Chapter 756
Now, only Xue Lan who was crying, Nanny Gu with a cold face, Tweet who lowered her head and tried to lower her own existence, and Li'er who seemed to understand but didn't understand. On the table, sitting upright, with an indifferent face, a quiet look, and Jin Hao with cold eyes.

Looking at Xue Lan who was kneeling on the ground and weeping silently, Jin Hao always felt absurd. This feeling was very uncomfortable and reminded her of the words "like a stick in her throat".

"Okay, now that Mother Wang is gone, tell me, what do you think?"

"Slave... Slave..." Xue Lan stammered, although she thought a lot and felt very complete and confident, but if she really wanted to speak out, she couldn't speak for some reason.

"What are you hesitating about? Tell me what you have to say." Jinhao sternly said in a tone of disgust that she had never seen before: "If you can't say it, I, the master, can only help you decide, you... Comb yourself!"

"No..." Hearing the word self-comb, Xue Lan blurted out the objection, but after she said it, her face turned cold suddenly, and she looked at Jin Hao in disbelief. She didn't expect Madam to let her comb herself?
"You don't want to comb yourself, do you want to be a secular layman?" Jin Hao raised her eyebrows, her tone was serious, she didn't seem to see Xue Lan's surprised eyes.

Even if Xue Lan couldn't figure it out, she sensed that Jin Hao's attitude was wrong at this moment, she hurriedly shook her head, and looked at Jin Hao pitifully. With a cold face, a dignified look.

"You don't comb yourself, you don't want to be a secular layman, and you don't want to get married, so what do you want to do?" Gu Nanny's face was ugly, and her voice mocked: "Could it be possible, Xue Lan, you want to twist your hair and become a sister-in-law?" ?”

"No... I don't want to be an aunt..." Xue Lan hurriedly shook her head, looking at Jin Hao: "Madam... Madam... I don't want to marry..."

"You don't want to marry?" Jin Hao said softly, as if afraid of waking up to something: "Since you still want to marry, why did you refuse Wang Mama's proposal just now? See, you can't even look down on such a person, so what kind of person do you want to marry?"

"Slave... Slave..." Xue Lan thought for a while, "Slave wants to stay with Madam and serve Madam... and... and Lord Marquis..."

She had been thinking about it for so long, no matter how peacefully she thought about it, she told herself again and again that she was loyal, but when she really said it, even Xue Lan herself felt a little ashamed, and her tone trembled a little.

After hearing this, Mother Gu immediately jumped up: "You shameless thing, you still have the face to say such embarrassing things in front of Madam, why are you so dirty? Dare to give birth?"

"Gu Nanny, why...why do you talk like that?" Xue Lan couldn't understand why Gu Nanny would scold her like this, what is a dirty mind?
According to the usual practice, the purpose of these girls who come to be dowry is to help the wife to serve Lord Hou and help the wife to keep her favor. If the wife has no children, these girls will help to give birth to the wife in the future. Under his name, if there are any seductive women who win the favor of Lord Hou, they will naturally help Madam get rid of them.

Whose dowry girl in the mansion gate is not like this, otherwise why do you have to choose so carefully?

All these things, her mother, Mrs. Liu, told her clearly, how could an old man like Madam Gu not understand.

Xue Lan bit her lip and said in a low voice: "Nurse Gu, I really want to serve Madam and help Madam solve problems."

Separating her husband away, it turns out that this is how Xuelan solves problems, and she has learned a lesson.

The disappointment was extremely extreme, no matter how outrageous it was, she would not feel uncomfortable anymore.

After hearing these words, Jin Hao laughed, and asked very calmly: "You want to stay by my side to serve me and Lord Hou, but Lord Hou has promised me to be a couple for the rest of my life. In this regard, you follow me Serving by your side, you should have listened to what I said!"

"But... but... ma'am, you hurt yourself!" Xue Lan couldn't help but blurted out, revealing the deepest thoughts in her heart.

Nanny Gu yelled: "Shut up!" Damn girl, she is such a daring girl, this scheme has been plotted against Madam, even Madam's body was injured, and she was able to find out, what a painstaking effort!
Jin Hao's eyes flickered, comforted Nanny Gu, and said to Xue Lan: "I hurt my body, what does it have to do with you?"

Xue Lan murmured, but finally said: "I can... I can help my wife... give birth to a son."

Jin Hao let out a "puchi" and laughed: "I want you to help me give birth to a son, and it's not my flesh and blood. What kind of son is it? Could it be that if I hurt my body, I really can't give birth to a child?"

Xue Lan was stunned by Jin Hao's words, she was silent for a while, and hurriedly expressed her heart: "Madam, don't worry, this servant will not fight with Madam, once the child is born, this servant will give the child to Madam to raise, and this servant will have nothing to do with you." Greedy, I will never argue with my wife, as long as I can see the child from time to time, I will be satisfied."

After hearing this, Gu Momo sneered again: "Is this called indisputable? I haven't realized it for so many years, so you are still such a scheming person. After you gave birth to a child, you still want your wife to raise it for you." Then, the concubine will become the son of the eldest son, not to mention the huge family business in the future, even the title of Lord Marquis will be passed on. You say that you can’t argue with it, but you still say that you often visit the child. Your calculation is too smart. Well, after giving birth to the child, I will hand it over to my wife, and I will often dangle in front of the child myself, so that the love between mother and child will be lost. No matter how good the wife is to the child, she is no better than a mother. Don't let go, isn't your heart a little too big? I see you are pulling the tiger flag and pulling a big pole. You are envious of the wealth of the Marquis Mansion, and you want to be a master, but you still use the excuse to solve your wife's worries. Really? Being a bitch and wanting to set up a memorial archway, I'm pissed off!"

Xue Lan's thoughts were exposed by Nanny Gu so unceremoniously, it was as if her clothes were torn apart, her naked body was exposed to everyone's eyes, she opened her mouth for a while, but she didn't know what to say, just desperate tears.

After a while, she shook her head vigorously, with tears streaming down her face: "Madam, I didn't...I never thought about it this way...I just want to help Madam solve her problems!"

"You really scare me by sharing your worries and solving problems like this." Jin Hao said coldly, "You want to separate my husband and give birth to a son who will be raised under my name, and take away the property of the mansion. You keep saying that you want to help me solve my problems, that's good, I believe you."

Jin Hao looked directly into Xue Lan's eyes: "I'll ask you one last time, do you really want to help me solve my problems?"

(End of this chapter)

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