Good luck of rebirth

Chapter 735: Trap

Chapter 735: Trap (4)
Mrs. Ye finally called out, screaming, "Master, Master, listen to me...listen to me..."

It's just that Xu Ze still has the heart to listen to her, the fire in his heart is already burning the whole house, this bitch, this bitch... He wished he could kill her.

Today, he was completely humiliated in front of his own son, in front of the patriarch, and how would the eldest princess think of him when she knew about this?

If he couldn't beat Mrs. Ye severely, he was afraid that he would die of anger. What made him vomit blood the most was that the adulterer was his father, and he wanted to kill the adulterer to vent his anger. , also does not work.

God, is there anyone more tragic than him in this world.

The more he beat him, the more angry he was with his subordinates, the harder he stepped, Ye Shi was crying and howling in pain, he couldn't take it anymore... Xu Ze wanted to beat her to death.

"Bitch, you shameless bitch, I'll beat you to death today, so I won't be laughed to death." He was really angry and hated, how much he loved Ye before, now he has I hate Yip so much.

Ye's pain was so painful that life would be worse than death, and the deep resentment in her heart finally broke out. She finally couldn't stand it anymore, got up violently, kicked Xu Ze, maybe she didn't expect that Ye would dare to fight back, Xu Ze Get kicked straight.

"You still dare to fight back?" Xu Ze seemed to be meeting Ye Shi in front of him for the first time. Isn't she a weak woman who can't fight back when hit or scolded?Where did such strength and courage come from?

"Why don't I dare? You coward, you heartless man, you can betray me, why can't I betray you? Who was it that said that he loved me and would marry me? Just married someone else? Made me become the butt of everyone's jokes, the outhouse that everyone ridiculed? What's wrong with me, if you don't give me a son, I will give you a younger brother, isn't it also the blood of your Xu family? I don't have any To hook up with outsiders and give you a cheap son who has nothing to do with the Xu family is the utmost kindness to you." She was beaten to the point where she lost all reason, how could she say anything happily at this time.

Knowing that she would die for sure, she couldn't deal with Jin Hanlin, but there was a way to vent her dissatisfaction with Xu Ze for so many years.

How could she have no resentment? The dignified and serious lady was cheated by Xu Ze and lost her virginity. She could only submit to him and become his concubine. Under Xu Ze's beating, she said nothing and her children were thrown out of the sky. , just wanted to scold severely: Anyway, Xu Ze can't spare her now, and it's good for her to breathe before she dies.

Xu Ze didn't expect that Mrs. Ye, who he was holding in his palm, would say such words. He trembled with anger, but was kicked by Mrs. Ye a few more times. As soon as his body hurt, the anger in his heart became more intense, and he Throwing at Mrs. Ye vigorously, the two actually wrestled like street shrews.

While the two were wrestling, in front of Mrs. Xu, Ye's hatred of Mrs. Xu was useless, and Xu Ze naturally hated the father who made him cuckold even more, especially when he thought that the son he had been doting on was actually Mrs. Xu's. Nie Zi, the fire in his heart is burning even more fiercely.

It's just that due to filial piety, he couldn't do anything, so when Mrs. Ye let him go and rushed towards Mrs. Xu, he also rushed over, taking advantage of the opportunity of scuffling with Mrs. Ye, and kicked Mrs. Xu hard.

Mrs. Xu didn't expect Ye Shi to attack him, let alone Xu Ze would take the opportunity to attack him. After being hit a few times, he came back and fought back.

He also hated that Mrs. Ye actually wanted to push the matter to him alone for his own sake, and wanted to cut off his life... So the three of them fought regardless of enemy or friend. The situation can be called the most lively and human relations drama in history. .

"Enough, enough!" The patriarch finally couldn't hold back his voice at this moment. It's no wonder that he has been silent all the time. Who made this matter so unexpected? Unexpectedly, Weiyuan Hou Mansion, the most important support of the Xu family , there is such a scandal, if it spreads, not to mention the Weiyuan Marquis Mansion, even the Xu family will not be able to see people.

"Hanlin, let the elders of the clan come in." The patriarch's face turned blue: there must be no news about today's incident. Old discussion.

To be honest, the patriarch is really in a difficult situation. He has been the patriarch for so many years, but this is the first time he has seen such a scandal.

Seeing the cold light in the patriarch's eyes, Old Master Xu trembled all over, hurriedly put down the movements of his hands, and begged the patriarch: "Patriarch, patriarch, I know I was wrong, listen to me..." Even when the patriarch looked at him, he refused to look at him , pulled Xu Ze again and said, "Ze'er, listen to what your father said..."

But Xu Ze shook off his hand, his eyes were about to split open. If it wasn't for Mr. Xu being his father, at this very moment, he would have seen a dead body in front of him.

The clan elders arrived soon, listening to the patriarch's explanation, and looking at the farce-like three people in front of them, they all looked at each other, and the oldest one among them murmured Jin Hanlin: "Hanlin, what do you think about this matter?"

Although they were quite old and experienced, it was the first time they encountered such a thing, and they couldn't help asking about the warm and moist young man in front of them.

Whoever makes Jin Hanlin's temperament is so good, look at it, it can make people feel peaceful, unconsciously, it will make people's hearts calm, and people can't help but trust and rely on them.

Jin Hanlin frowned in embarrassment when he heard the elder's question: "They are all elders, what can I say as a junior?" He bowed to the patriarch and the elder: "Hanlin is ashamed, let the elders take care of this matter. Decide with the patriarch."

The father-in-law and daughter-in-law committed adultery and gave birth to a child. According to the family rules, neither of them had a way out, so why would he bother?

The elder Zong who spoke also felt that his head was stunned and confused today. Why did he ask Jin Hanlin about such a big matter? Although this child is calm and bears the title of Weiyuanhou, But he is a junior, how can he intervene in such matters?
But Xu Ze could have some say, so he asked Xu Ze again: "How do you think Mrs. Ye will deal with this?"

Xu Ze's face turned red, and he turned his head away, not looking at Mrs. Ye: "This bitch is immoral and shameless, so naturally he will be dealt with according to the family rules." He hated Mrs. Ye very much, and wished that she would die immediately. If he lives an extra minute, he will feel that kind of shame.

After hearing this, Mrs. Ye became paralyzed. Although she had known for a long time that she had no way out, when she heard Xu's elder asked Xu Ze, she still had a little fantasy in her heart. In terms of the relationship between husband and wife, she would let her die, but she never thought that she would let her die without blinking... According to the family rules, she was going to be immersed in a pig cage.

(End of this chapter)

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