaving no handle at all.

(End of this chapter)

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